Posted by SirHorns
Here is how this works, I'll give a few scenarios and you'll say the first sign and/or placement that comes to mind for each person involved as well as gender. Got it?
#1: You're standing behind someone in line at a gas station, they try paying for gas with their card, but it's not going through. So as the gas station attendant tells them that, the person in front of you throws a fit and starts yelling about how it has money and that it should work. He then goes on about the crappy technology and then leaves out the door, slamming it and continues throwing a fit outside over there phone.
#2: You're in line behind someone at your local grocery store, as the clerk finishes ringing up their stuff, they hand them two coupons. The first goes through, but the second expired, it took five minutes to get through to the person in front of you, who thought the clerk was trying to play them. Finally, as they paid in cash, the clerk told them they were $ 1 short and so then person in front of you then starts busting out pennies to make up the dollar. The clerk gives you a grimaced look of pain as they stood their and started counting the change.
#3: You're walking along a sidewalk path of an intersection, you see a cat sitting upon the ledge of a tree, a young child struggling the reach the kitty by climbing the tree and then a teenager chatting up a firefighter as both stood a few feet away from the tree where the child and cat are.
Posted by wecarealot
Are there actual answers to these scenarios?
Posted by wecarealot
I'm surprised people think #1 is a Taurus. I don't think a Taurus would yell and scream at someone like that. They'd probably be more quietly forceful about it.
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