So, I've been with my Libra for about 1 year and some change, and it's good. It just happens that sometimes my Aries fire gets in the way. We got in a little argument about three weeks ago, and I apologized because in the end it was my fault. It's been good because I know when he's mad at me he won't talk to me or anything, and that's not happening. However, we haven't had sex in about a month. As an Aries, it's absolutely killing me. I know he is probably stressed over work, but it just makes me feel like he may be a little mad at me. I don't know how to approach him about it without sounding like I only want sex and nothing else, which is not true. I've been thinking I should give him some time instead of approaching him about it, but I don't know...
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Dec 03, 2014Comments: 16 · Posts: 2377 · Topics: 189
Resolve the fight first. Did you talk things over? How serious was this argument. Not having sex is not a good sign.