Life Mottos of the Suns/moons

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Aquagirl2015 on Wednesday, December 30, 2015 and has 76 replies.
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Last topic for today lol. I have to ask...could people list their sun and moon signs and a quote that sums out their outlook on life?

My quote: The end justifies the means- Machievelli (Aqua Sun, Aries Moon)
@Redbull- Nope it's Machiavelli but thank you for making me check. I would have no problems correcting myself smile

Taurus sun- I'm often attracted to you guys but we aren't the best match lol.Very loyal and reliable though, so I like that. Oh wow You guys share the same stuff- impressive! I like Lucas as well.

I think the problem here is that Machiavelli never said "the end justifies the means".

Are you referring to the implications and paraphrasing of the translated versions of "The Prince" or are you referring to something else?

Posted by Palerio
I think the problem here is that Machiavelli never said "the end justifies the means".

@Redbull- I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong smile Good points.

So what is YOUR life motto
@busyeyes88- Thanks for contributing. I really admire the loyalty and work ethic of the bulls.

Posted by busyeyes88
Taurus sun: leo moon

Carpe diem (Seize the Day) from Horace's work Odes 1:11

elllesque- I ROFL on this one. Love it lol! Thanks so much for posting!
"Lead, follow, or her out of the way"

Sag sun, leo moon
Thats "get out of the way" lol
@Redbull- Deep! I like that. Nice one lol. I didn't even think about looking up people who had the same sun/moon combo. I just picked that one.

How the hell are people getting the smileys on here? That's what I really want to know.
Ok, so here I was thinking I was the badass. I might need to bow down to all these Scorpios lol! Love the quote and thanks bunches for commenting!

Posted by WhiteChocolate
Scorpio Sun and Moon:

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@beautifulsoul74- Love it! Thanks for sharing

Posted by beautifulsoul74
Thats "get out of the way" lol

@xoxoRain- Great quote. Totally works with your astro makeup. How does that work out for you- curious because of the differences between the two

Posted by xoxoRain
Taurus sun/Aqua moon

"Never quit fighting"

@Nemilicious- serious legend! The world just wasn't ready. Thank you for sharing. Great fit for you!

Posted by Nemilicious

Pisces sun/scorp moon

Virgo/Aries (I have full notebooks with quotes so I might just derail this topic completely but for now..):

"Not all who wander are lost"

“I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.â€

“The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars.â€

“It’s not the events of our lives that shape us, but our beliefs as to what those events mean.â€

“You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.â€

“Develop interest in life as you see it; in people, things, literature, music – the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself.â€

"First you jump off the cliff and build your wings on the way down.â€
@TauroMale- Nice one! Totally fits you. Crazy how that happens lol. Double taurus- I bet you're so reliable people call on you like AAA. lol!
@tiziani- Nicely played Swizz! He married an aquarius *fist pump* lol. Whew Libra sun AND gemini moon- props to you, that's a whole lotta breeze Winking Thanks for responding!

What I really want to know- does the storm come with life vests because I can't swim! Winking

Posted by tiziani
'She started off soft and warm.
But don't get excited
I've been invited
to a quiet storm.'

- Libra Sun, Gemini Moon

@exxtasyx- ooohhh! Love the optimism in that! Thanks for sharing smile

Posted by exxtasyx
"It's always darkest before the dawn."
Gemini Sun, Sagittarius Moon

@Impulsv- I like that! No regrets! Thanks for sharingsmile

Posted by Impulsv
Live life to the fullest
If not now when?
Scorpio /Taurus/sag nnd

@Impulsv- Very interesting! I feel like your quotes reflect a good balance of your moon and your sun. This is so Virgo to me: “You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.â€

which is in direct contrast with : "First you jump off the cliff and build your wings on the way down.â€

It's a good eclectic mix of quotes which leads me to believe you really know yourself and have the best of both worlds. Lucky you! Thanks for sharing!
Posted by Aquagirl2015
@tiziani- Nicely played Swizz! He married an aquarius *fist pump* lol. Whew Libra sun AND gemini moon- props to you, that's a whole lotta breeze Winking Thanks for responding!

What I really want to know- does the storm come with life vests because I can't swim! Winking

Posted by tiziani
'She started off soft and warm.
But don't get excited
I've been invited
to a quiet storm.'

- Libra Sun, Gemini Moon

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Virgo Swizz Beatz wrote that??

who married the Aqua sun/Libra moon singer?

for some reason i thought she was a taurus moon, but saw she;s libra moon.

that IS interesting. that he wrote that, because he married a dominant airy woman, but he's very airy himself.

i see alot of Double Air's with either Water suns or Earth suns.....


I even see alot of Double Waters, with air suns or fire suns.

what is going on??


*look to venus, merc and mars* and houses people!!! Big Grin
Posted by tiziani
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Aquagirl2015
@tiziani- Nicely played Swizz! He married an aquarius *fist pump* lol. Whew Libra sun AND gemini moon- props to you, that's a whole lotta breeze Winking Thanks for responding!

What I really want to know- does the storm come with life vests because I can't swim! Winking

Posted by tiziani
'She started off soft and warm.
But don't get excited
I've been invited
to a quiet storm.'

- Libra Sun, Gemini Moon

Virgo Swizz Beatz wrote that??

who married the Aqua sun/Libra moon singer?

for some reason i thought she was a taurus moon, but saw she;s libra moon.

that IS interesting. that he wrote that, because he married a dominant airy woman, but he's very airy himself.

Yep. Well he's a creative dude in general. When you see his videos talking about how much effort people should put into keeping the relationship fresh it's clear they really keep each other on their A game.
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lol i see Virgo Swiz Beatz has libra mars/pluto libra in 7th house. lol!!! Big Grin

and aqua moon 11th house. ahhh i see.

welll they're both libra dominant (Swizz and Alicia Keys)

so maybe that's why they "click"

i do see alot of libra mars folks with air suns and air moons even in real life, not just celebrity. I think it's because they just get eachother.
ie. Leo Anna Paquin (she has libra mars) and Stephen Moyer,(they are both libra dominant --- this is a strong theme, or a packed 7th indicates wanting a sun sign air, like Jonny Lee Miller, who married Gemini suns 2x) as among many others. some are still single though. Like Natalie Dormer (aqua sun/libra moon/libra mars)

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Scorpio Sun, Pisces Moon
@femme- A great philosophy. Thanks so much for commenting!
Posted by femme
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Scorpio Sun, Pisces Moon

Cinderella!!! this is a theme that was played out in the 2015 Cinderella i watched recently!!! i cried!!

it's like there is a LESSON in these Disney themes. all morals, and her LESSON was to be kind to the cruelest of step sisters and step mother. It's like, the universe wanted to test out her "mettle" to see if she was going to follow the words of her mother's lessons to her.
maybe she is Scorpio sun/pisces moon:

Lisabeth, that would be cool if she was ^.^

What would your life motto be?
hm not sure. it has it's ups and downs for sure.

i love this one though, but it's a young girls question to her mother.

Taurus sun/Scorpio moon

"God hates a coward"
@TaurusinTexas- Brave and badass love it! I bet you actually follow up on that. Thanks for sharing!

Posted by TaurusinTexas
Taurus sun/Scorpio moon

"God hates a coward"

@lisabethur8- awesome insight! Thanks for sharing!

Posted by lisabethur8
hm not sure. it has it's ups and downs for sure.

i love this one though, but it's a young girls question to her mother.

@SingASong41- great quotes! Thanks so much for sharing!
I am CatWoman Winking

"I don't know about you, Miss Kitty, but I feel so much yummier. "

"It's the so-called "normal" guys who always let you down. Sickos never scare me. Least they're committed." Tongue

But for reals... these are just a few of my favorite ones.

"Ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you.â€- Oscar Wilde

"When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable."~Walt Disney

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."~ Walt Disney

this one has been with me since mid teens.

We cannot but wonder at times why we cannot have smooth sailing instead of being compelled always to fight against adverse winds and rough seas. No doubt the reason is that character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through trail and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved.
-Helen Keller

Aqua Sun/ Sag moon ( best moon EVAR).
@justagirl1- thanks! lol. I like those quotes. Who doesn't love Disney I mean honestly!
@blackphase- deep! Go ahead with the it! Thanks for sharing those profound metaphors
“However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light.â€
― Stanley Kubrick

Leo Sun/Scorpio moon
@Skitty- well played, well played! thanks for contributing!
“Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius.â€
― Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Pisces Sun - Aquarius Moon
@Vixen2- perfect for a pisces and leo. Love it! Thanks so much for sharing!
@~mystic_fish- ooooo....very romantic and creative. Thanks for posting!
Scorpio sun Gemini Moon

"Its amazing how far you can go with love on hope and no doubt" --Chrisette Michele(singer)
@ScorpioChina- very sweet. Thanks for posting!
@LeoAquaRuler- I might have to take this one. That's a really good one lol. Thanks for posting!
@sugarfoot- simple and beautiful but powerful. Thanks for sharing
@rumilove-passionate and positive. Thanks for sharing!

Posted by RumiLove
Not quotes but things I tell myself or believe in ~

~ Just be.
~ Live. Love. Laugh
~ Do what you love, love what you do.
~ Everything is, as such.

Aries sun/Scorpio moon

ove it!! Lucky dawg!

Posted by xoxoRain
Posted by Aquagirl2015
@xoxoRain- Great quote. Totally works with your astro makeup. How does that work out for you- curious because of the differences between the two

Posted by xoxoRain
Taurus sun/Aqua moon

"Never quit fighting"

It actually works out fine hun.
No issues here.
Aqua moon is a very good placement IMO.
We are detached with feelings, so there isn't anything clouding our judgement in making decisions.
I'm a strong girl, detachment is a blessing. I'm happy one way or the other. Detachment = IDGAF attitude, and mean it. Lol.

Concerning the quote?

I just never quit at anything at all.
I persevere through it all.
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got another one to add.. Even though Oscar is a libra sun/leo moon This is my motto too!

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Taurus sun Aries Moon

Est ce que c'est chic. By Chic