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Sep 03, 2016Comments: 36278 · Posts: 40774 · Topics: 321
It's the longest eclipse this century
Prolonged madness
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Sep 03, 2016Comments: 36278 · Posts: 40774 · Topics: 321
It also occurs during a Mars and Mercury retrograde
Happy days! 😳😁
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Sep 03, 2016Comments: 36278 · Posts: 40774 · Topics: 321
Transiting Sun opposite Moon creates a tense and confrontational environment. Personal conflict and crises may drain your energy. To overcome any opposition or tests of character, you must draw on your emotional strength and instincts to overcome these challenges to your ego. Others may try to bring you down by attacking your personal life, or you may have to juggle the polarity of home and work, or your needs and responsibilities. It will feel like it is you against the world.
In your personal life there may be increased tension between you and family members, with extra emotional burdens being placed on you. The external pressures have the potential to leave you feeling out of sorts or with butterflies in your stomach. The key is to balance emotions and conscious intention. Despite these challenges, or because of them, you can actually achieve a lot or progress in your personal and professional life at this time.
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Jan 05, 2018Comments: 21 · Posts: 630 · Topics: 0
I have a friend who’s a Leo sun and moon getting married tomorrow. The eclipse falls in Leo’s 7th house, so that’s a good thing right?
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Nov 10, 2010Comments: 287 · Posts: 30828 · Topics: 650
Expect the unexpected
I feel good.
Yesterday was a goodday.
Im feeling more psychic and intuition is up!
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Oct 08, 2009Comments: 1 · Posts: 6313 · Topics: 313
I already headbutted a mirror and smashed it, fought with my brother and now my face is all scratched up and scarred.
I’m trying not to go ballistic every time one of my workmates asks me why my face is like this, like for fucks sake have some fucking sense before blatantly asking someone who may or may not be at tipping point.
Omg my workmate got short with me last night because I stacked the glasses in the dishwasher wrong “according to her” and muttered FFS with snide in her tone and it nearly undid me.
I have been through the wringer all of July and I’m trying to smile and go with it but for some reason I know that no matter what happens I’m not going to kill myself. It’s 9:24am where I am and I haven’t slept instead I’m making a curry and doing my laundry, I have work in 11 hours
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Oct 12, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1121 · Topics: 38
Being that I'm a Cancer I feel moon transits greatly and I'm already feeling the effects of it now. My emotions are building and I've been very chatty as a means to release any pent up feelings. I'm happy and feel good and want to spread good vibes to everyone.
Anyone getting out on the roads tonight be careful.