state ur sun sign too, mine was def a pisces
So I just can't get away from this Aries, Dated him for a year - He moved away and lived in New York for a year.
I visited him and it ended in tears because I liked him more than he liked me. After my visit, we kept in touch.
Random messages now and then
has anyone here ever dated a pisces? damn i sweat the attraction is out of this world, and pisces men really know what they're doing in bed, dick game too strong lmao
Life lessons, thoughts..share your experience..
Here is my favorite
"When I started loving myself I escaped from all what wasn’t healthy for me, from dishes, people, things, situations and from everything pulling me down and away from myself.
In the beg
Sun square the moon, or sun or the moon square the mars.
I read once that when sun square the moon it means that the person will have “evil “ inside of him/her.
They are not necessarily evil, but they does have this evil.
It’s also about sun opposite
I just broke up with my bf today. We only dated for 9 months. He chased me. I like him, but I don't think I ever loved him or fell in love with him because he is SUPER BORING. All he does is eat, sleep, study, and play video games. And he can eat the same
Hey fellow bulls, lwts share some resolutions/goals/ hopea for 2019.
You know we have the reputation of being lazy and gluttonous...we wnjoy relaxing and simpler joys.
I can fall into a routine and pattern and im teying to break up the mundane a bit.
Weekly Meal Planning:
🥘 So this topic I s to just kind of talk about meal planning, ideas that you have, recipes, go to meals, etc. 🥦 🥩 🍌 🍎
Monday to Friday: lunch and dinner
About my meal planning:
⭐️I’m doing Monday to Friday mea
Guys so last night on New year's Eve I hung out with the aquarius man I've been seeing for the past month. We've been friends for years and he's fancied me but only recently I've reciprocated.
Normally we keep it fun and light,we talk about movies, musi
May the year bring you abundance and prosperity 💙💚❤💛🧡💜🖤