Mars opposite Saturn + BOTH SQUARING A STELLIUM

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Alberto on Thursday, November 29, 2012 and has 1 replies.

I have Jupiter, Pluto and Mercury in a nice stellium. Also Mercury is conjunct Sun. The thing here is I used to think that Saturn was very malefic in my chart, but when I read it as a whole I realized I was wrong: Mars tends to overexcite my Pluto, Jupiter and Mercury, and due to them being a stellium, I think I would have been some bully who turned into a serial killer or something. Like, overexpanded (Jupiter) dark/evil (Pluto) intellect (Mercury) coerced negatively (square) by action (Mars).. I'm glad Saturn is there. Saturn puts the limits when they are to be put, but I think the relationship can be seen more deeply when I see directly the oppostion: Mars represents the animus (the masculine side/masculinity) and Saturn represents discipline/limits. Looking more into my chart, I see a Sun square Saturn, and I've come up with this: my dad is present in my life, ALWAYS. He's the best dad EVEEER, like EVER! I have admiration for my father and I want to be a dad like mine IF I have children (Saturn 5th house! I fear the idea of taking responsability for children)the thing is, my dad was absent in one aspect in my life: psychologically. We live in the same house, since always, and when I was little I'd use to cling to my father for knowledge, like always ask my father things out of curiosity (Sun in Sag people!) but as I grew older I became more introspective, and overall I never sensed my dad close to me, like if for some reason I was the exception. It's really a shame.. And I don't wanna blame my dad, but I don't know how to be masculine, but that's an issue related with Mars (masculinity) opposition (suppression/ block) Saturn (the father figure/authority) I feel really awkward when I try to feel masculine also. Also, that I have Venus (feminity) and Moon (the mother) conjunction (identification/union) my Ascendant (my image) doesn't help. I hang out more with women and I like to be more around women than men! I feel awkward around around other boys, like I TOTALLY don't belong. What's more impressive though, is that Saturn seems to support this! Saturn trines both my Venus and Moon! Astrology is astounding! In general I LOVE my Saturn there. I'm not even saturnian (I'm plutonian) but Saturn there has taught me a lot, and overall I feel blessed with my chart.
Now share your experiences with Mars opposite Saturn!