Mercury and your mouth!

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by missmorals on Sunday, April 12, 2009 and has 22 replies.
Ok, I am curious to know how the mercury sign influences your way of communicating.
My mercury is apparantly Scorpio...and my communication style is blunt, harsh, loud and aggressive. I think it's pretty accurate description therefore.
Mercury in Scorpio: Mercury in Scorpio is like the surgeon??s knife; cutting to the core of a problem and excising it!
A person who has their Mercury in Scorpio has an investigative, probing but secretive mind. They are well versed in hiding their skeptical, suspicious and slightly intolerant views behind a positive demeanor. Their mind is able to dig through rubble and come to the truth of any issue or event with little work. Their insights are among the best in the zodiac. The skepticism they have towards other people has been gleamed from seeing all of the reasons to be in action. After all, the scorpion can see all of those skeletons in the closet. And it isn't below them to point out their locations and state their names.
Sensitive souls should probably avoid this sign altogether as they are not known for sparing others feelings with their manner of speaking. Most of the time they aren't actually setting out to do so, but they feel no need to hide the truth behind false politeness. If they are not saying (or writing) exactly what they are thinking, they would rather remain quiet. But it will not be a tranquil, meditative silence. Whoever willed the scorpion into silence will be having icy daggers stared into them. And heaven help them if there is something that the Scorpio can uncover within them to use as a weapon. If you provoke someone with their Mercury in Scorpio, you can expect to be stung.
Their mind is stubborn and determined but surprisingly emotional. This limits them intellectually as it focuses their attentions on rather limited areas of knowledge that have been deemed instinctually favorable. If this person is put on a work team, they need to be the leader and be given full control over the situation. It really would be best for all involved, even if the brashness of this sign make it seem like the person is a blowhard. They can see nearly any problem coming and can see straight through it before anyone else has even had a chance to notice it arrived

What is your mercury sign and is it true for the way you communicate?
I have my mercury in Aries.
My mercury is in aquarius and I'm a bit of a smart ass so I've been told Tongue.
Irishlibra...I think you are right...Just because you know something, doesn't mean you have to blurt it out. But you cannot help it just happens...I need to control it as it hurts many...I think it will be a good exercise for me..
Posted by Shaks
Mercury in Virgo..(Ruler and exaltation of Mercury, nuff said) Winking

No, it tells me nothing.
What is your communication style like and is it true reflection of what mercury in Virgo details?
Guys, I want to know whether your mercury sign is a true reflection of your communication style . So please comment.
I want to investigate the influence of each planet in the signs..
It just so happens that I started on the planet of communication first because I have been wondering why I come across so scare the bejeezus out of everyone...
My mercury is unfortunately a true reflection of how I communicate. I did not know that my mercury was in Aries. I will have to remember to bite my tongue and make sure what I am going to say is what I want to say and I won't regret it later. This explains some of the communication problems I have had with my cancer men.
Scorpio.... very fitting for me. I'm quiet for the most part. I don't believe in mindless chatter. I'm extreamly sarcastic with a twist of humor. I know I come across as harsh sometimes. If I'm pissed I'll cut you with words. I've very good at that. It's scary sometimes the things I'll say.
In Virgo, Mercury produces a mind that is logical, but highly critical. You are mathematical, practical and careful about details. You are one of those people who catches on to things quickly, and you carry out your tasks in an orderly and businesslike manner. This placement indicates excellent analytical abilities, and a good common sense approach to most mental activities. You require orderly surroundings and efficient methods of operation.
There is some tendency for you to lack confidence or at least to seem to lack confidence. The hesitation that precedes action probably relates to your habit of checking, double checking and going over things one last time, before taking final action.
You rarely allow yourself to be spread so thin that you can't be sure of producing your standard of accuracy and discrimination. You want such a degree of minute precision and accuracy that many will perceive you as a nit-picker.
It is not at all uncommon for those with Mercury in Virgo to seek professional and financial success by acquiring much education and special technical skills. You also may possess special abilities in communication and in general writing. Your use of the language and grammar is probably near perfect. Be careful not to become to obsessed with detail and work, becoming shy and withdrawn, and failing to do as well as you should in casual and leisure conversation.

Mathematical eh? I hate Math. As far as logic goes, I'm very illogical sometimes because I could care less about details. At times, details can be frivolous to me. As long as I see the big picture, the subtitles are irrelevant so to speak. The rest is true. It's funny to me that it says I'm analytical and a nit-picker because my field of focus right now is essentially to do just that. I'm a film editor.
Mercury Virgo
In Virgo, Mercury produces a mind that is logical, but highly critical. You are mathematical, practical and careful about details. You are one of those people who catches on to things quickly, and you carry out your tasks in an orderly and businesslike manner. This placement indicates excellent analytical abilities, and a good common sense approach to most mental activities. You require orderly surroundings and efficient methods of operation.
There is some tendency for you to lack confidence or at least to seem to lack confidence. The hesitation that precedes action probably relates to your habit of checking, double checking and going over things one last time, before taking final action.
You rarely allow yourself to be spread so thin that you can't be sure of producing your standard of accuracy and discrimination. You want such a degree of minute precision and accuracy that many will perceive you as a nit-picker.
It is not at all uncommon for those with Mercury in Virgo to seek professional and financial success by acquiring much education and special technical skills. You also may possess special abilities in communication and in general writing. Your use of the language and grammar is probably near perfect. Be careful not to become to obsessed with detail and work, becoming shy and withdrawn, and failing to do as well as you should in casual and leisure conversation.
Posted by irishlibraiskatie
or if someone would say something that i would take as insulting or rude, and call them on it, and they would say 'you are just too sensitive' or 'you always start something'.....yeah, right....didnt get past me! true!..That really irritates me too...when they say you are always ready to start a you moron..Its just the way I speak...I am not about to start a fight with you, but I will pull you up on just about everything..I am not going to back down..Why should I be diplomatic..I hate that term!!..
My friend also says "tact just went completely out of the window when it came to your turn to walk the planet!"..LOL..I do laugh but it's true..there is no tact..just shoot straight..I would say 85% of the world cannot handle the truth!..I pity these individuals...Why should I sugarcoat things to please them..or spare them..
Posted by saywha?
I used to be overly critical and sharp tongued (read as - unsympathetical or mindless of others emotions when I uttered words), but now I'm a completely changed person. Every word that comes out, comes out after a lot of thought and deliberation. Sometimes even appropriate things will not be said only coz of percieved damages. Maybe this is because my mercury forms aspects with two of my outer planets, Neptune and Pluto, both of which were in Retrograde at my birthtime (starting from uranus all my natal planets are retrograde, hence, a lot of deliberation in both words and actions).

That's interesting. That's what I want to be like. It's so hard if I hold back then it comes out with's always so cutting...what annoys me is when people thing I am cynical..I hate that..I am not cynical..just real..but it's just the way things come out!!..
Your libra moon I think defo has something to do with it..
I don't know enough about astrology so I am not sure what my mercury aspects and where..My moon is in Cancer but something I just cannot relate to at's in the Gemini house though which might be more fitting...People have mistaken me for a gemini often...They have said my emotions are fickle..Who knows..maybe they are..I do get bored incredibly might be conversing with me and I will often carry a bored expression and my thoughts would have moved elsewhere before you have completed your sentence..
LOL @ Shaks...I love the use of "exalted" whenever you mention anything Virgo/Cap/Sag at the moment..
Pffft, whatever!..
The people I have found to be good at languages are the quick yes Gemini would be...I know several Sag and they are the laziest sods of the zodiac...They are associated with travel but that does not mean they are adept at languages..well at least not the ones I know..
And Saywha...thanks for your compliments...I am generally an amicable kind of person. If something needs to be said it will be, otherwise I will remain quiet. I don't see the point of small talk or talking for the sake of that the same thing? lol..
Lou, I guess you have a point with phrasing things a certain way. But remember that scorpio, also the sign of impatience...would rather say "she's great"..than go around the houses and utter something along the lines of "she has a way with words that I find desirable"...I mean YAWN...that takes ages...just say what you think!!
lol..see...It's not because you are less intellectual if you choose to use the smaller's done that way so less energy is wasted on such a statement!..Beating around the bush is soooooooooo not scorpio!
The Aquarian Mentality:
Those with Mercury in Aquarius take great mental leaps forward, and are geared toward logical, objective thinking. Mercury is Exalted in this air sign, which means the planet of communication moves along speedily, and with ease. In Aquarius, Mercury has a fixed focus, but information is seemingly plucked out of the air. It's like they're tuned into distant frequencies, that are channeled into this awareness. Because of this, their ideas are often highly original, or ahead of their time.
Very quick to contradict others, and to offer a different perspective, these natives enjoy intellectual debates. They're very quick and alert, and their powers of observation are particularly strong. They usually "win" debates. In fact, they're very interested in scoring intellectual points, which can be maddening to others at times!
Sometimes they argue just to be different, and end up defending a train of thought that they're not invested in at all. They're at home in the realm of public discourse, and many notable social commentators and talk show hosts have this Mercury. Not emotionally weighed down by ideas, they can present different sides, and play Devil's Advocate when necessary. This is one role for this change-agent Mercury. The ideas are prodded out of people and tossed around, then synthesized into something totally unexpected. Their goal is to be thought-provoking, and respected for their intellect, not necessarily to be liked.
Their mood can shift between introverted aloofness to extroverted sociability depending on the situation or their frame of mind. Because of this tendency to move back and forth, they tend to have trouble cementing their role in a group dynamic. Speaking comes most naturally to those with their Mercury in Aquarius when an issue or cause is being discussed. They are likely to be talented at writing on these subjects as well and may turn to a line of work that utilizes this ability.
This position of Mercury strengthens the intellect, gives a good memory and a strong comprehensive mind capable of much hard work. Intuitive insights and original reasoning ability produce the occasional touch of genius - you often comprehend issues that others find quite incomprehensible. Your mind is open to any new experiences; subjects such as metaphysics, occultism, astrology, technology and science will have intellectual appeal. You enjoy the mental stimulation of friendships and function best within a group.
Mercury in Cancer
These people communicate with feeling, conveying a sensitive, withdrawn, and thoughtful nature to the people they interact with. If this is the only personal planet in Cancer in their chart, they may come across as more personal and sensitive than they actually are.
No matter how free-spirited the rest of their natal charts may be, Mercury in Cancer people can be very subjective and personal, or they opt not to talk at all. They are slow to respond at times, giving others the impression that they are deep thinkers. They probably are just that. Cancer is a meditative and reflective sign. Still, Mercury in Cancer people are much faster at forming opinions and making decisions than they appear. Because they listen so well to others, this speed is not obvious.
You can bet that Mercury in Cancer natives will remember almost anything -- from their own past, to your conversation two months ago. You might notice their memory is a little skewed in the direction of emotion. The truth is, these people remember the mood surrounding all the moments they have stored in their memory. This is because they "feel you out" when you are talking to them. The words are not as important to them as the emotions behind them.
Cancer communicators come across as gentle, intuitive, and sentimental. Sometimes, they can appear quite defensive, as they can take things quite personally. They make you feel very warm and protected. Sometimes it is in their voice (solid yet soothing); and often it is in the message they are giving. Sometimes Cancer communicators can come across as if they are hiding something, which can get them into more trouble than they perhaps deserve.
Mercury in Cancer retains a lot of information, and learns best when they feel emotionally balanced. They prefer to focus their concentration on subjects, and approach problems in a step-by-step manner, "feeling out" an answer. This position gives the gift of rhythm and beat.
No matter what their Sun sign (and it can only be Gemini, Cancer, or Leo), Cancer communicators seem to have feelers. They pick up people's emotions in conversations. They are the best listeners of all the signs. In fact, it is extraordinarily easy for them to get "lost" in the other person's expression and opinion. For a while, they can almost lose their own opinions and completely step into the other's shoes.
You can count on Mercury in Cancer to come up with information, culled from their outstanding memory,
MM...i have cancer of thee mouth.
LOL! my gift, its so me
i'd have to agree with lovage. my mercury is in cancer. it is very fitting for me also. altho, i try to be more objective, but sometimes it just doesn't turn out that way. lol!
lol @ cancer of thee mouth..hahah..I do love the use of "thee"...really emphasises things..
Well I have cancer of the emotions apparantly..i.e. I don't have any! kill me sometimes I really do.
lol @ MM
Thee...thee mate. Have to change up thee language from day to day.Winking
you also kill those lion men, thats why they come back for more of ya. Such a refreshing woman!

misslisa, i completely understand.
Posted by lou.m
Mercury is in 02 Degrees Cancer.
Your emotions tend to rule your thought processes. You have difficulty seeing life objectively. You have an excellent memory, especially about things to which you have formed an emotional bond. You prefer ideas and thoughts that are known and familiar, and therefore tend to dislike fads or radical ideas. The beliefs and traditions of your family and culture are very important to you. Your thinking becomes quite unclear when you are emotionally shaken -- try not to make major decisions when you are upset. Let things calm down first.
Venus is in 19 Degrees Leo.
You have a striking, regal appearance and demeanor that attracts others to you. Your friendship is highly sought and you tend to take friendships quite seriously -- you remain loyal and true to those to whom you are attached. For you, love is mixed with pride and respect. Relationships are over when you lose respect for your partner. Be careful of a tendency to relate only to those who make you look good -- the powerful, important and influential. This can lead to arrogance and selfishness, and neither of these qualities becomes you.

Hey, me too!
I would have to agree with everything about Mercury in Cancer. My Moon is Taurus though, so I usually approach situations from an objective point of view. Other than that, everything is the same about having a good memory, disliking fads, and basing my beliefs on tradition and family values.
My Mercury is in Pisces & I can truly say that I'm am 50/50 on this.
YES, it's true that I listen to my intuition & my own gut inner feelings sometimes more than the logical & factual part of my brian. Yes, it's true that in my friendships, other's emotions tends to become my emotions. It's very easy for me to put my emotions into something that I can't relate to or that has absolutely nothing to do with me.
And yes, it's true that ideas don't necessarily come to me in the most logical or orderly forms, BUT I do have the biggest imagination & fantasy land (in my mind) in the world.
On the other hand, I can be a very logical & mind-orderly person who purposely makes sure that how I feel is not based solely on my emotions or feelings alone b/c I know that this can be my downfall. On the other hand I am very direct, very blunt, very non-chalant & can come off as someone who communicates in the way they feel is the RIGHT way, versus always stepping on egg shells just to make sure that I don't hurt someone's feelings. In alot of ways I don't care about how others feel about me or how they could possibly take what I have to say, feel or do to offense like the typical pisces.
So like I said, I am very 50/50 on this. How ideas are formed in my head (all the imagination, fantasy, & intuition) is more like me. But how I actually express them to others (in terms of how Pisces do it) is not me at all. How I express those emotions, opinions, or feelings verbally is when I'm more like an Aquarius or Aries