moon cusps

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by CancerKitten on Tuesday, February 3, 2009 and has 5 replies.
this may be a stupid question but given how sun signs can be on cusps can other planets (like the moon)?
There aren't really cusps for ANY planets to begin with. It's not like you share two signs if you're born on a day when the Sun enters a new sign, it all depends on the exact TIME that you're born.
Somewhere during the early morning the Sun will enter a new sign, let's say it exits Aries and enters Taurus at approximately 6:37 a.m. on April 20th, so if you're born at 6:36 or earlier, you're an Aries, if you're born at 6:37 or later, you're a Taurus, there is no inbetween and there is no "cusp"
As for the Moon, My Moon is in Cancer, and it literally entered Cancer about an hour before I was born. If I were born just an hour earlier, my Moon instead would have been in Gemini. Would you call that a cusp or not? Because if that isn't a Moon Cusp, then I don't know what is. Although I do think that some of the previous sign is carried over just a little into the next sign within the first few hours or so of your Moon being in a new sign when born (In my case, Gemini going into Cancer and having a tiny bit of left over Gemini mixed in with full Cancer)
I'm pretty sure my ascendant is a Scorp/Sag cusp.
Which makes a lot of sense.
"Cusps are debateable. You will get a lot of various opinions. My opinion is: Cusp placements also depends on degrees, not birthtime. That is just for the initial natal wheel/ birth chart itself. THEN, Any planet placement that u may have that is under 3 degrees is on a cusp."
My Sun is only about 1 degree in, my moon is 3 and my ascendent is 4.
^ I knew my cancer sun was on a cusp but it was ahrd to tell how influencial that was cause I have a venus and moon in Gemini so of course I relate to some gemini stuff.
But I put my info on one site without birthtime and it said I had a Taurus moon, with birthtime it said Gemini so that's why I started wondering about moon cusps cause I felt the Gem moon didn't always fit me but some of the Taurus does

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