More important ? rising sign or moon sign?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Phade on Tuesday, August 22, 2006 and has 19 replies.
After sun sign, which (rising sign or moon sign) has more importance in the birth chart?
I see aqua's side here and pluto's too; the moon defines the internal workings, and undisguised part of the personality; basically the 'I' inside; pluto raises a valid point as well becuase with out either, the person would seriously be lacking in personality, inner or outer; both are necessary.
Definately true. The Moon doesn't really show itself the way the rising sign does and I also believe that the Moon is more powerful in women and that the sun sign is more powerful in men. I read before that the sun is considered masculine and the moon, feminine. So there is most likely some difference between genders.
Aquaai, that was a good response.Alot, of books, and sites have been emphasizing sun compatiblity, when the MOON, is what really determines the outcome of a relationship.
I would defintely say moon, is the second most important, THEN venus, then Mars.
personal natal planets go in the order of sun, moon, mercury, venus and mars (all other planets are considered universal). i think the moon would be of second importance as it describes our emotions. so rising sign would be the third most important factor as it sets up the cusps of the houses in our charts, thereby dictating where our personal and universal planets are placed, which in turn tells us which areas the planets influence most in our lives. (wow, that was long sentence, but hope you guys get my drift.)
I think it really depends on the person in terms of importance.
I agree with pluto about interactions between planets.
Someone can have one planet aspected strongly which places greater emphasis on this part of their lives. Making this the most important to the person who has it.
I've read that the rising sign in the 2nd most important, more important than Sun, that the Moon is 2nd most important, or most important. Now, I tend to believe that the rising sign is the 2nd most important aspect of chart. People act like their rising side. Only win you pierce through the facade of the rising do you get the true heart of the sun sign. Moon seems to be stronger in women, as it is feminine. Sun is more powerful in males (masculine).
In order of importance ...
1. Moon sign
2. Rising sign
Your moon is the most important because it affects thinking patterns. Rising signs are about the image that's projected.
really interesting ! im wondering the same thing
Mine are the same so I can't really tell but it seems like both override my Sun sign. I don't even feel like a Capricorn unless I'm working.
My rising is Cancer; I don't think I project that unless Cancers are very aloof. I don't take well to strangers because I am first observing and analyzing what they say. People have told me I'm not very warm or inviting.
My moon sign is my most important sign in my chart I have seen. Its in Pisces and seems to over ride my sun in VIRGO AND my Rising in Gemini. My Mom is a sun Pisces/ Moon in Scorpio, and lots of Pisces moons in my family.
From an astrological perspective, the rising sign is actually one of the most important part of the charts, because it sets the houses and the aspects. It is the rising sign that dictates the rest of your chart, and depending how deeply you follow astrology, your life events.
But, as far as personality and emotions, the moon. The moon is how we emotionally perceive and relate to the world.
Some people break it down like this
The sun is who we are, how we look, are basic self.
The moon is how we feel, how we perceive, how we relate.
The mercury is how we think, how we communicate, how we learn.
The venus is how we value, what we desire, what we aspire to.
The mars is how we take action, express, and do.
The rising sign is how we appear to others, what we dress ourselves as so to speak. Some people say the rising sign shows how we were as children.
(our basic self...that is, not are)
KWAH HAH!!!!!! To me it doesn't matter, because MINE ARE BOTH SAGGITARIUS!!!!!!!!!!!! Heh heh.Laughing
OOPS!!! bad spelling. SAGITTARIUS!!!! Time to eat.....
Cancer ascendant. Yeah I would say I look like a sweet caring type.
Moon in aqua, does make me a bit out there. I don't dress like a hippy, but I sure think like one.
If you are your thoughts then moon is the true you, and asc is just what you project at first sight.
It depends on the placement and strength of the planet, no?
Posted by TheTinMan
Posted by LadyNeptune
It depends on the placement and strength of the planet, no?
What do you mean? Since I feel no inclinations of moon in Gemini would that be because gemini is weak in my moon?

click to expand

I'm not sure about your Gemini moon. The way I understand it the strength of the planet in your chart is effected by house and placement.

So for example, Moon is ruled by cancer. So if you have a cancer moon it is an especially strong placement, even more so if it falls in your 4th house.

If you want to know what specific placement is the strongest or weakest do your Pullen.