yeah its true...I really cant control myself... tis ebcause of my split personality i guess..
one personality loves bad boys...that arent intelectual and I which I can have great time with, partying etc.
and the other personality loves... intellectual guys, that are more cool, and relaxed, and definitely not center of attention...
and whenever I switch, this is where the cheating happends...
I also am very changeable and keep changing my mind about my guy....i feel sooo bad...
so you guys dont think the moon in scorp has anything to do with this??
I do have a crazy high sexdrive i thought mabe that would give me the urge to seek elsewhere when im not satisfied or when my man cant keep up...
Signed Up:
May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
Sex Addict perhaps.
Signed Up:
Aug 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 315 · Topics: 20
I feel horrible, I cheated on my boyfriend several times, and i cant seem to control myself...its like one moment I'm totally into him, and then as soon as I go home, I start lookin at other guys...
I talked about it to my friend, and she told me, its because i'm a double gemini and because my moon in scorpio which gives me a high sexdrive..and makes me even mroe promiscuous than the gem combo...
You stupid cunt. Why get in a fucking relationship if you're just going to fuck around behind his back?!? Is it so fucking difficult to not get into a relationship if you know you like to sleep around like a dirty whore? or atleast have the decency to break up with your boyfriend before you go cheating on him.
I swear, I hope this guy finds out, catches you in bed with another man and then proceeds to do what all men most likely would do in that situation, and that's blow your head off along with that prick you're with, then you'll have no one to blame but yourself, you twat.
Signed Up:
Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
From the Geminis I know, they are more likely to cheat on their boyfriends.
1. They have short attention spans
2. They crave variety (and plus, it's virtually impossible for 1 person to fullfill your EVERY need; maybe not impossible to fulfill most of your needs, but def. impossible for any one person to 100% fulfill your needs especially since urges & needs change every day.)
And the crazy thing about Geminis is when they are devoted, they are very devoted. But when they step out of the relationship, they take it to the extreme sometimes. When a Gem. woman is in love with her man, she loves hard & will try to be the best woman she can be because IN THE MOMENT he is the best thing that ever happend to her.
In the blink of an eye, someone else who appears to be better "eye-candy" can easily snatch them from their "fairy tale" world & a Gem. will easily take the bait, & sometimes even w/o any guilt. And even though Gems. have this secret double/promiscious side to them, they still hold on to the urge to have love & have someone to go home to, thus they are known for wanting to HAVE THEIR CAKE & EAT IT TOO. Of course it's not fair, but hey. LIFE.
Signed Up:
Apr 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1742 · Topics: 154
I only know 2 Gemini's and theyre BOTH cheating on their girlfriends !!
Enough Said !!
Signed Up:
Aug 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 315 · Topics: 20
gemini is a insult to the air group ?
ALL Air Signs are an insult to the Zodiac. They're all "Liberal" signs (Sometimes Aquarius can be an exception) and Gemini's and Libra's are far too pansy-ish. Most Gemini and Libra people are Homosexuals and are overly talkative (Which probably explains their annoying Liberal attitudes)
Signed Up:
Mar 11, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 967 · Topics: 41
I'm a
I never cheat. It doesn't cross my mind.
What is your Venus? Mine is Taurus.
Signed Up:
Mar 11, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 967 · Topics: 41
He's not the one. Cuz when u find the won't cheat but he might do it to you. Karma baby.
Signed Up:
Nov 10, 2008Comments: 585 · Posts: 4402 · Topics: 46
i have:
sun: gemini
moon: cancer
rising: leo
i've never cheated nor has it ever crossed my mind either.
Signed Up:
Sep 18, 2008Comments: 1 · Posts: 4899 · Topics: 99
Both my pluto and mars are in scorpio and I have a really strong sex drive. But I control it. It sounds like that's what you need to do. I know it's hard but it's harder trying to live with regret.
@ moon-eyes, the thing is, yes I am VERY in love with my guy he's a goodguy but with a badboy attitude, and when we're together everything is perfect, I've never liked a guy THIS long, I usually get bored and leave a guy after a few wks... but its like whenever we hung out and stuff I fall deeper in love, but as soon as I go back home, I feel like....mmm we kinda did the same things..(sexually...and flirting) and then I get bored and kinda turned off...and thats when i start lookin at other guys, and the ''in love feeling'' comes back as soon as I see him again...but in the meantime when I left him..
he's a leo by the way
@sagittarius89 ... YES ur right I'm have a HUGE sexdrive...I really cant control it...its probably because of the scorpio/moon/pluto and the leo mars...
@mystic dreamer.
My venus is in Gemini aswell. another thing, this is probably a gemini thing...
but I can like EVERYTHING about a guy one day..
and HATE the same things the next day...?
Signed Up:
Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
"@sagittarius89 ... YES ur right I'm have a HUGE sexdrive...I really cant control it...its probably because of the scorpio/moon/pluto and the leo mars..."
I too have a mars and pluto in Scorpio and I can control myself.
So, that's not an excuse. You just sound a little immature, IMO.
Signed Up:
Mar 11, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 967 · Topics: 41
A Gemini with a Taurus Moon can be very loyal and faithful. I once read that having a Taurus Moon is one of the most stable placements. I also read that a Gemini with Taurus influences is very different from other Gemini's.
Was he romantic and cuddly?
My boyfriend has a Taurus Moon too. We're so much alike.
Signed Up:
Dec 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 4299 · Topics: 74
You're a little whore aren't you?

I'm not saying it to be mean I'm saying it as a matter-of-fact.
That's okay to say it's true, you can't keep your legs closed, it's a fact.
I'm sorry but cheating in my book is a big no-no, and if you cheat on your partner than you must not care about them that much. Because than it just means you don't care how they really feel, cause if you did, you wouldn't have done it. Plain and simple. Also, you have some insecurity issues, but lets not even get into that. Nowhere during that time frame of total indiscretion did you think to yourself "hhmmm what will so-and-so think about this, obviously he's going to be hurt". I hardly EVER agree with AS, but in this case I agree with him, all aside from the whole violent thing. Look, I know me giving you this lecture /guilt trip is not going to change you, you're still going to do what you're going to do, and you're still going to rationalize to yourself that what you did was okay. But you did post it on this board leaving it vulnerable to judgment. So I judged.
Oh and honey, Aries are known for their sex drives. I have the BIGGEST of them all. Trust me ask anyone on this board and they will tell you what a horn dog I am. I have a mindset of a man, and yes that means I think sex a LOT. But, trust me, it's no excuse for cheating. There are NEVER any good excuses for cheating. Cheating is cheating, is cheating. You can't hide it in sheep's costume. Signed Up:
Dec 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 4299 · Topics: 74
Oh and to answer your question:
Sun: Aries
Rising: Virgo
Moon: Libra
No, I've never cheated.
Now I know to target gem girls for a fuck. 
Am I the only one thinking that her Mars in Leo would play a large contributing factor to the amount of sex drive she's complaining about having?
Mystic Dreamer: do you have any links to websites (about gems) that you like? I am doing some research 
Signed Up:
Dec 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 4299 · Topics: 74
"Am I the only one thinking that her Mars in Leo would play a large contributing factor to the amount of sex drive she's complaining about having?"
Really? I never thought of Leo as that way. Certainly, it's all arbitrary. But, the two signs known for their sexual prowess are Scorpio and Aries- so they would have the highest sex drives. I know I have a lot of sex drive.
From Sexual Astrology- Don't know how credible that is.
With Mars in Leo you have a deep desire to be as flamboyant in your expression of love and desire as possible. No other sign can compete with your romantic energy since Leo rules love, sex and romance! Mars in Leo does tend toward the assertive pursuit of its own creative self expression and you have a strong desire for being recognized and respected in all you do. You act with nobility and pride in all aspects of life but this is especially apparent in your sexual pursuits. Mars in Leo wants to be a lover who is remembered for being warm hearted and capable of keeping the fun in love for a long time to come. And as long as you get the attention you need, you'll do just that!
Doesn't seem prone to cheat though- they want respect.
Signed Up:
Dec 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 4299 · Topics: 74
Oh PP Pisces are known to have wandering eyes. Is that true?
Signed Up:
Dec 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 4299 · Topics: 74
Oddball- I was doing a little online surfing and I think both her Pluto and Mars have great affects on her sex drive. I have a Pluto in Scorpio too and it says I have great sex drive. But Mars is what represents our desires for action and physical energy. Most of the sites I look up don't really mention Pluto when they speak of sex drive but I think they both effect her sexual drive. I think they also conflict with each other, since they are opposing signs.
I don't know this stuff is pretty mind boggling.
I found out leo in 5th aspects jupiter and sun...and found that that give high sexdrive...
a friend looked it up and found this...
This is one of the more sexual positions of Mars. While they are rather easy to arouse, their passion is long-standing. Mars in Leo natives enjoy sex more than most, as long as heavy doses of love and romance are part of the package.
not mean that every Leo is sexual, that would be found in the personal chart, but the consept of Leo is a sexual one. You can see it most when Venus or Mars is in Leo. People with strong fifth house placements will feel the affects of that sex/romance house. I have known many many many Leos, and there is always a sexual over or under tone to their personality. Its great.
''Oh and honey, Aries are known for their sex drives. I have the BIGGEST of them all. Trust me ask anyone on this board and they will tell you what a horn dog I am. I have a mindset of a man, and yes that means I think sex a LOT.''
HAHAHA sorry but this kinda made me laugh... thanks for lookin up the mars in leo thingy...
but seriously girl...why would you try to make this a contest of ''who has the biggest sexdrive''??? and ''ask anybody on this board''....hahaha you can be who ever u wanna be on the web...its all about real life,...not cyber on here to because im a kinda itnerested in astrology and would love to learn more...NOT for a ''how big is my sexdrive contest..'' I mean c'mon u dont even know me...u dont know how many times sex i have per day/week etc, SOOO how do u even know that u have a BIGGER sexdrive than me OR anyone else on this board...and comparing your sexdrive to other (ON A INTERNET FORUM WHERE U DONT EVEN KNOW THESE PEOPLE IN REAL LIFE.BUT INTERNET..)is just as immature as cheating
!!! oh and a...I dont need to SHOW OFF with my sexdrive on the internet
my partner(s)/ex partner (s) know and they are the only one that need(ed) to know...
I was just curious of the planets that indicate my sexdrive had any effect on my cheating behaviour, since my friend told me that mars in leo/ scorpio in moon/pluto make me a very sexual person acording to some websites 
Signed Up:
Jul 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 408 · Topics: 20
cheating is not the end of the world
Signed Up:
Jul 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 408 · Topics: 20
never cheated but i've been cheated on and we got through it.
Signed Up:
Dec 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 4299 · Topics: 74
I wasn't making it a contest. I was just telling you it's no excuse for cheating. And I know cheating isn't the end of the world, but if you have respect for yourself and the person you're with you wouldn't do it. No matter your sex drive.
That was to two different people, but yeah, whatever.
Signed Up:
Dec 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 4299 · Topics: 74
Signed Up:
Jul 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 6247 · Topics: 51
BTW fixed signs are the most loyal
yea but not the most faithful - it's just that mutable signs will admit it readily...
Signed Up:
Jul 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 6247 · Topics: 51
oh and I find the fixed signs I know that cheat do it with premeditation with the thought of never getting caught while mutables can just fall into an oops moment...
Signed Up:
Jul 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 408 · Topics: 20
interesting Zenalchemy, makes a lot of sense.
I do agree with Xtina and NovScorp here. In my eyes, there is absolutely never any justifiable reason to cheat. If you find yourself wanting to sleep with someone else, have the decency to dump your current partner first. It's not fair on him for so many reasons.
Yes xtina I too have pluto in scorpio but it's also in the 8th house, and it's a double singleton by house type and house location....My mars is in a fire sign too. So I understand what you're on about there
Most of my signs are in mutable planets, and I would never ever cheat on someone. I therefore, am completely not convinced that being a mutable sign or having a mutable preponderance in the chart = more likely to cheat. Lol I meant most of my planets are in mutable signs...Brain is off in la-la land
Signed Up:
Jan 07, 2009Comments: 305 · Posts: 14219 · Topics: 239
I just want to remind you of a certain type of cheaters: the one time cheaters.
I am talking about "sexual assault". When an assertiv zodiac sign (for example a married Taurus, Virgo or Scorpio with high sex drive or need) tries to get a mutable sign, where the mutable person actually does not think of sex with them, and despitely it happens that the assertive one gets them there. Because some signs go with the flow.
To visualize this, look the video of Girlfriend from Avril Lavigne to see how the boy is impressed and manipulated by the other girl.
Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend
I mean what is the difference when you try to convince your mutable friend to change their plans to come with you to a trip or somebody else convinces them to have sex with them. Some signs go with the flow.
Look, someonespecial wrote, "never cheated but i've been cheated on and we got through it.". This is the attitude needed to handle one-time-cheaters. I mean if only you love them. Otherwise you can let them go and give them a lesson. Maybe this makes them strong for future to say NO. but you have lost them anyway. yep Dwellingonmove ...
I told my boyfriend the truth, and I stopped seeing the other guy
my boyfriend is giving me another chance, and we're going on vacation for a month just to relax, and pick up the pieces!If things work out im moving into his place... and IF I ever get the urge to cheat again, which I dont think, I will break up first, I dont want to hurt my leo.
But he loves me and we're going to work through it out...
thanx for all the responses though
! Signed Up:
Jan 07, 2009Comments: 305 · Posts: 14219 · Topics: 239
I am all mutable sign in my personal planets and
I never cheated on my bfs
while the circle of my friends/colleagues is to 80% made of men. (Yet my best friends are all female.)
ohh yea I would make a whole thread about gemini's...and I would post alotta messages on the gemini forum JUST BECAUSE IM AN ARIES....
makes no sense....
im a gemini.....
yes that was before I cheated ...duhhh
I agree with ms. pisces... there are way worse things in the world...
and I remember reading someone's post saying what the big deal was and that they worked it out...
and thats exactly what me and my leo are doing right now...we love eachother, yes I made a mistake, i admit it, but hey IM HUMAN, it was wrong, but I still love him, did I learn anything? YES.. I learned that I LOVE him..adn thats much more worth than some little adventure, yes I foudn out too late.... but for some reason thise whole thing got my Boyfriend and me even closer, we're finally planning on moving in together, we both couldnt be happier
and hey mr. nice... thanx for the goodluck t my BF, is always appreciate 
so at last... thanks for all the responses
.. but my problem is you dont have to necessarily reply to my post anymore... i have a question what if hes a
taurus sun
rising virgo
venus in taurus
sagittaurius in moon
is he likely to cheat then?
Signed Up:
Jul 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 6247 · Topics: 51
lol - but how did you know they sucked? where u there?