most unemotional sign

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by 1_fine_gem on Wednesday, January 16, 2008 and has 16 replies.
All Air signs have an issue with emotions. we can be emotional but we dont like to get emotional.
That's a good point, TL, I think air signs would much rather deal with ideas, than emotions. s*
((i am a libra but i consider myself EXTREMELY EXTREMELY emotional ))
try dating someone who will really makes u emotional every now and then. u will find urself struggling to get out of that. i used to think i am highly emotional. and yes I am. but if someone makes me emotional, then i try to run away.
((i am a libra but i consider myself EXTREMELY EXTREMELY emotional ))

I'm emotional but getting emotional thats another thing..... I consider it a weakness.

most unemotional sign
Who's to say? Does anyone truly know the heart or mind of another? Virgs are often characterized as logical androids, when all that really means (to us) is that we don't gush at the drop of a hat...
Do you feel like I do? How can you say? All you can do is presume...
"Dead people...=D If your alive then Im pretty sure you have emotions, your just not a drama queen or cry baby which is understandable."
yea but were talking about the MOST unemotional SIGN. Naturally all signs feel something. lol
"moon in gemini people" board that is..
excellent point dyarstr8e
I think it depends on whther you're talking about FEELING emottnions or SHOWING emotions. As for feeling....I don't know - maybe sag..... but showing - no question in my mind that it's capricorn
Moons signs (the inner you people don't see) affect your sun sign. So if your a air sign, which are known for "lack of emotion" and have a water sign in your lunar chart then you can be more emotional and sensitive than normal. For example, I am an Aquarius, and my moon is in Scorpio. Traditionally Aquarians are not the jealous type, but my moon in Scorpio does make me more jealous than my Aquarian profile makes me out to be.
Great point,But if you was'nt born in an air sign i guess you would be more emotional.
And sorry for my virgos not perfect though.. .. smile
sagis- they don't care about emotions
well that's a tough nut to bust lol Tongue.....being emotional, and being expressive are two different things that are applied between the feminine and masculine signs.
In my experience the masculine signs never delve deep enough into their hearts or the heart of things and would rather keep things on the surface, so they can SEEM emotional but really it's just the outgoing nature they possess that makes them seem as if they short they're just expressive, but it always passes as their stamina or the duration of their emotional force fades as quickly as it came giving them a element of 'emotional superficiality' it's not that they're unemotional, they just don't have the emotional stamina to hold onto a feeling becuase as soon as a new thing going on outside of them happens they move on.
Now, for Feminine signs, they are usually emotional and are receptive to their internal workings and are motivated by anything that really has to do with personal drives so the duration of their feelings are long, and taken personal. Now the expression of emotion can be sub categorized even further by water signs and earth signs (and depending on the presence of water or earth in the birth chart) whom are retentive and practical in their expression of their feelings (giving them all the appearance of unemotionality as their ruling planets are usually wind ruled as well.....) and water signs whom are impractical, and expressive/subtle in their emotions. Water and Earth just have the ability to hold onto things longer and have a more 'deeper' understanding of the nature beyond things. They can appear unemotional becuase they are usually gaurded and possess the discipline to do this.
in short, what is unemotionality? In my opinion, anyone who possesses the discipline to transform their feelings into rational action is unemotional becuase the force of feeling is is redirected from sheer feeling to proper expression....but proper is subjective.....
So, I could say that
.....becuase of sheer will (since emotion is relatively will realted) the feminine signs would be most unemotional, and the masculine signs are just, well, short winded.
I'd also like to say that I prefer to express myself rather than to remain so secretive.......holding onto too many feelings can hurt just as much as letting them go too's a precise science that needs practice in it's execution....I hate when people fish around in my head, or try to probe me......I'll tell you what you need to know as soon as you need to know it.
my vote is Virgo and Caps

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