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Jul 09, 2015Comments: 9 · Posts: 3024 · Topics: 377
Sun Sagittarius 1.51 Ascendant Aquarius 21.05
Moon Aries 8.32 II Aries 5.59
Mercury Scorpio 19.08 R III Taurus 10.31
Venus Scorpio 2.05 IV Gemini 6.13
Mars Capricorn 5.02 V Gemini 28.21
Jupiter Gemini 12.32 R VI Cancer 21.21
Saturn Scorpio 5.49 VII Leo 21.05
Uranus Aries 4.47 R VIII Libra 5.59
Neptune Pisces 0.25 IX Scorpio 10.31
Pluto Capricorn 8.09 Midheaven Sagittarius 6.13
Lilith Gemini 8.05 XI Sagittarius 28.21
Asc node Scorpio 26.01 XII Capricorn 21.21
That is my son's chart he is 2 and very very stubborn, rebellious, and emotional he is almost 3 (Nov. 23) and he tests me more than any toddler I have ever seen and I worked child care for 3 years. Spanking does not work with him he either laughs or gets so mad that he cant even process why he is being punished he will some times retaliate or say to me a week later mommy you don't spank me for doing this and he will recount why he got a spanking or you don't take away that. He never forgets what he sees as a wrong doing. I do hands on the wall with him which is basically he has to put his hands on the wall for 2 minutes without talking or moving he hates is with a passion and the threat of it usually works because he hates sitting still, but sometimes he throws him self around and refuses to do it so I am literally holding his hands there. This is very exhausting for me.He grows very attached to people though and has behavior problems at daycare if a teacher he likes quits. Friday he was in the office 4 times. This is so embarrassing for me because I was far from this as a child we are total opposites I don't feel like I can control my child which terrifies me because he goes to school in 2 years and he is extremely intelligent and I would hate to have to hold him back for behavior.
Any advice for me? Here is my chart I am mostly pretty passive so you can see why the whole thing tears me up. It breaks me to the core to have to fight with him like this.
Sun Libra 27.48 Ascendant Leo 9.34
Moon Cancer 23.58 II Virgo 1.45
Mercury Libra 14.23 III Virgo 28.25
Venus Sagittarius 13.55 IV Scorpio 0.31
Mars Libra 20.41 V Sagittarius 5.48
Jupiter Cancer 10.46 VI Capricorn 9.37
Saturn Capricorn 8.35 VII Aquarius 9.34
Uranus Capricorn 2.03 VIII Pisces 1.45
Neptune Capricorn 9.52 IX Pisces 28.25
Pluto Scorpio 14.27 Midheaven Taurus 0.31
Lilith Libra 28.27 XI Gemini 5.48
Asc node Aquarius 23.20 XII Cancer 9.37
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
You're spanking a baby?
Is he still in diapers? If not, he's young enough to still be having accidents .... and you hit him?
You should go directly to jail.
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Jul 09, 2015Comments: 9 · Posts: 3024 · Topics: 377
Ya ya P-Angel whatever you say.
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Jul 09, 2015Comments: 9 · Posts: 3024 · Topics: 377
Whatever makes your twisted little heart happy P-Angel. Lol I love children and I am a very nurturing person and I use spanking as the very last resort when he is doing something dangerous. I don't spank other people's children.
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Dec 15, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 311 · Topics: 40
Doesn't sound out of the ordinary to me I have a 2 year old who can be a maniac at times my best advice is consistency , following through and being on top of him . I don't spank ,his father does but he will laugh at him I think spanking is just teaching your child violence is a solution and really builds up aggression in them . You need to be consistent meaning he does something wrong even little you gotta stop him there you have to warn him and follow through don't let things go .be strict and eventually he'll understand better what not to do and the consequences and then life will be easier for you . Consequences for my 2 year old are time out , taking things away ( as well as privileges) and if he gets really bad I have to restrain him hold his body until he's calm enough . Follow through follow through don't say I'm gunna take your toy away or your going to your room and not mean it because then he will notice the inconsistency and try to get away with takes A LOT of work and patience but in the end it will make it easier . You also have to understand these are terrible twos behavior like this is normal . An example of what I do .. Give child instructions, then warning ( you'll go to your room if you don't listen ) , consequences ( I'm going to count to 3 if you don't listen your going to your room , 123, goes to room if didn't listen .at first it's difficult but when you get into the routine it will almost always work .
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Dec 15, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 311 · Topics: 40
His father has worked in childcare for 9 years the kids always listen to him and love him , he taught me a lot and to give no room for bad behavior . Like I said he will spank him (as a last resort) that's the only thing I do not agree with but he would never Spank another kid.
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Feb 08, 2015Comments: 88 · Posts: 2780 · Topics: 55
Jezz kids arent made out of sugar. We were all kids back than and let me tell ya, my mum spanked me when I crossed the line badly. And it worked. I didnt die cuz of that and neither did I hate my mum cuz of that. Today we laugh about it together. Dont let anyone make u feel bad about your way of raising your kid. If u feel its too much to handle than go and get help, talk to other mums etc. You can do it. I honestly hated all those spoiled brats who never got spanked and were talkin to their parents like some hood crack brat. No respect at all. For example its very common in asian culture to "punish" your kid like having to stay in ur room all day, a good spank on ur ass or even with the belt. Jesus... its your right to listen to ur own inner voice how to handle ur boy. I know maaaaany filipinos who got spanked etc with a broom haha or worst case the belt. All I'm trying to say is that NONE of them hates their parents!!! They have huge respect and laugh about it years after. No worry you'll be fine
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Oct 08, 2009Comments: 1 · Posts: 6313 · Topics: 313
Ok I'm not about to tell a mother how she should raise her child but if your kids ascendant in Aquarius then you need to stop trying to break him in, you will only end up aging yourself quicker and he won't realise his true makes me really angry when adults mistake free spirited children as rebels without a cause, if your child has that much gusto and gives you a run for your money then that means he doesn't follow and likes to do things his way, then you should nurture that!!!
also if you know he's gonna have a shit time in public school and won't get a proper education then please consider Steiner education, we have two Steiner schools in my town (I live In a hippy town lol) and they are perfect with strong willed children with energy to burn, their school motto is " education is a journey not a race"
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Feb 08, 2015Comments: 88 · Posts: 2780 · Topics: 55
I threw tantrum in public... once! Lol never again. She just said "wait until we're home" u knew shit will go down hahaha
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Jul 09, 2015Comments: 9 · Posts: 3024 · Topics: 377
LOL it is funny you say that because last night it was spiting and I asked him if he was a camel and he said no and I said ok don't spit or I will have to let you sleep outside like a camel and all night he kept saying I'm not an animal mom I promise LOL
My father was Scorpio and my mother was Sag. If I was bad at the dinner table, I got sent to bed early and could not come out of my room. I learned fast.
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Jan 09, 2014Comments: 5 · Posts: 2854 · Topics: 158
Spanking a 2 yr old truly doesn't teach them.. I used time out, and I did swat their hand, just enough to realize they shouldn't do that. I have 3 very loving, wonderful daughters that are thriving. I rarely ever need to punish them, I talk to them about right and wrong. How they would feel if this or that happened. I just try to make them feel it and think about it from another perspective. Mine are now 14yrs, 7yrs, and about turn 6yr next week. I would practice explaining before or after, the reason they are getting punished and then have them explain it back. That really worked for me, too!!
Also, I highly stress the difference in calm spanking with a parent being in control of their emotions vs a parent just taking their anger or frustration out on the child by using the spanking method.
Consistency has been my go to!! I would suggest the strong willed child, read it. You will survive these days!! Sometimes you just have to figure out what works to get the results you need, without bribing or giving in to poor behavior.
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Aug 09, 2011Comments: 265 · Posts: 18811 · Topics: 125
One of the department heads has two little Sagi's, 2 and 3 or ( 4 ?) years old.
Totally out of control. The mom and dad already stuck the oldest one in preschool, and it's stabbing her little schoolmates with scissors.
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Jul 09, 2015Comments: 9 · Posts: 3024 · Topics: 377
I say I would never spank someone else's kid and you some how find a way to get offended by that. LMAO get yourself a life. If you are not going to post concrete constructive advice get out of this forum. I wouldn't be surprised is 037 was P-Angel in pretending to be someone else.
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May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
i dont believe in spanking, and i know that other cultures do believe in them. from this topic and other commentors they are ok with it because their parents did so.
not Always. some children get spanked or even beat but they swore to their soul that they would never do that to their children. it's Always 50/50 with individuals and choice.
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Mar 19, 2012Comments: 273 · Posts: 5457 · Topics: 33
At that age, it's really only recommended to lightly swat their hands if they're misbehaving. Things like time out or other types of positive/negative punishment are also good. Either way, every child reacts differently to punishments. You just have to find what works best for your kid. It doesn't sound like whatever you're doing now is working too well. Make sure you approach these situations calmly as well, especially if your're spanking, though I'd recommend to not do that at all. It's not even working for you anyway. If he keeps tracks of every wrong he feels you've dealt to him, then to me that's a sign that you've dealt enough damage that he's building some negative emotions up. Which would obviously lead to him acting out. If you don't change that, I would think it would eventually turn into resentment towards you or at least a loss of respect.
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Feb 14, 2013Comments: 552 · Posts: 18848 · Topics: 149
If Ye Olde Hag hasn't totally hi-jacked the thread (please ignore her... ugh),
then I would look at what he's eating... esp when not around you.
Like anything with additives, preservatives, or RED food dye (that's the worst).
Srsly-- makes some kids crazy. o.O
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Feb 14, 2013Comments: 552 · Posts: 18848 · Topics: 149
Also... never let them see you lose it.
Keep your cool-- once it's gone, you're toast... and
they know it.