My libra boyfriend broke up with me two days ago and two days later he has contacted me saying he thinks he made the wrong decision and he needs more time?? I thought this was unfair and told him it was over and to leave me alone. I am regretting this decision so much and want him back can i get him back for good? we had been really happy together what shall I do?? text him how much I love him or leave him be and see if he makes his mind up please help me libras I am distraught
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Aug 04, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 164 · Topics: 41
I'm starting to learn that Libras, as charming and sexy as they are can't seem to make up their minds = indecisive. Mine is calling me back and he is oh so romantic too. I have no advice but wanted to at least let you know that you are not alone here.
Thanks for you comments I am wlaking away from it and my decision is final he has put pictures on facebook of himself and a mate on a double date with two girls I have been such a idiot
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"I thought this was unfair and told him it was over and to leave me alone. I am regretting this decision so much and want him back can i get him back for good?"
lol, this is funny, really.
People will acknowledge this quality in him to infer how screwed up he is .... yet, you, yourself told him it was over and to leave you alone, only to regret the decision and then want him back.
If it is a bad trait in him ... then it's a bad trait in you.
I know my faults and too late I have already gone crazy about the pics on facebook and he said they are all friends. I am not getting back with him yes I am entitled to be indecisive I love him dearly but alas sometimes you have to walk away he has treated me badly other than the break up we had a great time or so I thought, I am confused and hurt and a little bit of a crazy aqaurius !!! sorry !!