Natal Sun trine Pluto

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by DarkGem on Tuesday, August 12, 2014 and has 8 replies.
I was wondering if anyone has any knowledge or experience with this aspect?
You Are in Harmony with Transformation through Crisis
Though the trine is a harmonious aspect,it may still symbolize the occurrence of conflict and crisis in your life.The outcome of such conflict, however, is likely to be positive, especially with respect to resolving tensions and bringing about personal growth. If you do not allow yourself to be in touch with the transformative energy symbolized by Pluto, then it is likely that you will be disposed toward the symbols of the energy that is associated with Pluto???power and sexuality.
If the Plutonian energy is expressed at the level of sexuality, then you are likely to exhibit a magnetic sexual power. Your sexuality will be an important and positive part of your identity, though not as dominant as when Sun conjunct Pluto occurs. Your attitude toward sexuality, regardless of the level of expression of the Pluto energy, is likely to be positive and accepting. As with a well-aspected Sun conjunct Pluto, you may find the sexual experience to be transformative???perhaps not in a permanent sense, but in the sense of providing a channel through which you can have access to a more intense state of being in which you can lose your identity and merge with a higher energy.
If the Plutonian energy is expressed as power, it is likely that you will either have easy access to power or be comfortable with how power is exercised with respect to your life. You usually will feel in control of your life, and when there is a crisis, you are likely to feel comfortable in dealing with it. You may have an affinity for power such that power naturally gravitates to you. It is not unusual that if you are not seen as a powerful individual yourself, you are somehow associated with power. It is usually easy for you to identify with power and your self-image is likely to be of someone who is comfortable in the environs of power.
For some, the Plutonian energy will express itself as a search for truth. You may have easy access to various levels of truth through insight, intuition or even psychic ability. You generally can see to the core of things, including matters of your own self-identity. Though there may be some pain and challenge from time to time due to the discovery of unpleasant truths, you generally find these easy to deal with and may readily be able to jettison negative characteristics and attitudes from your personality once these are identified.
Even if your life and psyche are beset by frequent and/or intense crises, particularly identity crises, you are likely to emerge a better person with a better understanding of you self. You are not likely to feel as if you had gone through the purgatorial fires, but are likely to experience a gentler transformation of your identity.
If either the Sun or Pluto has a difficult aspect from another planet, the trine suggests a way for you to relieve the stress that is associated with the difficult aspect. Empowering yourself, openly confronting a problem or digging deep for the truth can usually help you deal with the stress associated with a difficult aspect (if it is to the Sun), although you may have a temptation to indulge in sex or the abuse of power to relieve your stress. You can usually turn to your inner strength, a strong sense of your own identity or illuminating insight to help you deal with the stress associated with a difficult aspect is to Pluto.
Transcendent Potential
Throughout your life, you have had an affinity for self-discovery. The transcendent potential of the Sun trine Pluto is realized when you are willing to plunge deep into your psyche to discover who you really are. While this produces much soul-searching, including psychological crisis, the climax of your struggle has always been the liberation of the self from its old and outworn paradigm to a new self-concept operating on a higher level of consciousness. You may look into the darker recesses of your consciousness, but has never lacked the courage to enter with the light of understanding and ???cast out devils?? from your subconscious. In this way, you have attained a deep understanding of your nature.
You have also been attracted to the center of your being by the Light and Power of the source of that Being. The deeper your perception of your identity and the nature of Reality, the more certain you are of your desire to merge into the Source of that Reality. You have seen that the road ahead may be difficult and fraught with peril, but you welcome the challenge and joyously scale the heights and test the depths of your consciousness in order to pursue your quest. If you are fortunate, through courage, devotion, yearning and self-purification, you will achieve your ultimate goal. You will merge into the Deep Energy, to find that its depth has no limit.
Afraid of the prospect of your ego undergoing the destruction that is n
Afraid of the prospect of your ego undergoing the destruction that is necessary in order to undergo a transformation of the self, you remain content to express the Plutonian symbols at their lower levels of manifestation. You take whatever you can of power and sexuality that is ???freely?? available. You are not tested and avoid those situations that might test your integrity.
Whatever negativity may be attached to the Plutonian energy that you accept also flows into your life, however. Such negativity may not cause you more than some annoying problems and circumstances. It is probable, though, that your negative acts, attitudes and circumstances are the seeds of future crises out of which you are not likely to escape without considerable pain and suffering.
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Not sure if you were looking for an article to read or someone who has dealt with this aspect firsthand. I have the trine as well.
I have this aspect in my chart, and I have gone through an entire psychological transformation this year. I had climbed to a place of power, in my career, but I dropped it and walked away. It wasn't where I was suppose to be, not even close. You might find this silly but I feel like I have the power to make our entire world better and better in the aspect of all life on it, not just humanity. I know it probably sounds silly but the thought burns powerfully in me.
Is Sun Sextile Pluto similar?
Posted by DarkGem
I was wondering if anyone has any knowledge or experience with this aspect?

Trines can support weight. They are natural structures available right away from birth when present in the natal chart. Sun is about personality, Pluto is about transformation. Maybe you have the base for transformational leadership. Pluto is also about power, so this suggests you have a strong personality (as in reliable, solid).