Post your Best friend or Closest Friend chart next to yours... & Explain what you feel makes you both great friends..
My Chart:
Sun- Pisc, Moon- Aries, Mer- Aqua, Ven- Aqua, Mars- Leo, Jup- Sag, Sat- Pis
My best friend's (Female and Male)
I could use some education on this topic since recently doing my natal chart.
I'm-----> Sun Virgo, Rising Gemini, Moon Sag
I've just been approached by...
Sun Scorpio, Sag rising, Aires moon
What does this mean in terms of compatibility?
If you've been seeing a guy (Cancer Sun, Aquarius Moon, Leo Venus, Taurus Mars) who at the start would always send links to interesting news articles I'd like, etc and wish me goodnight in different ways each day (e.g. using "brilliant", "amazing", "aweso
Startinh see an aqua guy with venus in cap. We've known eachother for a month. Talking pretty much everyday for a month and he usually initiated. I haven't heard from him in a week. The weird thing is he still checks my snapchats and he told me he doesn't
I gave this a shot. I typed this up. I don't care if you like it or not. I suggest not to try this at home or wherever you had the opportunity ;). Not responsible for injuries or death.
Aries- Introduce a Male to another Male. Rams are territori
I just realized that I don't really meet pisces people (males specifically) on the daily basis and I've never dated one. But I do remember one pursuing me specifically bc he found out I was a Virgo and he said "opposites attract".
What about you guys? Wh
So I met a guy on Instagram. We hit things off and we were texting nonstop. After a few months he begged me to meet up (and when I say beg, I'm not exaggerating), so I invited him over. We were initially just enjoying each other's time platonically, but o