No love for the Archer?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by theJollity on Wednesday, April 12, 2006 and has 14 replies.
I don't have anything against Sags, i was with one for about 2 1/2 yrs. It started out good but became chaotic...we were both toooo unstable to make it work. I get along very well with them as friends, but i avoid anything romantic. Live and learn. Anyway, i wouldn't rule it out completely in the future, its just an individual thing really.
My mom is a quadruple sag. I friggon love her. Life would be alot less happy without her . . . .
hmm...letting it go....that's beautiful advise DB Winking
hey saggies are GREAT people... i have nuthin against 'em.. they make gr8 friendz...
ya they got wanderin' eyes though... so i dunno abt havin a serious relationship wid 'em... but then again.. i dated 4 saggies smile
ya i noh thejollity... its crazy... but really saggies were sweet in there own way... i mean u cant really compare people coz they are all COOL in their own way... i like my SEXC Scorpio alot though coz hes a BOMB.... very passionate and devoted to all that he does... i mean hes jus incredible...
I think people are turned off by their lack of tact and grace. They have a tendency to make pretty stupid comments

I fully agree with this. I'm a Sag and I stick my foot in my mouth all the time and offend people when I don't mean too.
I don't look at the starsigns and can't really cause I have alot of sag in my charts without the "generalzations" about them.My experiances with sag suns are my reason for not "liking" them in some of the general based "who don't you like?" questions.So reasons to not like the sags I know:
They all have some type of abuse or neglect record with children.I don't appreciate my newborn cousin spending a month and a half in the hospital because his mom was too "tired" to feed him.
They're always lying.
They usually always steal something whenever they're around.
Then to top it off when they are confronted about things they've done,they play victem.
And that would be a unrealistic generalization branhWinkingIt don't have much to do with sensitive or not when it comes to thieves,lyers and child abusers.
Sorry about your experience with Sags. That is really horrible. I am a Sag and I don't steel, I don't lie and I have never abused a child. I'm one of the most honest people I know so much that I hurt the people I care about for being so blunt and that has never been my intention. I also would do almost anything to help my family and friends too if they need me and believe me, they have and I am always there for them. I even had a friend tell me a couple of months ago that she felt guilty because I'm always helping her and she said "next time let me help you". What she doens't understand is that I like to help her. I don't need it in return, just knowing that I could do good for someone was good enough.

Message posted by: branh0913 on 5/5/2006 7:57:48 AM ip:
liokaiser Saggitarians are no more difficult than Pisces.

I didn't say they are, this is what i said;
"Nothing wrong with Sagitarus in itself, but when it's combined with some other signs, it can create a very difficult type of personality"
and the same can be true for other signs too. Although i didn't think it was necessary to specifically say that.
I think saggy is one of the best signs. Good looks, usually funny and spontanious and great for adventures. I have just found them to be too unreliable and wishy-washy about what they really want...long or short term. The other thing is I hate to talk politics and all the saggy's I know tend to ramble on about changing all this bad crap in the world. How we should do this or do that to change our government...I mean alot of it's true they just carry it too far. Basically tho I LOOOOVE a Sag.
I recently posted a similar question on the sag board.. I agree with some of the stuff above, my mind changes quicker than a stop light, I do tend to ramble on about things I truly believe in, and I don't always understand why something I say offends.. But I have never known a sag to lie, cheat, or steal. It goes against the grain for most of us.
My previous ex was a sag sun, and god he was so fickle, he pissed me off. and he loved making empty promises. bleh.
actually i got a lot of sag in my chart, sag rising, sag saturn, and sag uranus =p
I have only known 2 saggies very well and ya, both of 'em liked to make promises and break 'em. One tho was a really bad liar and manipulator but I think all signs have the bad apples..And very fickle..can't settle down. What I hated most tho was twisting the lie once they got caught to make it seem like they were justified, and then that look on the face that says "Who Me? Lie???" So pittifully transparent....No offense to u honest ones. Just don't take for granted that crap is being swallowed. Just politely brushed aside. All the sag aquaintences have been great.

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