Nobody talking about this pending solar eclipse?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by LibraLovesHim on Sunday, August 20, 2017 and has 11 replies.
I been all sorts of crazy up until 2 days back. Thought it was a combo of things until this was thrown in the mix also as a possibility.

it's an array of balloons used to hide the sun to keep people heads up while the illuminati are going to make their moves.

I'm armed and ready
Did you check where it will be transitting your chart, falls into Leo at 29 degrees...check the ephemeris, or draw up a transit chart at
Posted by MyStarsShine
Did you check where it will be transitting your chart, falls into Leo at 29 degrees...check the ephemeris, or draw up a transit chart at
Im not sure how to do chart...

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Posted by LibraLovesHim
I been all sorts of crazy up until 2 days back. Thought it was a combo of things until this was thrown in the mix also as a possibility.

It won't be as spectacular here from Ireland smileFrom our viewpoint, the Moon will move over the lower left edge of the Sun, covering about 5 per cent of it, before completely moving off it again.

It will only cover 5% of the sun smile from here smile
Posted by LibraLovesHim
Posted by MyStarsShine
Did you check where it will be transitting your chart, falls into Leo at 29 degrees...check the ephemeris, or draw up a transit chart at
Im not sure how to do chart...

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Go back into astro,com, Libra, and create a chart with *natal and transits* and post it back here

Extended chart selection > Chart type > Prognostic Methods > Natal chart and transits
Posted by Koniuchaa
Posted by Secret
The Eclipse is fake. It's NASA doing some tests to cover the Sun whenever necessary using artificial devices.

(Secret's picture)
It is also possible that we are just holograms, you know.
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Reality is merely an illusion, a very persistent one.
Posted by Am_Cloudy
Posted by Secret
The Eclipse is fake. It's NASA doing some tests to cover the Sun whenever necessary using artificial devices.

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Hydorah already made the joke but better
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I agree, he had 4 likes, I had zero. I will hide my post out of embarrassment.
My influences are supposed to be mostly positive

But I did go off on my supervisor last night. I wasn't yelling or acting crazy, I just firmly made my point and called him out for bullshit. Nobody is ever expecting it out of me so it always makes an impression and it's totally out of character.


Mercury retro?

Or just a dumbass supervisor that needs to be put in his place?
Posted by sierraleoone
Posted by UnusualVaginalDischarge
Posted by sierraleoone
ive already made an eclipse viewer
Which kind did you make?
from a small pasta box

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gonna watch it from Oregan?
Posted by Cancervirgo15degrees
Posted by Deedee86
My influences are supposed to be mostly positive

But I did go off on my supervisor last night. I wasn't yelling or acting crazy, I just firmly made my point and called him out for bullshit. Nobody is ever expecting it out of me so it always makes an impression and it's totally out of character.


Mercury retro?

Or just a dumbass supervisor that needs to be put in his place?
How do you find out what the influences will be? Is there a link?
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I used cafe astrology and selected transits.