What are your honest opinions on and/or experiences with the North/South nodes?
I find the whole concept somewhat... flakey.
Is my intuition serving me right, or am I just in denial that I share a similar destiny to everybody in my senior year?
Signed Up:
Dec 05, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 139 · Topics: 10
I've found my NN in Libra and SN in Aries to be quite accurate. I agree, the whole nodal axis concept does seem a bit strange or difficult to grasp, but maybe it's because we're young (I'm 18). I've read that people in general are not aware of or begin to work on their NN until their thirties.
It might also have to do with your chart. Maybe you haven't had any important transits aspecting your NN or SN... but when you do, you WILL know! I was fortunate enough to experience this within the past few months (sarcasm). My NN is in the 8th House conjunct Chiron in Libra, opposite my Venus in Aries in the 2nd House. I'm not sure if you're aware, but since 2013 there have been a series of lunar eclipses on the Aries/Libra axis. So far, all of these eclipses have had a pretty significant effect on my life, but the one that occurred this past October was by far the most devastating--the total lunar eclipse was conjunct my SN (as well as conjunct transit Uranus square transit Pluto), and I was dumped. It was weird because I hadn't been dating this guy for that long, but with the relationship I had with this guy and the way it ended just hit me in ALL the right places. This lunar eclipse (similar to all the others) was about letting go, but because it was so tightly conjunct my SN, it was about letting go of my SN qualities in order to develop my NN qualities. The focus was obviously on relationships with the Aries-Libra axis, but more so because of my Chiron and Venus coming into play.
Sorry for the rant, but hopefully this will give you more insight into the NN/SN concept! I'll admit that I wasn't too aware of, or even fully understood, my NN and SN until all of that happened... I'm still struggling a bit to understand even now. But your NN is something you work on throughout your ENTIRE lifetime, so I presume it will take a near lifetime of EXPERIENCE to understand, and then finally adopt, your NN qualities.