Posted by pisceswoman123North Node Cancer in 5th house.
Can you please share your north node and the house itβs in? I am trying to study it. π
Posted by AerialViewPosted by pisceswoman123North Node Cancer in 5th house.
Can you please share your north node and the house itβs in? I am trying to study it. π
Good luck with the study πclick to expand
Posted by pisceswoman123NN/SN are such underrated placements, not enough people pay attention to them. Good to see this.
Keep telling. Eventually I will respond. Still learning π
Posted by Ram416Posted by pisceswoman123NN/SN are such underrated placements, not enough people pay attention to them. Good to see this.
Keep telling. Eventually I will respond. Still learning πclick to expand
Posted by CopperDove
Aquarius, 11th house
Posted by pisceswoman123I have been living out that lesson thankfully. :-)Posted by CopperDove
Aquarius, 11th house
Yours is hard. You are used to getting what you want and you feel you deserve it. Your lesson is to serve humanity and realize that you are not more special than other people. If you donβt think about your ego but about how you can help others you will atrack happiness and to expand
Posted by MissKrabsActually I consider Chiron to be 2nd most important, after NN/SN.Posted by Ram416Posted by pisceswoman123NN/SN are such underrated placements, not enough people pay attention to them. Good to see this.
Keep telling. Eventually I will respond. Still learning π
right? i see them as important as sun, moon and asc. don't care about juno, chiron, vesta to expand
Posted by pisceswoman123Do me!!Posted by Ram416Posted by pisceswoman123NN/SN are such underrated placements, not enough people pay attention to them. Good to see this.
Keep telling. Eventually I will respond. Still learning π
So far what I have being reading makes so so much sense. I definitely see now myself different and what do I need to improve myself and be happierclick to expand
Posted by CopperDovePosted by pisceswoman123I have living out that lesson thankfully. :-)Posted by CopperDove
Aquarius, 11th house
Yours is hard. You are used to getting what you want and you feel you deserve it. Your lesson is to serve humanity and realize that you are not more special than other people. If you donβt think about your ego but about how you can help others you will atrack happiness and to expand
Posted by Ram416Posted by pisceswoman123Do me!!Posted by Ram416Posted by pisceswoman123NN/SN are such underrated placements, not enough people pay attention to them. Good to see this.
Keep telling. Eventually I will respond. Still learning π
So far what I have being reading makes so so much sense. I definitely see now myself different and what do I need to improve myself and be happierclick to expand
Posted by Ram416
Scorpio, 6th house
Posted by pisceswoman123Where's my reading? π
Keep sharing π
Posted by AerialViewDo you want it here or in private? πPosted by pisceswoman123Where's my reading? π
Keep sharing πclick to expand
Posted by pisceswoman123I think it's better in private πππPosted by AerialViewDo you want it here or in private? πPosted by pisceswoman123Where's my reading? π
Keep sharing πclick to expand
Posted by AerialViewPosted by pisceswoman123I think it's better in private πππPosted by AerialViewDo you want it here or in private? πPosted by pisceswoman123Where's my reading? π
Keep sharing πclick to expand
Posted by pisceswoman123If it's bad, then I won't believe it ππPosted by AerialViewPosted by pisceswoman123I think it's better in private πππPosted by AerialViewDo you want it here or in private? πPosted by pisceswoman123Where's my reading? π
Keep sharing π
I agree π But I donβt think you will like it ππclick to expand
Posted by AerialViewPosted by pisceswoman123If it's bad, then I won't believe it ππPosted by AerialViewPosted by pisceswoman123I think it's better in private πππPosted by AerialViewDo you want it here or in private? πPosted by pisceswoman123Where's my reading? π
Keep sharing π
I agree π But I donβt think you will like it ππclick to expand
Posted by pisceswoman123I'm ready ππPosted by AerialViewPosted by pisceswoman123If it's bad, then I won't believe it ππPosted by AerialViewPosted by pisceswoman123I think it's better in private πππPosted by AerialViewDo you want it here or in private? πPosted by pisceswoman123Where's my reading? π
Keep sharing π
I agree π But I donβt think you will like it ππ
Hahahaha π itβs not bad but always a bit hard to hear it πclick to expand
Posted by AneemA04
Taurus, 6th
I know for sure, it will be tremendously great for me to live healthy, maintain stability in doing work and have habits to ground me.
But having 3 planets especially sun right on the opposite end of the house axis makes this so hard to do..
To be discipline is what I should be striving for.