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Dec 11, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 761 · Topics: 90
I have gotten my natal chart but I don't know how to see what my nn/sn is aspecting. I have a Libra NN in the first house with Uranius in Scorpio and Aries SN in the 7th with Venus, Chiron, Lilith and but I don't know how it is these aspect each other. Is there a special option in a chart you can pull up to see this?
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Mar 15, 2011Comments: 59 · Posts: 1755 · Topics: 94
North Node in Libra ??? South Node in Aries
Traditionally, north node in libra connotes harmony in life and a refined intellect. It is good for all affections, including children and spouse. The Dragon??s Tail in Aries indicates someone who acts without thinking and though he may have physical courage is inconsiderate about his actions. Favored careers are hairdresser or barber, lawyer, diplomat, artist, interior designer, or airline crew member.
You chose to incarnate with the north node in libra nodal position to balance many lifetimes of strong individuality in which you were focused on building yourself up in physical courage, confidence, and action. You are now here to learn self-sacrifice. You will not achieve much of anything on your own in this lifetime. Cooperation should be your mantra.
From past lives you have the tendency to be self-centered, vain, and autonomous in your decision making, regardless of the consequences. You might also be closed minded by nature or change your mind out of restlessness. Martin Schulman explains of these individuals that the south node in aries is always pushing them forward but that once they arrive at their intended destination, they realize they are only half-way there, and unable to finish without the help of others. Until you embrace partnership, you will always find impediments to your success.
Before you learn to work with this energy, you may have the frustrating experience (repeatedly!) of seeing those around you have, attain, or receive those things which you desire. In fact, the universe may take what is precious to you and give it to someone else until you learn to share willingly. You have an innate ability give those around you the energy to make their own dreams come true. This so you can learn the joy of helping others.
Another challenge for you, as a carrier of the north node in libra, is learning to commit whole-heartedly to something. If you are unconscious, you may find yourself involved in something that you now blame for ruining your life, such as an unwanted pregnancy or marriage at an early age. You use this as an excuse to not become totally involved with those around you and become frustrated because there are no fast and easy solutions. You must cultivate patience.
The north node in libra placement is also known for diplomacy. Do not attempt to fight for the things you want. Negotiate. Compromise. Talk. Think things through. Make a strate
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Dec 11, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 761 · Topics: 90
is there mote? I think a part got cut off. How can I see what it's doing in my chart?
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Mar 15, 2011Comments: 59 · Posts: 1755 · Topics: 94
North Node in 1st House
The traditional interpretation of the north node in 1st house, also known as the Dragon??s head in the First House and Dragon??s Tail in the Seventh House, is good health and a strong mind, but troubled partnerships.
In past lives, you relied too much on partners, even losing your own identity in your sacrifice for others. You were dependent and/or dominated by a spouse, friend, confidant, or other person. With the memory of such dependency and partnership, there is danger you will marry early and/or for the wrong reasons. Further, you may have a semi-conscious or unconscious fear of losing your partners, which makes you especially dependent. A successful marriage may come later in life.
Because of past experiences, you may not even know who you really are. You are here in this lifetime to be an individual with all that that entails. Strive to develop a personality that is distinctive and that others recognize as your own. Take a stand without regard to how others react to it or what they think about it. You must resist at every opportunity the temptation to be a people-pleaser.
Martin Schulman writes that these natives, with their fond memories of teamwork and cooperation, find the process of individuation particularly painful. They have, explains Schulman, a soul longing to discover themselves after having lost their identity in others, and yet an equally strong desire not to hurt those close to them in the process of doing so. They must take on the mission of establishing a sense of self but do so ???without shutting off completely the benefits of marriage and partnerships.??? In the process of striking this balance, there may come a time when you overcompensate, being too aggressive or even obnoxious. Keep your ego in check, and eventually you will find the right chord.
It will do your soul good to accept leadership positions in this lifetime. It is also good for you to take the initiative. However, be wary of seeking power. You cannot make up for past mistakes in relationships by becoming a dictator, though you will be tempted to dominate others once you wake up to the ways people have taken advantage of you in the past.
Some people with this placement of the north node in 1st house go to extremes with their appearances. You may make a point of not tending to how you present yourself, thereby alienating others. Or you may obsess over every detail of your grooming. Try to
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Mar 15, 2011Comments: 59 · Posts: 1755 · Topics: 94
This is the rest of the North Node in Libra...
The north node in libra placement is also known for diplomacy. Do not attempt to fight for the things you want. Negotiate. Compromise. Talk. Think things through. Make a strategy and stick it out. Avoid taking sides. Rash behavior is a recipe for losing for you in this lifetime. Be especially careful to follow the spiritual path laid out for you. For an imbalance of this energy is quite likely to manifest as physical illness.