
This topic was created in the Astrology forum by zenalchemy on Wednesday, February 4, 2009 and has 8 replies.
bye lady!
good luck with the wedding!
what's so funny? she left Tongue
^ yea she said --- hope all is well with them...
lol @ flipper
^^^ trust an aries to broadcast what was supposed to be done in confidence Tongue
I agree with Shaka, it is a shame. She was cool smile
Aw shucks ya'll... damn it. This lil ole Kansas girl is blushing.
I requested my account to be deleted a while back with no results. I shrugged it off because people kept saying they had to request it several times before they were actually deleted. Outta of the blue they deleted my account.
I really didn't think anyone would notice. smile
I was sitting here at work bored to tears and saw this..
You made my hair and face the same color.... golly..
LOL thanks but I'm pretty sure not everyone loves me.
Zens cool beans in my book.
Oh shit am I gonna get attacked for ass licking?
aaawww you guys *wipes golden tears*
DA's crazy irishly sentimental again Tongue