ok - say what you want to say!!!

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Roxanne on Wednesday, February 25, 2009 and has 14 replies.
i was searching for a specific post and i came across my name in the 'most unemployable sign' thread and frankly, i was fucking disgusted with what i read!!!
it seemed that moon-eyes being likened to me was some kind of terrible insult and that as winterborn wrote, i looked like some kind of old hag.
well, i don't frequent this board at all but i've decided to in order to allow people the chance to throw their insults directly at the target.
i'm 44 years old and i'm not ashamed to say it and i certainly don't masquerade myself as being younger than i am because i have the confidence in myself not to have to do that. also, it is a fact of life that we all get older and that - believe it or not - even I was young once.
so if you have something to say about my appearance - here's your chance! behind my back is really not a good idea if you know anything about me at all cos i do have feelings you know! Sad
well, that's ok then. time of the month and all that.......*
ultimately, it's the opinions of those closest to us that matter the most smile

* YES! i STILL have them thank you very much!!!
Well I don't think you and moon-eyes look a like. Not really even a little except for that fact that maybe you're both women, with dark hair? But that wasn't what was insulting, anyways.
What was insulting about his comment was that he insinuated she looked 40 when she is only 25.
I personally, don't see anything wrong with the way you look.
But moon-eyes does not look like you, nor does she look 40.

Besides, it was the thread originator and P-angel who continued to batter moon-eyes about her not even understanding that the comment was intended as an insult in the first place...
i agree, moon-eyes doesn't look a bit like me and it is very clear that she is younger than me too. i thought it was very sweet that she didn't understand it was intended as an insult and i was more offended by those who pointed out to her that it was supposed to be.
the usual suspects.
I also dont think you look anything alike and I think the comment was directed at Mooneyes not looking 25 in her pic. He purely commented that she should put up one of the others in her profile. She took offence to his judgement. Then the thread turned to an insult of the fact that English wasn't her 1st language....sooooo what, some people think they are better because they speak better English. She's a HOT chick and her native tongue would make her more appealing me thinks!
I think the similarity was how they look to the camera on the PC.
just a guess. But in my opinion Roxi looks differently in each photo. and she changes the photo more frequently than mooni.
@GB, yeah she is a great looking 40 year old and we get better and better...hope you can keep yourself in great form when you are as old as we are!
Excuse me Brianafay ..... you can kindly go fuck yourself.

My comments to Moon-eyes has nothing to do with Ro, and you aren't going to make any kind of reference about what I say to her as being relative to this thread of Ro's in any way.

don't let yourself get in ME's stupid person cateogory by making suggestion that how I feel about Roxeanne and ME is even remotely connected enough to mention my name in this thread, as it makes a suggestion to the ignorants that I shared participation with making reference that Roxeanne is a hag.

Rox is not a hag ..... an ass-kisser, indeed, but, not ugly.
"the usual suspects."
Looking 19 @ 24 is easy,(life's just begun) wait another 20 years (generally the hardest 20 years of life) and then still look and FEEL 10 years younger!
GB: i agree actually. when i was younger - many, many moons ago LOL - i always looked younger than i was. i had that kind of chubby chop face till i was way into my 20s. i remember going to a new job where all the women were in their 40s and i was the youngest in the building and i lauded it up over them to amuse myself. so, i've been on the other side of this age thing too. but now i'm as old as methusula, i've come to realise that it's actually not a bad time of life by one stretch of the imagination and i've got more confidence now than i've ever had. i think it's also important to stay fit and look good.
i just wish that society was a little less scathing about older women - like it's some kind of disease or something to be feared or just to randomly insult someone.
p-angel: an ass-licker? MOI???? how very dare you! smile
Fight! Fight!

"17, so consequently, i could be 30 inside.LOL" Yeah, I'm into age or time. I don't like numbers.
i just wish that society was a little less scathing about older women - like it's some kind of disease or something to be feared or just to randomly insult someone.
I feel that this is all about stars and magazines etc. (and I dont read them unless I'm in a waiting room) i personally dont take any notice or see young people scathing older women and with 3 teenager daughters I certainly see a fair few young people. In fact I've never had anything but compliments from them.
I think people percieve what they want to or what is conscious in their minds. For instance when I'm looking at buying a new car the model I've decided upon all of a sudden I see them everywhere because I'm alert listening and looking for them or when in I was selling Real Estate everywhere I went(grocery stores, playgrounds, schools) I picked up on people talking about selling their homes or listing etc etc. I would hear something and then tune in because it was on my mind.
And GB as long as you are a good person and can laugh a little, especially at yourself as your friend PP would say lol it really doesn't matter what age you are. From what I've read through here from you, I like yousmile