Hello! I'm confused about the potential Taurus man in question. We started chatting from august to mid october last year
Hello! I'm confused about the potential Taurus man in question. We started chatting from august to mid october last year
How do you communicate? Meaning, how do you get your point across? How do you achieve your purpose? How are people s
After a rollercoaster of emotions, seasons of liking and not liking,spells of radio silence,mega rucuss on whether to be
Once again I'm beginning to change into somthing I don't recognize. Maybe I do recognize it, but it's somthing I hide fr
Hi everyone I cant really talk to anyone else about this then I found this forum (fantastic!!) I am a 28 yr old Aq
From http://www.forbes.com/billionaires and Wikipedia: Nr 4. Amancio Ortega Gaona (28. M_?rz 1936 in Busgondo) Nr 5.
Do you remember that staistics of married and divorced people? Where Sagittarius was at place number 12*? Now there's an
Lately ive been playing match maker with my friends and its been going pretty bad... last week I had a party at mine
Hey everyone, I have never written on forums before so please do be patient if I'm not really good at this. I am 22