Opposite Signs

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by GEM*TWO on Saturday, June 3, 2006 and has 20 replies.
do u like your Opposite sign?
I think Sagg's are cool, i have some heavy Sagg influence myself, not sure if i would if i didn't.....
Depends upon the actual Picses.
Taurus is my opp. But never known one. read about them. I think they are a lot like Scorps.Got to love them.
hmmmmmmm my opposite.... letz see....he lookz CUTE Tongue >>>>>>>>>

ya i tend to get along GR8 wid leo guyz and 'SOME' leo galz Tongue
jeeeezzz my dad seriouly haz this Lion's look wen hes all MAD.... no kiddin' smile
I know you're getting wet when see my posts like this.
I hate you Haffo.
I have taurus influences so yes,I like my opposite sign.Also my sister,grandmother and stepsister are all tauruses,some of THE most important people in my lifesmile
Brahn you put just a little more hatred on us pisces
all the pisces i run into are pretty cool people....none of them seem arrogant...they are not annoying to me, but maybe u met some that are....
Capricorns are my opposite. I read somewhere that opposites work best when they are of opposite sex. I find t his true of my interactiosn with capricorns. My first BF was a capricorn and i have highest regards for his integrity, honesty and practical sense mixed with sincere care.
Capricorn females I have allergy for - consistently. It is ridiculous that each female who has been down right mean to me while having appreciation for me in their eyes turn out to be capricorn. It is eerie.The funniest part is that each of htem i have met are very successful in their life- moe than me- and yet i mange to make them totally insecure.
'...all the pisces i run into are pretty cool people....none of them seem arrogant...they are not annoying to me, but maybe u met some that are....'
'...Brahn you put just a little more hatred on us pisces...'
OK guyz let me teach ya a lesson today... those whom u alwayz CRITICIZE are da ones u LOVE da most Tongue... u criticize them coz u expect alot from them....from all of Branh's postingz itz OBVIOUS to me that he doesnt HATE pisces.. i personally think he LOVES them as much as he'd like to deny that itz TRUE... he cant resist falling for a psices galTongue

My opposite sign is scorpio , I don't like the females but the guys are pretty cool.
Love my opposite sign. Libras are charming. Both guys/gals have chiming laughs.
Yeah I love the Saggies
My opposite is Aqua but I have Aqua moon. I like what the sign stands for. I should go stand next to an Aqua and see if I feel emotionally better. hmmm...
Me: Cancer
Op: Capricorn
I have a brother who's a cappy, we've had a terrible past. But now we're best friends Big Grin
My opposite is Leo, but my best friend is a Leo and I get along with her fine :3
"Pisces are okay..."
I don't mind Virgos, i find their fuss pot ways somewhat entertaining.
my polar opposite is leo, and i'm not comfortable around them