Orcus, the other god of the underworld

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Shul on Tuesday, December 10, 2013 and has 27 replies.
I've decided to share some additional information for this guy, because he's not included in the mainstream astrology just yet. I find his presence in our system quite important as well, since he is also responsible for many dark and transformational events both in the past and in our modern times.
Who is Orcus?
"Orcus was named for the Roman god of death, whom the Greeks called Thanatos and who is sometimes identified with Pluto.
Astrologically, Orcus seems to indicate the following: popularity, populism, private effort, the grass roots (according to Jonathan Dunn); bringing death (according to Chryss Alexander); also, audacity, boldness, "seizing the day," questioning or challenging, dissent, predatory, ravaging, corruption, a fallen state, heavy or strong retaliation, having something to say, giving up or giving in."
Orcus - the other god of underworld
Orcus awakens: help!
here. Just don't forget to scroll above, until you see the "Additional Objects" section.
Orcus is exactly conjunct the IC in my chart (Cancer).
Ixion (the Tyrant-- and another "trans-neptunian"-- I was looking this up last nite) is exactly conjunct my descendant (Scorpio).

Dwarf Planets & Asteroids of the Kuiper Belt & Oort Cloud that have been named include:
Pluto & Orcus, Haumea & Makemake; Eris, Quaoar, Ixion, Varuna & Sedna.

There are currently five Dwarf Planets: Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris. 2009 YE7 , recently discovered on Dec 17, 2009 may become our newest Dwarf Planet member....

These objects lie beyond the orbit of Neptune and have orbtial inclinations that cut through the plane of our solar system.
This is a trait they have in common and one that makes them unique compared to the main planets in our solar system.
This suggests they tend to intercede in our lives and in the fundamental workings of our consciousness.

Orcus at 9?? Leo in the 6th house,
semi-square Sun,
trine Saturn,
sesquiquadrate Uranus,
square Pluto,
trine N. Node,
conjunct Lilith,
trine MC

Ixion at 19?? Scorpio in the 9th house,
trine Moon,
semi-square Neptune,
sesquiquadrate N. Node

what would it mean to have orcus in cancer and my first house?
Posted by MoonArtist
what would it mean to have orcus in cancer and my first house?

"More likely to embody Leo Orcus into their property, or to have an inheritance in tune with it."
That's related for Orcus in the 4th house, but you should make the necessary associations with it, since it's governed by Cancer. The first house is your physical body, so people like us "... have internalized Leo Orcus to the point of being a living embodiment."
My ascendant is on 0??03' in Leo, and Orcus - 9??23' in the same sign.
Posted by Redbull
I admit i dont know much about him, but he looks like one badass dude.

Sure. Only when you keep your oath. Otherwise, see what happens when someone doesn't keep their promises or gives false ones:
Posted by Shul
Posted by MoonArtist
what would it mean to have orcus in cancer and my first house?

"More likely to embody Leo Orcus into their property, or to have an inheritance in tune with it."
That's related for Orcus in the 4th house, but you should make the necessary associations with it, since it's governed by Cancer. The first house is your physical body, so people like us "... have internalized Leo Orcus to the point of being a living embodiment."
My ascendant is on 0??03' in Leo, and Orcus - 9??23' in the same sign.
click to expand

I'm still trying to understand it. Blargen, but this one's not so easy!
Posted by Shul
Posted by Redbull
I admit i dont know much about him, but he looks like one badass dude.

Sure. Only when you keep your oath. Otherwise, see what happens when someone doesn't keep their promises or gives false ones:

click to expand

Hmmmm......this might bight the ex in the ass. WOOHOO!!
*bite ~headdesk~
So, does this mean I'm doomed if this sucker squares of with my Chiron?
Not happy right now.... Sad
I have Orcus in Leo (in 10th house) squaring my Pluto in Scorpio (in 1st house). That's the only aspect I have with Orcus.
"This sub-generation is passionate, deep, dramatic, and secretly desires to shine, play, and create.
They come from an abusive, and dark timeframe, that left them starved for attention and play.
Many were "latchkey kids," for example.
It is important that they value play, fun, innocence, creativity, and art, or they might self-destruct.
They are more likely to have jobs in the entertainment industry, and to invest into it, too.
The performing arts are especially favored over other forms of entertainment, though art in general is favored.
They undergo a struggle to protect their inner-children from outside sources trying to destroy it."
Real interesting stuff. smile
Posted by Redbull
LMAO theyre like "please mr. Orcus dont hit me!" He's like "Its too late now!"

LOL! Good point!
Orcus in 14 deg. Leo, in the 2nd.
Opposite Moon, sextile Mercury, trine Jupiter, square N.Node.
Ixion in 28 deg. Scorp R, in the 5th.
Opposite Sun, square Mars, sextile Uranus, conjuct Pluto.
I just found more interesting materials about him. Click

<Winking "
Orcus in Leo, 5th House.
Inonjunct Sun
Sextile Jupiter
Opposition Saturn
Posted by KVZZMIR11
Its just another Satan.
Devil, Pluto, Saturn, Serpent, Water Bearer, Flag Bearer, Light Bearer, Sword Bearer, Hades, Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune, Fallen Star,Fallen Angel, Lucius, Damien, Beezlebub, Son of the Morning, Baphomet, Orcus...and the names don't end.
I just call him Lucifer.
Better read your psalms, because he's coming...

Maybe they were the Titans.
(Greek gods/nephilim)
I think there's something to that.

From Wikipedia

It is estimated that there are hundreds to thousands of dwarf planets in the Solar System

I feel that astrological science is about to become a real headache
Posted by hydorah
From Wikipedia

It is estimated that there are hundreds to thousands of dwarf planets in the Solar System

I feel that astrological science is about to become a real headache
click to expand

Rule of thumb:
- You don't NEED to use asteroids to read a chart.
- You should use them to notice finer points in a person's chart.
- They MUST be in close contact with a PLANET or Sun/Moon or Node to have any real notable effect.
- This is further limited by needing the to be in close/tight degree with the planet(s) in question.
Posted by KVZZMIR11
...Yes, and Who was the father of the Titans?
Uranus (the greater satan was the creator, father, god to all 12 Titans and Titanesses.
Oceanus (God of the Ocean's Deep, Coeus (not much known about him), Crius (another mystery), Hyperion (Sun God), Iapetus, Cronus aka (Saturn, "anti-christ, god of eternal time), Thea (vision), Rhea, Themis (justice and order...another Saturnian like entity), Mnemosyne (memory), Phoebe (intellect), Tethys (Ocean's mate).
For a generation these 12 titans shared this world and created mankind, with Cronus (Saturn) as their senior in command.
According to myths it was Zeus who destroyed the Titans with his thunderbolts, because the Titans had murdered and devoured Zeus' only son.
From smouldering ashes (underworld), mankind was created.
Uranus and the Titans are believed to be parents of all earthly, mystical beings: cyclops, phoenix, centaurs, werewolves, even Hades' cerberus (3 headed dogs) are all creation of Uranus...

Lesson: Always use contraception when sleeping with Aqua-folk, or else you give birth to all that.
Orcus in Leo
Orcus trine Mars
Orcus square Pluto
I don't like the sound of that..
I have orcus sextile mercury and venus, and orcus trine uranus. what's that supposed to mean?
Sorry, it kept posting the same message. :/
Posted by DarkFire
Who the fuck are we talking about here? Are you talking about an asteroid, or orpheus the 13th zodiac sign?

Check out the very first post and you'll get the whole picture. I find it rather ironic, yet tragic to see such a response from a guy with whom I share exactly the same Mercury placements.
Posted by DarkFire
Who the fuck are we talking about here? Are you talking about an asteroid, or orpheus the 13th zodiac sign?

Check out the very first post and you'll get the whole picture. I find it rather ironic, yet tragic to see such a response from a guy with whom I share exactly the same Mercury placements.
Posted by DarkFire
Who the fuck are we talking about here? Are you talking about an asteroid, or orpheus the 13th zodiac sign?

Dwarf planet ... kind of like Pluto.