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Feb 14, 2013Comments: 552 · Posts: 18848 · Topics: 149
Where is yours?
Traditionally, the Part of Fortune indicates the area in the horoscope where the owner of the horoscope feels that "good fortune" is smiling on him.
To some, "good fortune" means that money abounds, to others it means public recognition and acclaim, and to others, it means love, good health, and good luck.
The clue, according to tradition, to the personal interpretation of "good fortune" lies in the sign and house placement of the Part of Fortune.
The person with his Part of Fortune in the first house is a person who was born at or just after a New Moon, and, as such, carries the characteristics of a New Moon personality. He has a strongly individual way of meeting life's situations. If he places himself and his unique achievements out where they will be seen, he should have great success and happiness. This is a person who wants to stand out in his own way. He has the charm and human magnetism of the sign on the Ascendant.
The person with his Part of Fortune in the second house has the drive, the patience, and the endurance and willingness to use his personal assets, talents, abilities, and efforts to strive for financial success. He feels happy when he draws money, possessions, collections, to himself, and he should not feel guilty about doing so. He needs these things with which to express himself. The Part of Fortune in the second house is good for money. The person has a concern for financial security but he need never worry about it.
The person with his Part of Fortune in the third house has a need to communicate and a need to relate to his surroundings, community, family. The third house Part of Fortune gives him the ability to fill both of these needs. Often we find this placement in the charts of teachers, writers, speakers, newspaper reporters, and others who express themselves well with words. He is happiest when he can convey his ideas and feelings to others.
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Feb 14, 2013Comments: 552 · Posts: 18848 · Topics: 149
The person with his Part of Fortune in the fourth house needs a sense of home, roots, security, and stability to be totally happy. This does not mean that he needs a house to call his home. His home can be an ideal, a person, an atmosphere that he can feel is solid and solidly behind him. He can then go on to find fulfillment in a tenth house professional identification. These people are usually very patriotic with strong feelings for home, homeland, and parents. The Part of Fortune in the fourth house usually means that the person will be wealthy in the last third of his life.
The person with his Part of Fortune in the fifth house has creative and emotional energies overflowing. He needs to express these, and finds great satisfaction in creative or artistic activity.
He is attracted to adventurous enterprises. He has luck with speculations and with children. This person has strong abilities in creative fields of art, drama, theater, music, literature, and invention. He needs to pour himself into what he is doing, and he needs appreciation and applause.
The person with his Part of Fortune in the sixth house was born just prior to a Full Moon. He is interested in self-improvement and self-discipline so that he can function with such efficiency that he does not have to pay attention to the daily details of life. His mind is on bigger things. Here is a person who seeks the injustices in life so that he may serve to improve others' lives. He can serve people who are confined to hospitals or prisons, or fight for animals' rights, or lead a group of workers in a labor union. This is Virgo's house. Think of doctor, nurse, veterinarian, soldier, sailor.
The person with his Part of Fortune in the seventh house was born soon after a Full Moon. He is a person who is so idealistic that he wants to see only the best in everything, in every person, in every situation, even in every problem. He is looking for quality in all his relationships because he is really seeking personal illumination. He would like to know his purpose in life. His personality shines through his relationships and partnerships. The Part of Fortune in the seventh house might lead to partnerships with wealthy people.
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Feb 14, 2013Comments: 552 · Posts: 18848 · Topics: 149
The person with his Part of Fortune in the eighth house is like a walking testimonial to eighth house matters if he uses this placement correctly. He is interested in the occult, has good powers of regeneration and rejuvenation, and can be an expert at investigation, research, detective work. He can keep a secret so well that he is like an international diplomat, and he can indeed earn a living this way. This person can also make a living based on the talents and abilities of others, as a theatrical agent or manage other people's money. This person is usually very attractive, due to personal magnetism.
The person with his Part of Fortune in the ninth house usually finds expression through travel, philosophy, higher education, philosophical thought, spirituality, or publishing. He may find his fortunes far from home. This person can profit through and from people at a distance. His studies bring insights to him which he uses to help other people. This is a person who can be a natural clairvoyant as well. Most of this person's labors are mental. This is a person who is always broadening his vistas and expanding his education
The person with his Part of Fortune in the tenth house knows, deep down, that he must fulfill his role in society. He chooses a field where he can be a Professional Person. This person needs a place in the outside world, where his status and position is high and his name is associated with the field that he is in. This is the house of recognition and public standing, of career and ambition, of success and responsibility. Remember, this is Capricorn's house, so the person whose Part of Fortune is here is not afraid of hard work and effort if there is a goal to be reached.
The person with his Part of Fortune in the eleventh house is usually way ahead of the time in which he lives when it comes to his mentality, his dreams, hopes, goals, and his view of the world. This is a person who thinks in terms of Brotherhood, altruistic unity, Humanitarian values. He wants to do things that benefit society as a whole. This is why he sometimes sees himself as a reformer of sorts, improving social, cultural, or spiritual values in those around him. He wants better conditions for his community as well as for humanity.
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Nov 08, 2006Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
Part of Fortune in Aries ^ Self-Assured Attitude Toward Good Fortune
The active FIRE energy of ARIES acts to energize your attitudes toward and opportunities for the good fortune symbolized by the Part of Fortune. The person with an Aries Part of Fortune may be predisposed to experience opportunities for good fortune with a self-assured attitude. You generally perceive good fortune through the LENS of the Aries qualities and pursue good fortune using those qualities that are typical of Aries. You are likely to be assertive about following opportunities that may lead to good fortune. You may also display a somewhat naive attitude about good fortune, assuming that good fortune is yours and becoming enthusiastic about apparent strokes of good luck without necessarily thinking the situation through or considering other consequences. Your tendency is to act, sometimes impulsively, to seek or exploit your good fortune. The motto, nothing ventured, nothing gained, is usually appropriate to your state of mind and you may have a basic belief that successful people not only act when opportunity comes knocking, but also are the makers of their own good fortune.
There is a danger inherent in the Aries Part of Fortune, in that you may be too aggressive in pursuing your fortune. This may lead to conflict with others or a ME FIRST attitude when seeking your own welfare. It may also lead to your taking too many risks as you head-strongly and impulsively pursue what may look like a golden opportunity. On the other hand, your energy and willingness to take action in order to grab an opportunity can result in your being more open than others to receiving the good things that the world has to offer. You are most likely to feel that your good fortune has arrived when you are active and when you feel a sense of independence and the freedom to do anything.
As you transcend your Ego-Self and discover your Real Self, you experience a marvelous freshness, as if you were seeing everything for the first time. This causes you to realize that everything is, in actuality, good and fortunate. Although the world is your oyster, you now realize the true value of its pearls. You also realize that there is more than enough happiness for everyone and you cease to be concerned about getting your share. As you have become like a little Child,you innocently experience the joy in whatever your fortune presents to you.
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Nov 08, 2006Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
The person with his Part of Fortune in the twelfth house has a unique opportunity to transform or dissolve his own KARMA. This is a person who has Mediumistic talents and the gift of Prophecy. His dreams often give him answers. His flair for Spirituality, Mysticism, Illusion, and Fantasy can be productive in Film, Television, and Works of Fiction.
Though he may not know it when it happens, his enemies will frequently change their attitude from hostility to neutrality, and sometimes even to benevolence. He is generally unaware of his good fortune. The person with his Part of Fortune in the twelfth house is treated well by health-care professionals.
(ALSO, Benevolent "LUCKY" Jupiter in the 12th ~ "Angel On My Shoulder"; protective placement. NICE HOUSE, can't complain, at all.)
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Mar 19, 2012Comments: 273 · Posts: 5457 · Topics: 33
First house.
I suppose I agree with "He has a strongly individual way of meeting life's situations". Can't say about the rest.
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Aug 22, 2013Comments: 35 · Posts: 2533 · Topics: 19
Part of Fortune in PISCES: The characteristic style of Pisces is spiritual and mystical. The person with the Part of Fortune in Pisces will find happiness and success by concentrating on higher ideals.
PART OF FORTUNE IN THE TENTH HOUSE: The person with his Part of Fortune in the tenth house knows, deep down, that he must fulfill his role in society. He chooses a field where he can be a Professional Person. This person needs a place in the outside world, where his status and position is high and his name is associated with the field that he is in. This is the house of recognition and public standing, of career and ambition, of success and responsibility. Remember, this is Capricorn's house, so the person whose Part of Fortune is here is not afraid of hard work and effort if there is a goal to be reached.
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Mar 13, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 1266 · Topics: 237
My Part of Fortune is in Taurus in the 6th House which I suppose also ties in with me being a Virgo. It is also conjunct my Mars and conjunct my father's Sun and my ex-partner's Jupiter (she is a Sag. and the mother of my son who is also a Sag.) Although I have "benefited" from my father's prosperity unfortunately he has also held me back in life by opposing my ambitions so that has been something of a mixed blessing.
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Feb 16, 2015Comments: 1 · Posts: 6172 · Topics: 7
Mine's 5th house Cancer.
Yep, have always been in the creative fields and wanted to be famous. Got the 1st part, but not the 2nd, really. But I do have a good reputation among those I know in the field. It works for me.