Patterns recognizing/ connecting with other signs?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by journey4time on Friday, March 21, 2014 and has 1 replies.
Edit Hopefully a bit more clearly worded this time...
Is there a specific way you connect with or recognize certain signs? Are there some that are extra difficult for you to recognize?
For example;
If I meet a Virgo*, Scorpio, or Pisces I get an almost immediate gut feeling of their sign. Not really based on anything particular about their personality, just an overwhelming feeling that that they are that sign. These are the signs of most the people I know, so it may just be that.
Aries I usually recognize by a lighter aura around them. When I speak to Aries, they are in the moment, with me. Taurus grounds me as soon as I am in their presence.
(and so on and so forth, I have a different way for each sign).
The way I connect to each person varies on their sign; For Cancers it is usually a round about way related to something we mutually have in common.
For Aquarius; one moment we are strangers, next we are engaging like people who have known each other for years and we continue from there.
Anyone else with such patterns?
Difficult to recognize--
Libra, Leo and sometimes Gemini, Sagittarius are hard for me to spot.
*also what about your own sign? Do you recognize your own in others?