Hmm same happen with me or i could say a worst than this..well i seriously don't know why they are like that..first they show interest and when we start liking them and share it with them..they start behaving differently_???_???.They Don't even miss us we are nothing to them.
Don't know dear..i wish someone can help us and explain why they behave like this..
You know may be like pisces looking for a dream girl types girl..they are attracted to us because of our looks or whatever and when they start knowing us as a person..we don't fit in their dream girl zone so they start ignoring us and whenever we ask them what's wrong they said nothing.That's where we should get out of this one sided relationship but it is very very hard..
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
You refused him for 5 years. When you first got to HIS college, he was glad.
You had no problems with blowing him off.
He has finally given up on you ... but, now suddenly you changed and want his attention.
Typical behavior of an attention whore who believes she is entitled. Hopefully, he realizes that you're a bad person and stays away.
People I guess I misconveyed. I said no to him 5 years back once and in between we hardly talked. I was never mean or bad to him. Rather of late, I did enough to make him feel I am fond of him. I was just not rushing things up. cz I was afraid of making an overshow of my interest.
People I guess I misconveyed. I said no to him 5 years back once and in between we hardly talked. I was never mean or bad to him. Rather of late, I did enough to make him feel I am fond of him. I was just not rushing things up. cz I was afraid of making an overshow of my interest.
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Aug 09, 2014Comments: 17 · Posts: 1335 · Topics: 35
Ok so me and my male Bestfriend just had a talked about this. Apprently men have sensative egos and by you rejecting him that's when the "conquer then leave" game started. It became a game to him because you had the "nerve" to reject him. Guys will remember every rejection they had no matter how long ago it was.
He noticed that you finally showed interest after he "act" like he was still interested in you. I'm sorry but you got played it was a game to him. He pursued you again for his own ego and went out his way to do so.
I actually have dealt with someone like that. A guy to come back hot and heavy to pursue but I remained guarded because I sensed it was a ego thing for him. Once I saw glimpses of his true colors I ignored his calls and disappeared on him.
Just take this as a lesson and the next time you reject a "boy" and you reveal his true intentions keep your emotions in check and stay guarded. Eventually they will get tired of chasing you if you won't budge.