who would win in a fight?
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Apr 14, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 1077 · Topics: 33
Depends...what is their mars and mercury?
I wouldn't mess with fire/air mars and mercury combo regardless of the sun sign.
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Jul 21, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 1401 · Topics: 101
Scorpion can pinch and sting
Crab can pinch and defend with shell
Fish? well.. yea.
gemini for the win.
Pisces. In my experience Pisces has the edge with gemini. Gemini is a little scared of pisces.
Gemini would beat the shit out of scorpio though.
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Jan 19, 2013Comments: 1552 · Posts: 9503 · Topics: 11
There will be no fights. Just passionate debates, and the subject will change before it gets too intense!
No anger, frustration or aggression between us. We respect and admire each other.
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Jan 09, 2014Comments: 5 · Posts: 2854 · Topics: 158
But for the record of this question, I have never feared a Pisces.
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Apr 26, 2013Comments: 4917 · Posts: 19264 · Topics: 148
bieber can probably beat a lot of people on this board though
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Jan 10, 2015Comments: 1867 · Posts: 16910 · Topics: 108
Pisces has a good chance of winning in my opinion. Emotions tend to be more unpredictable and lethal then keeping calm level head. The Gemini would probably be quicker, but underestimate the power of their opponent. Gemini would also to be more likely to take the intelligent way out and back off with a smart remark. This is why they would likely lose, because if the Pisces really wanted to mess someone up they would most likely do it when their opponents guard is down. This is common in water signs, and makes them tricky opponents.
Signs that get the best of each other
Pisces beats Gemini,Aquarius,Aries,Sagittarius,but loses to Virgo,Capricorn,Scorpio,Leo
Leo beats Pisces,Aquarius,Libra,Sagittarius,Aquarius, but loses to Aries,Capricorn,Scorpio,Taurus
Taurus beats Scorpio,Aries,Leo,Virgo,, But loses to Cancer,Gemini,Libra,Aquarius
Aquarius beats Cancer,Virgo,Sagittarius,Taurus, but loses to Leo,Gemini,Libra,Pisces
Libra beats Scorpio,Capricorn,Taurus,Aquarius, but loses to Leo,Sagittarius,Aries,Cancer
Cancer beats Scorpio,Taurus,Capricorn, Libra,but loses to Virgo,Aries,Sagittarius,Aquarius
Sagittarius beats Virgo,Aries,Cancer,Libra, but loses to Gemini, Aquarius, Leo,Pisces
Gemini beats Scorpio,Sagittarius,Aquarius,Taurus, but loses to Aries,Capricorn,Virgo,Pisces
Virgo beats Cancer,Pisces,Geminin,Capricon, but loses to Aquarius, Sagittarius,Taurus,Scorpio
Scorpio beats Leo,Virgo,Pisces,Capricon , but loses to Libra,Gemini Taurus,Cancer
Capricorn beats Leo,Aries,Pisces, Gemini, but loses to Libra,Scorpio,Cancer,Virgo