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Mar 21, 2017Comments: 1 · Posts: 156 · Topics: 60
Please help me, I hate being put in the middle as I always am. I'm 20 and my sister is 28. My sister and mother are in a huge argument which frankly consistently stresses me out because of their irritating and annoying signs and chart placements. I hate to rant but being the middle man, I have no astrological outlet. My sister is a pisces sun and Sagittarius rising, while my mom is a libra sun and leo rising. Unfortunately for me, I'm a Scorpio sun and pisces rising. Now granted I am an aries moon while my sister and mom are capricorn and cancer. This puts me in a difficult dilemma that I don't know how to solve nor handle. Both of them are too stubborn and I hate to see either in pain. When I try to resolve the problem neither wants to listen and are mad at me instead. My sister is a pisces so she's hypersensitive and overly emotional, while being an escapist. Her sag rising makes her stubborn, too blunt, impatient, and selfish. My mom is libra so she hates confrontation, is indecisive, and ignores all things negative. Her leo rising while generous at best, makes her also blunt, stubborn, controlling, and selfish. My dad passed away some months ago and left us with a low amount of insurance and trust fund money. He was divorced from my mom years ago due to his drug addiction (which inevitably killed him). He left his job to his kids which my sister reluctantly took. The hiring process is a major pain as he was a longshoreman which is a union job. My sister blames my mom for moving us away from California and my dad, while my mom insists that she had no choice because of getting laid off and having no babysitters. My sister is too emotional and passionate and my mom is too stubborn and bullheaded. I love my mom to death but she won't talk to me. She is in control of the money because she fears we'll spend it wrecklessly. My sister finds this unfair and cheating. We all want to move back to California but my sister is too negative about the financial survival of us all. My mom is soo determined to move and extremely optimistic. She was recently let go from her previous job so we have no money. My sister has a baby but she has rather unhealthy habits herself which concerns me. I know they're hurting but won't talk to me because they're in their feelings and taking it out on me. I don't want them in pain or worse, mad at me. How do I resolve this shit?!