I am starting to get to know this Leo man he has been heavily interested in me since the day we met. It's been non-stop phone calls, emails, texts since August. I saw his determination and decided to give him a chance. His chart is Leo Sun, Virgo Venus, Capricorn Mars, and Taurus Moon which makes him seriously shy into himself and reserved. Now that he told me he liked me, he has backed off and hardly replies to messages as much as I try to see him. Has he lost interest or trying to play it safe?? Anyone with this experience of Venus in Virgo man help!!!
PS, I am Taurus sun, venus in aries, mars in leo and moon in cancer.
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Feb 04, 2013Comments: 1 · Posts: 9186 · Topics: 179
Leo or not..MOST men do this.
Do some research on it, you might be surprised.