Posted by rekttheir pretty I'll give them that. can't say that about the men of that sign tho.Posted by PanelaI know how bangable you think Aries women are, tbc. ?
man you don't change nothing on your looks for nobody. if nobody don't like you as you are screw them. people ain't worth going thru all that. and you look pretty feminine to to expand
Posted by joanne_pYou seems just fine!
hello world,
i have very depressive day.
again some guy ignored me.
i really dont know what i do wrong.
i study arts and architecture. i do a lot of things besides school.
i am friendly.
maybe too friendly?
i am posting my picture to let strangers judge me by my look.
i am 26 years old, aries.
maybe its something about my look more than behaviour.
tell me honestly.
why boys do not approach me?
maybe i need to work on my hair, make up or some ither things more?
give me a critic
maybe im not feminine? i am more girly type?
what should i change in my look?
any suggestions?
i dont know what to do because usually boys approach me then they decide not to continue the relation. even friend relation. or they put me in a friend zone. and its not about me being lazy or slow in a men- woman relation. they usually behave like 15 year old boys who invite me to drinking vodka in a park more than a dinner or even a date in mcdonald...
my last date was in january 2016 hahahah
maybe there is something weird in me. please tell me.
thank you!!!
Posted by leowwwPosted by joanne_pYou are beautiful.
i am usually the one who must do the 'second' first impression. i dont know why.
men my age ( 25-28) seem to be afraid of me? i have no idea.
they are usually single or have younger gfs... and im ALWAYS SINGLE
Eyes.. Wow.
Nothing is wrong with you but you didn't explain what happened...who's he? And how did he ignore you?
Maybe your personality is intimidating?click to expand
Posted by Weeds21.03.1990 poland
What's your full birthdate?
Posted by Gemitatiyou know you on to something. seem like beautiful people DO gets the most hated on.
Common people!
When my daughter was 5 and cried about someone hate her in school I always said its because you are so beautiful!
Let's not give this woman this crap.
She must have shitty personality when she interrupt people when they are talking or something else that turn faces and eye rolls! That why I said Video!!!
Posted by Gemitati
Common people!
When my daughter was 5 and cried about someone hate her in school I always said its because you are so beautiful!
Let's not give this woman this crap.
She must have shitty personality when she interrupt people when they are talking or something else that turn faces and eye rolls! That why I said Video!!!
Posted by GC01
Okay I'll judge.
Do you not like your forehead? I just noticed you cropped it out of every picture.
You are pretty but don't look very warm and approachable.
Advice: it's best to just be yourself....someone out their will like it maybe even love it(:
Theirs someone for everyone ya know?
Posted by joanne_pHello Scorpio moon.Posted by Weeds21.03.1990 poland
What's your full birthdate?click to expand
Posted by aCuriousGoatthank you for the kind words
You look beautiful and very feminine. You have some great features (look at those eyes and that upper lip! I wish I had a curved upper lip like that! Oh well, I work with what I got) I quite like you hair color, all natural?
There's nothing wrong with not being in a relationship at the age of 26, nor is it wrong to 'only' have two past relationships behind you.... but I get where you're coming from, been there done that. Don't compare yourself to others (how they look or what they have) and if you have a 'vision' of where you thought you'd be by now then TOSS IT AWAY![]()
Also, don't let your mind brainwash you! Don't EVER think nor say the word 'wrong' when you look at yourself (or think about yourself)
You had a bad day, we all do sometimes - hell, we all have bad periods when our confidence need a little boost. Well, let me boost yours: YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL! And you can wear kaki - another thing I envy you![]()
Posted by Nepturanusim not so confident. how did you see that?
it's all in the eyes.
you don't look so confident in your first and second pic.
Posted by Andsmaxinguhmm!
Watch out there are some internet predators on this thread looking to send you body shop products
Posted by joanne_pThe shade suits you for sure.Posted by aCuriousGoatthank you for the kind words
You look beautiful and very feminine. You have some great features (look at those eyes and that upper lip! I wish I had a curved upper lip like that! Oh well, I work with what I got) I quite like you hair color, all natural?
There's nothing wrong with not being in a relationship at the age of 26, nor is it wrong to 'only' have two past relationships behind you.... but I get where you're coming from, been there done that. Don't compare yourself to others (how they look or what they have) and if you have a 'vision' of where you thought you'd be by now then TOSS IT AWAY![]()
Also, don't let your mind brainwash you! Don't EVER think nor say the word 'wrong' when you look at yourself (or think about yourself)
You had a bad day, we all do sometimes - hell, we all have bad periods when our confidence need a little boost. Well, let me boost yours: YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL! And you can wear kaki - another thing I envy you![]()
its kind of my natural colour but i change it for more 'red-ish, ginger' 1 month ago but it already faded to expand
Posted by joanne_pPosted by leowwwPosted by joanne_pYou are beautiful.
i am usually the one who must do the 'second' first impression. i dont know why.
men my age ( 25-28) seem to be afraid of me? i have no idea.
they are usually single or have younger gfs... and im ALWAYS SINGLE
Eyes.. Wow.
Nothing is wrong with you but you didn't explain what happened...who's he? And how did he ignore you?
Maybe your personality is intimidating?
and usually it ends up inviting me to a 'male parties' with 10 guys and vodka and im the only one girl feeling weird.
when i want to leave the guy i like, starts to argue with me or is being disrespectful like he gets a big friends zone to me, starts being voulgar that i am leaving. or starts to behaving weirdly i dont know even how i can explain.
i know i shouldnt analyze like that but it happened like 10 -15 times in my to expand
Posted by Damnatalmao @SagMoonFetishes getting exposed.
There are men out there who would date you on nationality alone. @Palerio
Posted by PalerioOh I'm sure that sad day will vanish in your memory when you will contemplate the true sadness of figuring out there is 0% innocence about Pisces.Posted by Damnatalmao @SagMoonFetishes getting exposed.
There are men out there who would date you on nationality alone. @Palerio
Don't stir it; it was a truly sad day for me when I discovered I was dating someone 100% Italian
click to expand
Posted by joanne_pDo you seek validation through men? Do you believe your looks and the attention they receive are attached to your worth?
hello world,
i have very depressive day.
again some guy ignored me.
i really dont know what i do wrong.
i study arts and architecture. i do a lot of things besides school.
i am friendly.
maybe too friendly?
i am posting my picture to let strangers judge me by my look.
i am 26 years old, aries.
maybe its something about my look more than behaviour.
tell me honestly.
why boys do not approach me?
maybe i need to work on my hair, make up or some ither things more?
give me a critic
maybe im not feminine? i am more girly type?
what should i change in my look?
any suggestions?
i dont know what to do because usually boys approach me then they decide not to continue the relation. even friend relation. or they put me in a friend zone. and its not about me being lazy or slow in a men- woman relation. they usually behave like 15 year old boys who invite me to drinking vodka in a park more than a dinner or even a date in mcdonald...
my last date was in january 2016 hahahah
maybe there is something weird in me. please tell me.
thank you!!!
Posted by DamnataThanks.Posted by PalerioOh I'm sure that sad day will vanish in your memory when you will contemplate the true sadness of figuring out there is 0% innocence about Pisces.Posted by Damnatalmao @SagMoonFetishes getting exposed.
There are men out there who would date you on nationality alone. @Palerio
Don't stir it; it was a truly sad day for me when I discovered I was dating someone 100% Italian![]()
Nice vocaroo to expand
Posted by joanne_pI'd date you
hello world,
i have very depressive day.
again some guy ignored me.
i really dont know what i do wrong.
i study arts and architecture. i do a lot of things besides school.
i am friendly.
maybe too friendly?
i am posting my picture to let strangers judge me by my look.
i am 26 years old, aries.
maybe its something about my look more than behaviour.
tell me honestly.
why boys do not approach me?
maybe i need to work on my hair, make up or some ither things more?
give me a critic
maybe im not feminine? i am more girly type?
what should i change in my look?
any suggestions?
i dont know what to do because usually boys approach me then they decide not to continue the relation. even friend relation. or they put me in a friend zone. and its not about me being lazy or slow in a men- woman relation. they usually behave like 15 year old boys who invite me to drinking vodka in a park more than a dinner or even a date in mcdonald...
my last date was in january 2016 hahahah
maybe there is something weird in me. please tell me.
thank you!!!
Posted by joanne_pAnnnnd we're birthday twins lolPosted by Weeds21.03.1990 poland
What's your full birthdate?click to expand
Posted by PalerioAKA she got the crazy eyes going on
You look both extremely friendly and detached at the same time - it's hard to explain. As if you really want to be approached but then you would prefer others to not approach you, although it fairly obvious you want them to.
Posted by YasmineMini lower my standards to the point like : dont take drugs, be nice and respect me.
You're pretty! (: the color contrast between your eye color and hair color is really pretty. I dont know why guys dont want to date you. You say you're friendly and nice so I dont see what's wrong. Maybe lack of common interests? I mean me myself I am not noticed by guys often, I dont really like attention on me so Im okay with it, but it does sometimes make you think hmm what's wrong with me? Am I ugly? These days Ive been the most confident in my looks than when I was when I got more noticed by boys! Which is odd, but I think if those guys arent interested in you, that's their lost, they arent worth your time. I know it's probably easier said then done but it's sometimes how you have to think rather than making them make you feel insecure. I dont see anything wrong about the way you look! You're pretty. Maybe it's something else? Ive seen all kinds of people of all colors, shapes, sizes, and what have you happily married or in a relationship. Maybe your standards are too high? Or you seem to not be the type of the guys you are attracted to. Or maybe you are too clingy. Some guys really dont like that
Posted by whatisthisallaboutmaybe im too strong which means i have always showed my emotions.
Not your apperance. You are very attractive.
But maybe you are too aggressive when you express your feelings?
Aries people can come on too strong and it can be a bit intimidating.
I just said goodbye to an Aries guy tonight because of that. He was confessing his love for me, but I didn't feel the same. I told him I felt neutral about him and he was really really really hurt and upset and began to emotional blackmail me... It was just too much.
Posted by piscesmoon2Off topic...but till now I thought you were asking these people to PM you if anything whenever you mention PM at the end?
Venus is retro in your sign right now love should be coming... yes us Aries can intimidate and also give of the vibe we will not be easy or manipulated... I am looking to but not for a fling... that is all a lot of men want even some woman... I am actually a guy as well.
I would keep your eyes open but be careful there are some real player types about.... the 27 maybe a good day it comes together.
Posted by TeenaHe's the biggest flirt here. Making them panties drop with his wisdom.Posted by piscesmoon2Off topic...but till now I thought you were asking these people to PM you if anything whenever you mention PM at the end?
Venus is retro in your sign right now love should be coming... yes us Aries can intimidate and also give of the vibe we will not be easy or manipulated... I am looking to but not for a fling... that is all a lot of men want even some woman... I am actually a guy as well.
I would keep your eyes open but be careful there are some real player types about.... the 27 maybe a good day it comes together.
PMclick to expand
Posted by Solaclick bait
Maybe try an older guy, who might not be so intimidated and actually has the balls to approach a woman or show genuine interest. Have you tried internet dating?
Posted by PalerioLol!! He is??Posted by TeenaHe's the biggest flirt here. Making them panties drop with his wisdom.Posted by piscesmoon2Off topic...but till now I thought you were asking these people to PM you if anything whenever you mention PM at the end?
Venus is retro in your sign right now love should be coming... yes us Aries can intimidate and also give of the vibe we will not be easy or manipulated... I am looking to but not for a fling... that is all a lot of men want even some woman... I am actually a guy as well.
I would keep your eyes open but be careful there are some real player types about.... the 27 maybe a good day it comes together.
PMclick to expand
Posted by TeenaDue the consistency of his pm game, he was the first one to date to be rewarded with the prestigious "DXP inbox extension", which consists in a complete customisation of your inbox according to the sun sign of the people you pm.Posted by PalerioLol!! He is??Posted by TeenaHe's the biggest flirt here. Making them panties drop with his wisdom.Posted by piscesmoon2Off topic...but till now I thought you were asking these people to PM you if anything whenever you mention PM at the end?
Venus is retro in your sign right now love should be coming... yes us Aries can intimidate and also give of the vibe we will not be easy or manipulated... I am looking to but not for a fling... that is all a lot of men want even some woman... I am actually a guy as well.
I would keep your eyes open but be careful there are some real player types about.... the 27 maybe a good day it comes together.
PMclick to expand
Posted by joanne_pIs that you have an Aquarius venus and mars, and for most guys your age that's a lot to take in. Even the most mature and bold will have to like challenges if they wanted to proceed with you and that venus/mars combo. You can probably ask Damnata what's that like on the receiving end.Posted by whatisthisallaboutmaybe im too strong which means i have always showed my emotions.
Not your apperance. You are very attractive.
But maybe you are too aggressive when you express your feelings?
Aries people can come on too strong and it can be a bit intimidating.
I just said goodbye to an Aries guy tonight because of that. He was confessing his love for me, but I didn't feel the same. I told him I felt neutral about him and he was really really really hurt and upset and began to emotional blackmail me... It was just too much.
only 'strong' guys can handle me?
the leo guy has been friends with me for like 2 years, likes me, i like him and he express his emotions too strong and i like that.
i mean because i know what he wants and i dont have to guess what he wants...
the problem with my previous virgo 'friends' were like i had to 'guess' what they wanted? and when i was oing first moves they run away....and then again approached me again and the circle was still on. i didnt understand....
i just realised some time ago that my friend circle consists of pieces, leos, saggs, aries and geminis.
i dont get along well with taurus people- too stubborn and lazy for me. for them i am too expressive and possesive. no idea why. i met a lot of taurus girls that were my friends but i was too nice and patient with them. when i opened up they were telling me im too expressive and its not the way the girl to expand
Posted by Palerio???Posted by TeenaDue the consistency of his pm game, he was the first one to date to be rewarded with the prestigious "DXP inbox extension", which consists in a complete customisation of your inbox according to the sun sign of the people you pm.Posted by PalerioLol!! He is??Posted by TeenaHe's the biggest flirt here. Making them panties drop with his wisdom.Posted by piscesmoon2Off topic...but till now I thought you were asking these people to PM you if anything whenever you mention PM at the end?
Venus is retro in your sign right now love should be coming... yes us Aries can intimidate and also give of the vibe we will not be easy or manipulated... I am looking to but not for a fling... that is all a lot of men want even some woman... I am actually a guy as well.
I would keep your eyes open but be careful there are some real player types about.... the 27 maybe a good day it comes together.
Not even Ands was ever able to manage his harem in such a fruitful to expand
Posted by PalerioWow thats interesting to know. I am aqua venus and mars and i know that their is definitely something weird about people misinterpreting what i try to communicate .Posted by joanne_pIs that you have an Aquarius venus and mars, and for most guys your age that's a lot to take in. Even the most mature and bold will have to like challenges if they wanted to proceed with you and that venus/mars combo. You can probably ask Damnata what's that like on the receiving end.Posted by whatisthisallaboutmaybe im too strong which means i have always showed my emotions.
Not your apperance. You are very attractive.
But maybe you are too aggressive when you express your feelings?
Aries people can come on too strong and it can be a bit intimidating.
I just said goodbye to an Aries guy tonight because of that. He was confessing his love for me, but I didn't feel the same. I told him I felt neutral about him and he was really really really hurt and upset and began to emotional blackmail me... It was just too much.
only 'strong' guys can handle me?
the leo guy has been friends with me for like 2 years, likes me, i like him and he express his emotions too strong and i like that.
i mean because i know what he wants and i dont have to guess what he wants...
the problem with my previous virgo 'friends' were like i had to 'guess' what they wanted? and when i was oing first moves they run away....and then again approached me again and the circle was still on. i didnt understand....
i just realised some time ago that my friend circle consists of pieces, leos, saggs, aries and geminis.
i dont get along well with taurus people- too stubborn and lazy for me. for them i am too expressive and possesive. no idea why. i met a lot of taurus girls that were my friends but i was too nice and patient with them. when i opened up they were telling me im too expressive and its not the way the girl behaves.....
Astrologically speaking, your venus/mars pairing just comes across as very odd. I know it may sound strange but looks in your case does not matter, because if there's something curious about this pairing is that you can potentially turn on any guy in a matter of seconds, yet just as quickly you can turn him off by saying something that will leave him in a "what the hell, I'm confused" state. Even when you don't say anything actually absurd, the Aquarian delivery will filter people out naturally, since it's for few to appreciate.
Also with an Aquarius venus and mars your body language and words don't usually match. And that's a bit of to expand