Possible astrological indicators of easy/difficult pregnancy and childbirth?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by dadjokes on Sunday, September 30, 2018 and has 3 replies.
Have you ever noticed any astrological patterns that correlate to an easier or more difficult pregnancy/labour process than others?

I've heard many mothers say that having a baby was such a natural feeling process (pregnancy glow, no morning sickness, baby effortlessly slipped out of her like a coin, etc), whereas others had a horrible time of it (constant heartburn and nausea, incontinence, pelvic muscles ripped apart, traumatic labour causing their body to be torn apart from vagina all the way to anus, post partum depression, etc).

From what I gather, it seems like those with Taurus influences had an easier time.

(Disclaimer: before anyone says it, obviously the most important factors are general health, care, genetics, and other common sense things like that, I'm not a moron lol)
I had five easy pregnancies and give easy births. No complications and all un medicated water births

I think genetics and emotional make up have a major influence

I have a 5th house stellium with mars (sag), moon/saturn/uranus/venus/neptune/mercury in cap. And I did not have difficulties getting pregnant although my first pregnancy was a early miscarriage around 6th/7th week but that happens to almost every woman in her life at least once! First time getting pregnant it took 3 months, after the miscarriage 6 months and I was pregnant again, that‘s a totally normal timeframe. It‘s considered „long“ when it takes 1.5yrs plus to get pregnant.

To be honest I knew from the start that I couldn‘t handle natural birth that‘s why I decided to have a c-section and man that was „comfortable“! Best decision ever, recovery was very good, excellent work of my doc! The scar is small and not really visible. The pregnany was ok and nothing out of the norm, was throwing up 8 weeks throughout the day 🤷🏻‍♀️

I do have hard aspects though but as you can see everything went well 🙏🏼

Venus square lilith

Moon conjunct uranus/mercury/neptune

Moon quintile lilith (?)

Saturn sextile pluto (smooth one)

Saturn conjunct neptune/venus/merc/moon (but wide orb up to 8 degrees)