Presidential Match-up

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Galileia428 on Tuesday, January 8, 2008 and has 5 replies.
Thought this was interesting. By answering a few questions about your opinions on certain issues, this selects the presidential candidate most aligned to your beliefs. My results were exactly what I thought they were going to be. Kucinich's platform is exactly what I believe in (he is the vegan pacifist who has no chance in hell of winning smile and Obama is a very close second. What are your results?
A HREF="">2008 President Selector

1. Theoretical Ideal Candidate (100 % )
2. Dennis Kucinich (89 % )
3. Barack Obama (81 % )
4. Christopher Dodd (withdrawn) (80 % )
5. Alan Augustson (campaign suspended
Barack Obama was my closest to ideal - 79% hmmm...... Guess my ideal presidential candidate doesn't exist.
1. Theoretical Ideal Candidate (100% )
2. Alan Augustson (campaign suspended) (82% )
3. Dennis Kucinich (80% )
4. Christopher Dodd (withdrawn) (78% )
5. Barack Obama (76% )
Theoretical Ideal Candidate (100% )
2. Barack Obama (73% ) Information link
3. Christopher Dodd (withdrawn) (68% ) Information link
4. John Edwards (67% ) Information link
5. Al Gore (not announced) (64% ) Information link
6. Bill Richardson (withdrawn) (60% ) Information link
7. Hillary Clinton (59% ) Information link
8. Wesley Clark (not running, endorsed Clinton) (55% ) Information link
9. Dennis Kucinich (53% ) Information link
10. Ron Paul (51% ) Information link
11. Joseph Biden (withdrawn) (51% ) Information link
12. Mike Gravel (50% ) Information link

..I always knew I supported barack!