Psychics, Wiccan, Magic etc

This topic was created in the Psychics forum by SuperMissMan on Wednesday, July 22, 2015 and has 29 replies.
I believe with every fiber in my body that magic is real.
We jst arnt intellegnt enough to find it.
I believe prtas open henceforth spirits of other realms enter in.
It ay be hidden from us so whos to say it isnt real?

It may be that ive lived a lfe mor psychic than most and tend to hve aways seen "shadow people" but theres no doubt insid me to think maybe im wrong.
What do you guys believe?

state your moon and sun.
Huge fan of folklore and mythology here.

Same. I hae about 100 books of such on kindle
I believe that psychics, mediums and clairvoyants are very much real as is the spirit world. I believe in these things based on personal experiences and maybe it partly has to do with my native American ancestry as well, but mostly it's based on my experiences.
I's sure there is magic of some sort in existence vastly dealing with our subconscious. there's a saying that goes something like, " magic exists only for those who believe in it"

so good luck for those of us who strongly believes!
Posted by metalaquamonkey
I believe that psychics, mediums and clairvoyants are very much real as is the spirit world. I believe in these things based on personal experiences and maybe it partly has to do with my native American ancestry as well, but mostly it's based on my experiences.

Oops sorry Op forgot to put my moon and Sun

Moon: Leo
Sun: Aqua
Posted by princessacancersagittaire
I's sure there is magic of some sort in existence vastly dealing with our subconscious. there's a saying that goes something like, " magic exists only for those who believe in it"

so good luck for those of us who strongly believes!

Sun and moon: Cancer
Posted by SuperMissMan
We jst arnt intellegnt enough to find it.

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Posted by princessacancersagittaire
I's sure there is magic of some sort in existence vastly dealing with our subconscious. there's a saying that goes something like, " magic exists only for those who believe in it"

so good luck for those of us who strongly believes!

Exactly. that goes or all things really
Posted by metalaquamonkey
I believe that psychics, mediums and clairvoyants are very much real as is the spirit world. I believe in these things based on personal experiences and maybe it partly has to do with my native American ancestry as well, but mostly it's based on my experiences.

Ah yes exacty! wat tribe are yy? im Cherokee
Posted by hydorah
Posted by SuperMissMan
We jst arnt intellegnt enough to find it.

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Laughing omg
Posted by antithesis
Of course magic is real!

It's not that people arnt intelligent enough to find it.

It's that people are looking in all the wrong places.

Magic isn't something that can be understood with intelligence.

Trying to find magic using science is like trying to find a plastic toy in the sand, using a metal detector!

I personally have seen the shadow people many times.

I have even had conversations with them at length.

There is good magic and bad magic in the world.

Shadow people are dangerous and evil, this I have come to understand.

I too talk to them but as i grew up very isolated (my nickae among fmily was rupenzel becase lterly i wa locke up in a twer) they became my friends. they comort me ad they help me wen i need it. They alwas have. Then agai ive mentioned befre im about half evil so...
They aret bad. Theyre misunderstood. And i totllyagree. I feel magic, i dont look for it becas i knw its there and it will find me.
Posted by antithesis
I am a conduit.

I can summon the shadow people at will.

I have not done it for several years though.

It's dangerous and satanic.

I didnt know it was a bad thing to do. :o
I relly dont feel they are bad beings. We are no better.
Posted by SuperMissMan
Posted by metalaquamonkey
I believe that psychics, mediums and clairvoyants are very much real as is the spirit world. I believe in these things based on personal experiences and maybe it partly has to do with my native American ancestry as well, but mostly it's based on my experiences.

Ah yes exacty! wat tribe are yy? im Cherokee
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My grandma (mom's mom) is Cherokee and if I can find out what reservation my great grandmother was born in I'd know specifics. On my dad's side my grandmother was Mescelaro Apache and my grandfather was half Aztec.
Posted by metalaquamonkey
Posted by SuperMissMan
Posted by metalaquamonkey
I believe that psychics, mediums and clairvoyants are very much real as is the spirit world. I believe in these things based on personal experiences and maybe it partly has to do with my native American ancestry as well, but mostly it's based on my experiences.

Ah yes exacty! wat tribe are yy? im Cherokee

My grandma (mom's mom) is Cherokee and if I can find out what reservation my great grandmother was born in I'd know specifics. On my dad's side my grandmother was Mescelaro Apache and my grandfather was half Aztec.
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Posted by SuperMissMan
Posted by metalaquamonkey
Posted by SuperMissMan
Posted by metalaquamonkey
I believe that psychics, mediums and clairvoyants are very much real as is the spirit world. I believe in these things based on personal experiences and maybe it partly has to do with my native American ancestry as well, but mostly it's based on my experiences.

Ah yes exacty! wat tribe are yy? im Cherokee

My grandma (mom's mom) is Cherokee and if I can find out what reservation my great grandmother was born in I'd know specifics. On my dad's side my grandmother was Mescelaro Apache and my grandfather was half Aztec.

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Posted by wecarealot
Yes, I believe magic is real. I've read about here and there, but ultimately I believe in following one's instincts when it comes to this stuff. Magic is essentially just focused intention; it's about learning how to direct your energy using meditation techniques and an understanding of the laws of nature. It's not the hocus pocus shit you see in movies.


Ah yes instict is all too important.
Posted by starlover
I believe in it

and live in it

Taurus Moon
Scorpio Sun

You live in it? :O
Posted by 4ND5
Do you have voodoo dolls of ex bfs?

Ahahha!!! no way. you get wat u give. i only give good. only once i set the shadows on an evil little bitch.
My mom curses people though. I suppose evil runs in my blood.
Besides i broke up with most. and im so easily detached that the others didnt hurt much. Im friends wih all but to but its their fult since thy want to e mad at me
Posted by 4ND5
My mom has lil bottles of spells she does. Yes she is a Pisces.

My mom ha spell books. i hv old spells fro old grimores that i never use smile
Posted by Rabbit
I belive in potions that make you irresistible to the opposite sex....

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LMFAO!!! Me too. its clled perfume
I half believe, half don't believe.
I can't truly believe in those things unless I experience it myself. I'm not psychic, so I can't say psychics exists. I've seen 'ghosts' so I believe in ghosts. That's the way I work.
I believe in divine and dark arts. I don't believe magic can exist on earth, for the laws of nature and physics banished it, or completely forgotten it. I do believe magical entities can be born as mortals, but can only manipulate mentally and subliminal.

In a nutshell the divine arts are here to stop/neutralize darkness from unlocking forbidden illegal magic, and essentially immortality. Once they become immortal that's when the apocalypse will truly happen.
To me that is all excuses women bring just not to study natural science or engineering. Good news for them: men like you this way.

^^^^ nice to know this.
That Pisces