relationships and Moon, Venus, & Mars

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Season on Sunday, June 26, 2016 and has 5 replies.
I know the inner planets are most important in determining how symatico we may be we another person, but is one of the three, Moon, Mars, Venus a standout for you personally.

I find myself drawn to other Venus in Pisces peeps so I think Venus rules for me and determines the length and success of a relationship. These people become Lifelong friends and that's saying a lot.
Yeah.. What is symatico :p .. I cant think of a typo..

On topic..hmm. IDK. Most of my close friendships are with earth or water dominants.

My mar, Venus, and moon all in mother loving Pisces
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
My mar, Venus, and moon all in mother loving Pisces
lol youre similar to Aquanoz's chart.

except different houses maybe. and rising.

Yes we are like aquarian twins me and him