Respected or Loved?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by SirHorns on Wednesday, April 22, 2015 and has 17 replies.
Which do you care about getting more from others?
Respect or Love?
From your lover. Family. Co-workers and acquaintances.
Ideally, you'd be able to get both from all the groups, but if you could get one or the other from each, which would you pick and why?
...*Sees he didn't make the topic astro-relevant-
Uhh...Also post what your Venus Sign is and which house it's in!

Hope they don't notice how last minute that whole Venus requirement was.
My kneejerk response wanted be both are equally important but then you twisted my arm and said pick one and I chose Respect. (I think because my Gemini Moon interprets acknowledgement/respect for my intellect as an important part of loving me.)
Venus Scorpio, 1st house
Posted by duchesslibro
My kneejerk response wanted be both are equally important but then you twisted my arm and said pick one and I chose Respect. (I think because my Gemini Moon interprets acknowledgement/respect for my intellect as an important part of loving me.)
Venus Scorpio, 1st house

*Taps Aries Rising Horns* Aries style questioning, one of Libra's weaknesses~
I see. If one said they loved you, yet thought you were an idiot, you wouldn't feel loved or safe/comfortable around that person even if they didn't mean it as malicious insult to you, just their view of you from their perspective. Right?
Posted by Hotbeefy
Venus in Cancer on 9th house.

Poor Cancer-bits got tortured a little with that question, didn't they?
Posted by SirHorns
Posted by duchesslibro
My kneejerk response wanted be both are equally important but then you twisted my arm and said pick one and I chose Respect. (I think because my Gemini Moon interprets acknowledgement/respect for my intellect as an important part of loving me.)
Venus Scorpio, 1st house

*Taps Aries Rising Horns* Aries style questioning, one of Libra's weaknesses~
I see. If one said they loved you, yet thought you were an idiot, you wouldn't feel loved or safe/comfortable around that person even if they didn't mean it as malicious insult to you, just their view of you from their perspective. Right?
click to expand

Clearly an efficient play on my weakness.. I didnt feel entirely comfortable w my answer but gave it anyway. *adds to list of reasons Aries can be pretty cool i guess..*
Yes, an ex (Libra Sun) said he loved me but I didn't feel he gave me enough credit regarding my intelligence and intellect. I felt that he couldn't possibly truly love me because he clearly didn't even really know me.
Respect. Love is a little too much we you're unprepared.
Respect, Always.
Ugh, i can't deal with this question. I'm gonna say respect, i think.
Venus Taurus in the 4th house.
Venus in Pisces in 3rd house
Respect, loyalty, stable, consistent, attitudes, physical attraction and finally love..
Respect, loyalty, stable, consistent, attitudes, physical attraction and finally love..oh I'm Taurus with VIT.. it's cool really..
Honor and integrity is hard to find IMP- I have yet to find that in someone other Taurus people.
Other than Taurus.. I see it more in woman than man that's for sure..
So far, most pick respect.
A handful picked love.
...and one couldn't separate one from another.
I can still respect someone even if I don't love them.
Posted by SirHorns
So far, most pick respect.
A handful picked love.
...and one couldn't separate one from another.

Uhhm I don't think the non-answer should count. If a triple Libra can make a decision (and be the first to answer Big Grin) then I certainly don't think Lib Asc is a valid excuse for not choosing one.