she deleted it because it resulted into everybody ganging up on her. It's got to be one of the most train-wrecked threads on DXP of all time.
Sadly, there seems to be a dearth in train-wreck threads this year.
I realized that it's a big reason for me to break up with a girl. It cheapens the romance a bit, and takes away the flavor.
hi I met a taurus online and we've been talking consecutively for 5 days now. yesterday was the first morning he hasn't texted me so I texted him but so far I have not gotten a reply.
of course I'm not sending anymore texts, but is he not interested anym
Heads crushed
Watch them turn into dust
There's a black cloud forming and it's covering both of us
The serpent seeks and finds a suitable home
She drags him out of the hole
And sucks him down into oblivion
My love is like a murder
Dead love once is neve
Hi all, I’d love to get some opinions on whether this Taurus man sounds serious about me.
I am currently dating a Taurus man, and I am a Taurus woman. We saw each other regularly for a month and then I was traveling the following month, so no chance to g
Hi guys i would love to ask you random question (especially to guys capricorn or girls) explain me is it his tactics just to get my attention, or heart? to push me away to be sweet and again keep a safe distance being cold n distant and over again nice cu
I figured I'd ask a sign that feels intense emotions, yet manage to control themselves most of the time. I've seen genuinely happy Scorpios too, and they seem to always manage somehow in the midst of tragedy. Hm,
what are the things you do throughout a
I broke up with someone because cuz he was too clingy.
What about you guys?
Anyone with any insight on this? Neptune opposes my Sun and squares my Moon. A friend of mine has these very same aspects. The rest of our signs are not compatible AT ALL. Figured two people with Neptune influencing their personalities would have... I dun