Reversed axis qualities?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by RamOfPeace on Thursday, November 1, 2018 and has 2 replies.
Anybody else ever notice how

Some Leos are more detached than Aquarii?

Capricorns are more family-like and emotional than Cancers?

Virgoes are more perceptive and empathetic than Pisces?

List goes on... I feel that there’s a constant flux of qualities that travel between the oppositions and make them very differwnt and alike at the same time.

When I look at a sign, I often see their opposite reflection in the way they live and act.
Posted by s_i_e_r_r_a

opposites carry traits of the other or at the very least, the 'potential' for such traits.. basically, when you scratch at the surface of one, it's not surprising to catch a glimpse of the other side

Aries-Libra axis

-concerns the self and its projection out into the world

-Aries is the primitive, the egoist of simple, unguarded expression while Libra is the sophisticated diplomat

In reality, none of the 2 signs are less concerned about the self but make themselves heard in different ways.

Axis themes:

creating vs. refining

leading vs. following

initiating vs. completing
Sierra, thanks for the wonderful posts in each axis! That’s a lot of thought fodder for me to process and expand on.