Signed Up: Dec 15, 2014 Comments: 0 · Posts: 311 · Topics: 40
Hmmm I need some astrological insight. We have a very rocky relationship . He's the only guy that has ever hurt me bad I can usually go with the motions when I'm hurt or just let something roll off me but not w him and then when everything works out its fucking magical . We were separated for a year but still fucking eachother so recently we came together. As corny as it sounds we both laughed and felt as if it was fate ,Whatever .I never would have thought I would be with him again but we're both at points in our lives of total crisis where we can only depend on eachother right now given the circumstance and it's actually been amazing and we are both completely happy. So can somebody anybody tell me your opinion . If this can work out or do we seem incompatible ?
I rarely meet Sags, which kind of surprises me but I've recently started chatting a lot with a friend of mine that I've known for a couple years. Just through sporadic visits amongst mutual friends. But we randomly began a fb message and we've been swappi
I have changed so much that i dont feel anything now, I was appreciated for putting in efforts, being patient and growin tolerance but now nohing feels right. I feeel a huge emotional gap between me and my virguy, probably because i have changed too much
We have worked in the same company,but our work cities were different. I liked him since I met him but could never tell him bcoz he was already involved with some other girl. I met him again co-incidently in the same flight. And came to know that he had
As time goes on I'm starting to think if I really want old cancer back? He seems a little sad on his post as if he is waiting for me to make a move... Even though o broke it off I told him my feelings and he dissapeared but that was after he said he didn'
Hey fellow astrologers, I would like to know some opinions on the charts of me and a taurus girl. Here they are, me: Sun Capricorn 11.24 Moon Capricorn 4.34 Mercury Capricorn 5.59 R Venus Sagittarius 1.52 Mars Libra 25.32
..... have I ever mentioned how my brother left his wife, and ran off to another country to marry her best friend? I know I have. I used to teach night classes and would work stories about my brother into my curriculum for shits, giggles and therapy.
Hi i'm a libra and i recently started seeing an aquarius man a few weeks ago. The first time i met him was awhile back through friends of mine. He told my friend he thought i was attractive and i said the same about him. Anyway, we hung out with our mut The way he worded it makes me sick, he's got biggest Peter Pan syndrome... I have nothing against open relationships just when they don't tell you when they're in an open many times I've slept with a