Hi, what would your first impressions be about a a male gemini who has been "intimate" with 12 different people (and he's only mid-twenties), claims they were just not the "one" but that he fiercely denies that he's a commitmentphobe/player - will these t
Can someone help me understand myself better? or rather my "astrological" self even. Everything I read online about Libras doesn't resonate with me at all. Apparently us Libras are supposed to be "social butterflies." I'm not a social butterfly at
IDK how to put this...but do you know anyone who has their personal planets in your 8th house?? Especially in synastries where THEY are your love interest or crush?? What's your 8th house and what are their planets? Share your views...obsessions..
In the spirit world, there are only two skin colors: love and hate. you hate the color or shade of your skin, or that of someone else's skin, then, you have a shallow mind. Shallow minds don't think. And if they so choose to hate in this life, they wi
Leo sun Sag moon Scorp asc What should I knock him on the head with?
Okay you guys. I'm about this _ close to just cutting this guy off. So I started casually seeing this guy a few months ago. He asked me in January to spend valentines day together. He continued to ask a few more times just make sure I was really going
This Leo that Ive been talking to! I dont think Ive ever obsessed bout a man in my life like that before!! Its like I want him body and soul so strongly! he tends to take his sweet time when replying to my messages! Leo and their games! but I like him!
These articles were pretty informing on the potential future of warfare in World War III. Also I seem to have noticed a trend in World Wars, it seems like in both world wars and potential wars in the future there have been new weapons introduced into the