Scared for my Saturn return... Someone please advice me

This topic was created in the Saturn Return forum by dewiklaessen277 on Saturday, February 23, 2019 and has 8 replies.

Current transits

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You won't be so "out there" or daydreamy about the concerns of your 2nd house (the house

your saturn return will take place in). You will be forced in the here and now pertaining to this house.

Kind of like when you are daydreaming in class and your teacher constantly yells out to call to you to pay attention. "DEWIKLAESSEN277!"

When Saturn returns comes, you snap out of that daydream and you now see where you are in the class room. [the physical realm [the realm of saturn]. If you lost your place in the textbook and not following along with the rest of the class,well, you would experience the result of those actions such as embarrassment in front of the class, detention, a failed grade etc). If you were following along in the textbook but just daydreamed a little, then results of that will come such as praise from the teacher, baffled students, relief, a passing grade etc) It is non judgment about what you have done up to that point BUT results and teachings will come into fruition based on your actions up to that point in this particular house when your saturn return starts.


Your results ... The Effect of your actions...

You reap what you sow will be dominant...

Saturn return making his way into your 2nd house, results will come

about that have to do with your self-worth. You will be forced to focus

on the results on your understanding of that, the things you have, the things you own,

and since the 2nd house is a succeeding house from the first, results will come about on how you go about ((((taking care))))) of yourself and supporting your first house [self]. Do you have all of this in order and if not, by the end of this saturn return {you will}.

Also too, I will say that the gold in you or (Your value) will be looked upon as well. Yes Yes we all are very valuable, beyond valuable, but how are you valuable to the world? Are you also able to see the value in other things and how they help, how they support? My sun is in the house among other planets so I tend to focus on that a lot, the gold within all of us, within me. So like, the tree is VERY valuable, how it provides shelter for other animals, how it provides food, and how it influences oxygen, how it provides shade on a very hot day. The list goes on and on...

I would say that the gift of your saturn return here may be to really grasp this to further unlock your gold or value to help yourself and others.

So, Don't be scared (though I understand why)...

The beginning there will be so much learning...

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But through it all will have such a sharp and grand understanding

of not only your second house but also Saturn too.

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Posted by Ellygant

Is you’re natal Saturn in Cap or Aquarius? And is it a critical degree? (29 or 0)

0 degrees in Aquarius

Posted by Aju

You won't be so "out there" or daydreamy about the concerns of your 2nd house (the house

your saturn return will take place in). You will be forced in the here and now pertaining to this house.

Kind of like when you are daydreaming in class and your teacher constantly yells out to call to you to pay attention. "DEWIKLAESSEN277!"

When Saturn returns comes, you snap out of that daydream and you now see where you are in the class room. [the physical realm [the realm of saturn]. If you lost your place in the textbook and not following along with the rest of the class,well, you would experience the result of those actions such as embarrassment in front of the class, detention, a failed grade etc). If you were following along in the textbook but just daydreamed a little, then results of that will come such as praise from the teacher, baffled students, relief, a passing grade etc) It is non judgment about what you have done up to that point BUT results and teachings will come into fruition based on your actions up to that point in this particular house when your saturn return starts.


Your results ... The Effect of your actions...

You reap what you sow will be dominant...

Saturn return making his way into your 2nd house, results will come

about that have to do with your self-worth. You will be forced to focus

on the results on your understanding of that, the things you have, the things you own,

and since the 2nd house is a succeeding house from the first, results will come about on how you go about ((((taking care))))) of yourself and supporting your first house [self]. Do you have all of this in order and if not, by the end of this saturn return {you will}.

Also too, I will say that the gold in you or (Your value) will be looked upon as well. Yes Yes we all are very valuable, beyond valuable, but how are you valuable to the world? Are you also able to see the value in other things and how they help, how they support? My sun is in the house among other planets so I tend to focus on that a lot, the gold within all of us, within me. So like, the tree is VERY valuable, how it provides shelter for other animals, how it provides food, and how it influences oxygen, how it provides shade on a very hot day. The list goes on and on...

I would say that the gift of your saturn return here may be to really grasp this to further unlock your gold or value to help yourself and others.

thank you for your response ! i have to say in numerology and astrology i feel like i don't have much luck specially when it comes to the financial part i am a life path 8 with a personality number 8 a heart desire number 8 and a destiny number 8 i feel like i constantly have to battle my way through.

I am trying very hard to focus and do what i need to do right now i am not dreamy but i am thinking really hard which steps to take i already had to make multiple sacrifices in order to balance my life but i feel like i have to make another one in order to be balanced which i hate to do...i am gonna do what is best for me and think about myself something i should have done along

Posted by dewiklaessen277

Posted by Aju

You won't be so "out there" or daydreamy about the concerns of your 2nd house (the house

your saturn return will take place in). You will be forced in the here and now pertaining to this house.

Kind of like when you are daydreaming in class and your teacher constantly yells out to call to you to pay attention. "DEWIKLAESSEN277!"

When Saturn returns comes, you snap out of that daydream and you now see where you are in the class room. [the physical realm [the realm of saturn]. If you lost your place in the textbook and not following along with the rest of the class,well, you would experience the result of those actions such as embarrassment in front of the class, detention, a failed grade etc). If you were following along in the textbook but just daydreamed a little, then results of that will come such as praise from the teacher, baffled students, relief, a passing grade etc) It is non judgment about what you have done up to that point BUT results and teachings will come into fruition based on your actions up to that point in this particular house when your saturn return starts.


Your results ... The Effect of your actions...

You reap what you sow will be dominant...

Saturn return making his way into your 2nd house, results will come

about that have to do with your self-worth. You will be forced to focus

on the results on your understanding of that, the things you have, the things you own,

and since the 2nd house is a succeeding house from the first, results will come about on how you go about ((((taking care))))) of yourself and supporting your first house [self]. Do you have all of this in order and if not, by the end of this saturn return {you will}.

Also too, I will say that the gold in you or (Your value) will be looked upon as well. Yes Yes we all are very valuable, beyond valuable, but how are you valuable to the world? Are you also able to see the value in other things and how they help, how they support? My sun is in the house among other planets so I tend to focus on that a lot, the gold within all of us, within me. So like, the tree is VERY valuable, how it provides shelter for other animals, how it provides food, and how it influences oxygen, how it provides shade on a very hot day. The list goes on and on...

I would say that the gift of your saturn return here may be to really grasp this to further unlock your gold or value to help yourself and others.

thank you for your response ! i have to say in numerology and astrology i feel like i don't have much luck specially when it comes to the financial part i am a life path 8 with a personality number 8 a heart desire number 8 and a destiny number 8 i feel like i constantly have to battle my way through.

I am trying very hard to focus and do what i need to do right now i am not dreamy but i am thinking really hard which steps to take i already had to make multiple sacrifices in order to balance my life but i feel like i have to make another one in order to be balanced which i hate to do...i am gonna do what is best for me and think about myself something i should have done along

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No Problem at all.

Number 8 huh. This (can) be a challenge but also a blessing.

My aunt has this life path and so does one of my best friends.

They both are struggling (but) I feel it just has to do with them not being aware

of the lessons this number relates too. You have an advantage because of your knowledge.

I would definitely recommend a book by Catherine Ponder titles [ The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity].

It's so good I had to order the physical copy; I bought the first on Amazon Kindle. Cheaper there.

She explains and teaches one the importance of having a successful and prosperity

mindset. Literally switching your focus and mind set so that you can attract better

opportunities and wealth is key. When ever she received money, she moved the decimal

over so that she could get into the ((feeling)) of earning more in her check book. "feeling"

and have a "rich" mindset is the teachings. I would also recommend [You are a badass at making money]

by Jen Sincero. I let my aunt borrow that one and I have yet to see it returned hahaha! Um, then of

course [Think and grow rich] and [Rich dad poor dad]. There are so so many but I would definitely

start with [The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity] first. I can't put that one down. It's Healing just reading it.

But again, no problem at all. Everything will good (:

See it as an opportunity to clean up your act. During a Saturn return your body truly starts feeling the passage of time, a reminder that nobody is immortal. So abusing alcohol or drugs during Saturn return will start having a much greater impact on your body and mind than it did in the past, hangovers will last longer, etc. (your body just becomes a lot more susceptible to unhealthy behaviours) It is said one of the reasons so many young artists died at 27 from drug/alcohol overdose, like Cobain, Amy Winehouse (also a Virgo with moon in Sag) etc is because of the Lunar return that happens right before the start of the Saturn return, which usually starts some sort of personal crisis that will hopefully be resolved by the end of the Saturn return cycle.