you are so right, these are extremely strange coincidences!
Well the Mayains, who predicted their own civilizations end, predicted that the world will come to an end on 12-21-12.....So there is another example for ..... The mayains believed that go through 4 suns then it goes through a rebirth and right now by their calender we are in our 4th sun and the day 12-21-12 it will go through a rebirth and during this rebirth of the 1st sun. we wil live in aboslute darkness....
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Sep 12, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 501 · Topics: 35
my sister up above is so DAMNNNNED smart!! Love you sis
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
I would rather have a title "Ignorance about 12 Zodiacs" than calling it a secret. It was known to human beings in past but without clarity. we have more than enough proof for that. It will be quite interesting to know that most astronomers or philosophers were a student of astrology till the renaissance period. Then people started ignoring astrology in the name of education and science.
A complete precise knowledge about astrology and human psychology can eradicate religion and politics. Every man will be for himself. We wont find a need for anyone to control us or lead us. I can only imagine this could have been the reason why some people tried not to let public learn much about astrology....
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Because he's the Demiurge ... astrology is the absolute that Nostradamus reiterated over and over again.
Jesus was sent from the God Almighty .. NOT the creator .. to attempt to give us Gnosis.
Repeatedly .. messengers have been sent by the Almighty to give us signs of the absolute (astrology) .. repeatedly, the Demiurge increases his intent of keeping us in fear to tie our souls to the earth plane because he has said himself .. he is a jealous god.
A multitude of people will be fooled, even the clergy .. and so it has happened .. the Demiurge has fooled mankind into thinking that he sent Jesus to us .. when in reality, JC came from the Almighty and NOT the creator.
Signed Up:
May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
"thelibran astrology and religion have a HUGE connection as its the bases of religion"
The only possible connection btween religion and astrology is the religious theory that God created this world including all the planets. Now if its not like that, then its only an assumption from the part of religious people. If its from a big bang or whatever as per the explanation of science, what humans have been perceiving as God over 4000 years is the complexity of influence of planetary movements on human brain.
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Nov 08, 2006Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
If mass & energy are universally linked, as per the Universe itself, then this same cosmos/cosmic energy is then part of every human being. Hence astrology exists either way, with or without religion. ..just my thinking.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"So you mean this so called creator first made all the planets and stars responsible for the character and behavior of human beings and found it unsuccessful and later send jesus christ to sort out issues and publish a book in his name?"
No, that's not what I mean. I'm saying that there is an ultimate power that presides over the cosmos .. our spirits incarnate into souls who are born on all planets. To our earth, a guardian has been placed, and this guardian calls himself a jealous God. This Creator made carbon beings with souls. He wants these souls because to bind the souls, means our spirits cannot ascend back onto the Universal Grid, so therefore, he attempts to bind us in fear to tie our souls to the earth. In his attempt to bind our souls, he has tricked us into believing the he is the only One, he has created within our mind-set, the scriptures so we would be obdiant. The Creator is not the Almighty (the ultimate power), the Creator (aka: Demiurge) is a lessor God, the one assigned to earth as her guardian. However, he is evil within himself .. our bodies and souls were created within this evil .. it's the very reason why this Creator freaked out when his first children ate from the tree of knowledge .. he didn't want us to have Gnosis. He wanted us blind, ignorant to the truth that our souls contain "spirit" that belongs to the Universe.
Fear of God (creator)
Fear of Hell
Fear will lead to the souls perdition .. if the soul is bound, then the spirit cannot ascend when the body dies.
Jesus was a messenger sent from the Universe to tell us the truth. The truth being that our spirits are NOT our souls, and our spirit belongs from whence it came .. the Universe. We have the power within us to have a Christ Consciousness so that when our bodies perish, our souls that the Creator wants can be freed from his bondage and ascend with the spirit. The spirit is what reincarnates, not the soul.
Once this messenger (Jesus) started telling us the truth, the Creator had him murdered, and then made a martyr by implanting in us that this was the Christ, the Saviour, to get us bound to him.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
The creator did NOT send a Christ to us .. our Christ is a consciousness .. """"A Thought"""", as many evolved people in our past tried to tell us, but we refused to listen and called them a madman .. such as Manson.
In trying to get our souls to listen, to convince us of this truth .. the Almighty (absolute power), brought to us through means of astrology, so that our spirits can comprehend that our engergy, our traits and characteristics of our "spirit" coincide with the cosmos, with planet placements.
The Creator would have us believe in faith only, to put us in bondage, yet, our intelligence tells us that science is right .. and this was planted within us through means of astrology because our brains don't have the capacity (yet) to understand that power it contains.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"""""" A thought """"""""
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
"No, that's not what I mean. I'm saying that there is an ultimate power that presides over the cosmos .. "
I can agree with that if you can explain the parameters or functionalities of this power
"our spirits incarnate into souls who are born on all planets."
Whats spirit and soul? can you try to explain it without using any words originated from religion?
"Jesus was a messenger sent from the Universe to tell us the truth."
and that truth was - "if anyone dare to speak the truth, prepare to get murdered by the retarded society."... as far as i can say, no one can tell you a truth, you wont understand will have to find out by yourself bcoz your brain wont accept any other form of explanation due to its unique coding. others can only make you believe not convince.
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Nov 08, 2006Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
Never denying a religious or metaphysical connection at all, but scientifically speaking, TL ..Your 'spirit' & 'soul are energies .. *a person's aura for instance exists and emanates 24/7, and can actually been seen and monitored by special scopes and computer science software now.. *much like an MRI .. *however science and religion don't have to separate from each other. The Big Bang could have happened, but how life/humankind actually came about on this planet could be something different or inclusive..
*A Ying Yang/balance kind of thing..
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
"but scientifically speaking, TL ..Your 'spirit' & 'soul are energies"
I can agree with the energy part. But how u think this energy interferes with your thoughts? by increasing ur heartbeat? or by making your brain work in a different way? When they use an MRI or Kirlian photography, which part of a human body has more energy fields??? Heart or brain?
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
The spirit is a seperate energy that exists within the body and is not connected as far as operating body parts .. brain/heart.
Chakras are our batteries, they provide the juice for the brain's electrical impulses .. all energy within the body originates at the base/root and moves upwards to the crown, working in unison with each other.
There is no interference of thoughts with spirit .. they aren't the same thing, nor do they fight for or against each other .. there a different consciousness, awareness .. like two people existing within one body.