self centered or just attention wh*res?..

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by JuiCy* on Thursday, April 19, 2007 and has 23 replies.
What signs would you say, are more self centered rather then aggressive attention seekers..
Hmmmm... That is rather hard. I don't necessarily think that any signs fit that to a 'T', as most are far more complex than that would give them credit for.
Example, Gemini... Superficially, you could probably say they fit the most (having a center level of innocence that would discount thoughts of being aggressive attention seekers), but I do not think that is entirely true. While I would agree that they are not aggressive attention seekers, I would not necessarily say they're self-centered. Geminis regularly draw attention to themselves and the things in their lives. But, I believe it is just a product of their happiness and jubilance over those things combined with the innate urge to communicate that is natural to a sign ruled by Mercury. To say that is an example of their self-centered nature would be disregarding the fact that they regularly express the same happiness and jubilance and gung-ho attitude about the happenings in other people's lives as they do their own.
I think that it would be similar for the other signs, having a level of complexity that would discount such a superficial either / or...
"i think every sign is equally as self centered as the next, it's just one's definition of "self" which varies. i think things are good that way."
Ima have to go with this guy.
"What signs would you say, are more self centered rather then aggressive attention seekers.."
The 'Speed Limit Signs'..Dude, you HAVE to pay attention to them ALL the time.
"i think every sign is equally as self centered as the next, "
Yup. Some are just more overt about it than others.
Aggressive attention seekers would be
Gemini - intermediate
Scorpio - subtle
Obviously there is a centrist attention seeking bias with attention seekers.
Modest self centered signs would be rather sedate signs like Capricorn and Taurus.
Oh! hi JuiCeee you scrumptuous edible munchkin.
tha-haaaaaank you. FINALLY someone verbalizes that there is a difference.
most self-centered sign, hands down goes to taurus.
don't get me wrong, they try...but in the end, it's all about them.
hahahaah hello fierce baby, are you being a good boy =)..WHEEL HOMIES WHATS UP SISTAAAAAHHHH!.....

down to business...
Most self centered/ or being all about them.. Taurus/Scorpio/Aquarius
aggressive attention hoochies..
Gemini(we just steal it) =] Aries,Leo.
in my experience!
for both in my experience of courseWinking
seeking attention dosen't build confidence; it's a circle you're trapped in and you're too damned afraid to break it. It's all to inflate a weak ego, and hide insecurities.....what concerns me most about this is how far is someone willing to go to get that attention? To what ends will the go just to prove to others to ultimately prove to themselves they're not weak/worthless? With all my Virgoan tongue I don't think I could ever be as hard on anyone as they are on themselves.
lol hahahahhaha I'm Celf-Centered! lol BUT a little Narcissim goes a long way....alot....well, a broken nose to match your broken heart/
Geminis are split persons and so are a 'balance' of both. They also draw 'attention' because they are healers. Now of course that I wouldn't base on element, because Leo is known for getting the attention and loving it, while Aries is more self centered. Taurus is pretty independent so they don't even seem like they care for attention, include that and they would definitely lean towards self centered, you would think independence would count Virgo in too, but from personal experience and what people say they like to flirt, and from some close friends' experience they -can- have vanity problems and that would all be enjoyment of attention. Otherwise I would think Pisces - self, Scorpio - both/either or self, Libra - lightly both, Sagittarius - either... Some of them are harder.
I am more self centered and agree with VIRGOEXALTED because Leo loves attention and is insecure and sensitive. Many people seem to think they're azzholes because of arrogance, though, and that means they can be fooled by outward appearance because I think they're just fine.
Virgo is independent; however a little flirtin on the side is fun! I have an almost EXCESSIVE amount of confidence, and it's overbearing at times, but I usually don't care to go out of my way to seek attention; which is why I said I'm self-centered; not attenction seeking....I'm not COMPULSED to fill myself with external validation, so there's really no NEED to feel as if I have to get someone else's attention; I've got my own, besides, I'm plenty magnetic; hey someones there and they actually care to hear me rant about myself, then fine; but they can always walk away; I won't be bothered by it. it gets annoying hearing someone talk about themselves all the time.
'The Celestine Prophecy' says every war that has ever happened in the world has been a competition for attetion, because 'where attention flows, energy goes.' If you dominate someone they are fearing or focusing on you which gives you energy and power. So sexism is easily related, many other wars are for dominance like racism, etc... It can be accepted as a fact.
I am a perfectly fine listener, but not for extended periods of time. I really like Virgos even though my sister Virgoan fights plenty, I like their modesty and the way they're neat...
Aries, Leo
Different modes of "self centeredness" and for different reasons. It is said that Cancers are- because we are always looking out for "#1" in order to guard ourselves.
Leos- vain self, pride
Libra's- totally and constantly needing approval, generous with material stuff, but always seeking approval.
My son is a Sag. and its all about him 90% of the time. Attention seeker and all dramatic to the core. Drives me up the wall.
Aries are self centered.
Leos are both....its so deep how they can be so shallow....
oh, yes, my boy. Sag. sun, Libra moon, Aries rising. Triple whammy for me me me me me. Recently I had to move. asked him to help, told him dont ask me to play when we get home- you gotta help out some. guess what the first question was when we got home? Can I go play. AAAHGJHAJHAKOEUROE Ndfgjrumo
Leo's dont ask for attention they demand it- not necessarily verbally either. Aries is supposed to be self centered in consideration that they are the "babies" of the zodiac. it starts with them and ends at Pisces. I never really knew a Pisces that was self centered tho.
Cancers, well, yes, we want sympathy and to be cared for. no doubt. that can seem self centered, maybe, attention seeking- only momentarily until our wounds are healed and then we're fine and go on our merry way. I didnt ask to be born in july I just was.