Siblings Season

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by DwellingOnMove on Monday, January 19, 2015 and has 22 replies.
These are aspects that I see between us whenever we see us:
the union is unstable ... there will inevitably be Division...

... frequent disputes, as they may find it difficult to speak calmly. They might too frequently adopt an aggressive, defensive, or offensive stance with one another. Conflict is caused if they both want to dominate the other, and if they do not consciously attempt to relate on the basis of mutual understanding. One may lay down the law, give orders, and makes decisions and the other may be an independent type, who cannot stand being limited, taking orders...
... frequently are impatient with each other... disputes and frequent tension.

A tendency to want to direct the partner's thoughts and ideas. Reading too much into what is said and what is not said. The Mercury person (DwellingOnMove) may not feel free to express his or her ideas, and can feel stifled intellectually by the Pluto person (sister).

Square Saturn - Neptune : Unlucky union.

... very challenging for such a union to be happy, but if it progresses, it could easily become unbearable! Both parties must be committed to happiness in order for this to work.

A life together that can be very challenging at times on an intellectual level. Intellectual misunderstandings, diametrically opposed tastes, different ideas.

Unfavorable union, the relationship will be difficult and sometimes destructive. To be avoided.

Challenging in terms of perspectives. There can be distinct times when they argue about restrictions on freedom.
Here the positive aspects:
There is an ability to bring imagination and fantasy successfully to the relationship. While interactions can be hard to define at times, you help refine one another's outlook. There is an element of mystery that attracts you to one another. Some laziness might be stimulated between you, however.

Favorable union. Neptune brings dreams to Saturn, who lacks them, and Saturn brings common sense to Neptune, who is totally without it.
I can't stand my sister any more. At the same time I'm afraid to be the bad guy. and let her suffer (moon in cancer).
what should I do if she does not give up on me?
she is enervating. well, to me...
You're lucky.
My Scorpio sister is committed/asylum.
I miss her, worry about her.
Posted by VenusAquarius
You're lucky.
My Scorpio sister is committed/asylum.
I miss her, worry about her.

Wish you both a next come-together.

In my case not even "romanticizing from a distance" happens. maybe steamrolled with in-person experiences?
Since today we have the transitting Pluto (Cap) in square to transitting NN (Libra) , I granted more thoughts on Pluto aspects.
1. It seems tPluto/Cap has been activating my feeling of power due to trine to MC/Virgo.
So I'm trying to find more sense and inspect my life.
At the same time my sister and friends want to do the normal life thing.
That bothers me and I keep distance. They worry and want to penetrate.
2. My own damn natal Mercury square Pluto. (also Merc-sq-Uran). CA says I'm incisive (a bastard) when somebody is around me.
3. My sister is the Pluto person: Sun/Merc/Uranus conj. Pluto + Mars/Nept sxtl Pluto.
4. Her Saturn opposes my Pluto, her Pluto squares my Mercury.

All in all it seems as I got the power and started avoiding Pluto people in my life. E.g. my sis, my scorp-ex, workplaces, etc.
"... Cap has been activating my ... MC/Virgo."
And my natal Pluto in Virgo.
i think u don't need to do synastry with each other just look at your 3rd house.

My 3rd house hosts her Saturn/12R and my Chiron/9?? (Pisces).
thank you, btw.
Posted by VenusAquarius
You're lucky.
My Scorpio sister is committed/asylum.
I miss her, worry about her.

i'm sorry to hear about your sister, VA. Sad
Posted by VenusAquarius
My sister is a Pluto person.

May I call you lucky cause of the distance between you both? Or did you have a perfect relationship? do you know anything about your 3rd house interferring with her planets?
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by VenusAquarius
You're lucky.
My Scorpio sister is committed/asylum.
I miss her, worry about her.

i'm sorry to hear about your sister, VA. Sad

click to expand

I may have missed something here. My English is not that good. What does committed/asylum say? Something like this?
(I feel to be so arrogant for talking in English with little knowledge. I thought her sister is asylum seeker abroad and also married)
@VenusAquarius, please forgive me for being insenstive. I got this lesson and will be cautious from now on.
Posted by DwellingOnMove
Posted by VenusAquarius
You're lucky.
My Scorpio sister is committed/asylum.
I miss her, worry about her.

Wish you both a next come-together.

In my case not even "romanticizing from a distance" happens. maybe steamrolled with in-person experiences?
click to expand

Your response, the response above, in its entirety.... was accurate and appropriate.
I wanted you to know I understand your feelings and difficulties.
My sister was/is very difficult to deal with - as an individual and in this situation. I "managed" her for many years knowing that she was eventually going to reach the stage of full mental illness (w/o addressing the issue directly)... simply and patiently "cleaning up behind her; "standing watch;" and, willingly standing strong in full anticipation and receipt her abuse.
Every relationship is a test of our personal strength, fortitude, and spirituality. If we are strong (mentally, physically, emotionally), we should care for the weak.
Our first "test" is family. If passed, romantic love is a fruit filled garden.
I wish you strength and a fruitful garden.
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by VenusAquarius
You're lucky.
My Scorpio sister is committed/asylum.
I miss her, worry about her.

i'm sorry to hear about your sister, VA. Sad

click to expand

My brothers and I are afraid that she will beg us to take her with us, when we visit.
Can I be her guardian yet again? Am I able? If not now, when? When it comes to responsibilities, my cup has always runneth over (Cap Asc.)
"My brothers and I are afraid that she will beg us to take her with us, "
as you said I am lucky. My sister played my game with me. So no big pressure or drama. no, nothing.
She did behave 85% optimal.
she was in my city for about 8 days (as far as I know)
she did not write email or short message. did not call me. But she talked on my voice mail only once.
Also she let a friend call me. That friend did not say that he does it for her. But I assumed it.
In multiple opportunities before her trip and while it I let her (via this friend and my father) know that I prefer to continue the loner life episode. that people need not to worry about me. that I'll talk to them in a few weeks, months or years. they should simply wait. That worked.
It would be nice if she could take the same time to herself.
Posted by VenusAquarius
Posted by DwellingOnMove
Posted by VenusAquarius

... steamrolled with in-person experiences?

... I wanted you to know I understand your feelings and difficulties.
... willingly standing strong in full anticipation and receipt her abuse.
Every relationship is a test of our personal strength, fortitude, and spirituality. If we are strong (mentally, physically, emotionally), we should care for the weak.
Our first "test" is family. If passed, romantic love is a fruit filled garden.
click to expand

When I was 17 I went through a hard time when my family needed me. I did function very good at that stage. Also generally from my own life I know I am strong. My only problem has been that I saw little sense in carrying burden for other people. I saw I could help OR let them handle it by themselves.
I understand. I let go easily, sometimes fond memories, often bittersweet, sometimes nothing at all. I often feel the ability is strength, wonder in its perversity. Doing all I can before the end.
I was given this meditation: "Your responsibility for the world begins and ends with yourself."
btw I hope I did not create the impression that I was promoting a better approach.
it was more kind of analysing myself.
even i went so far that i was about to quote Nitsche.. but it i suppressed that idea. out of fear to be asked how is that compatible with charity work I've done.
Two of my favorites for you...
???The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.????
"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.????
????Friedrich Nietzsche
Posted by VenusAquarius
... no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.????...

a precious gift from you. thank you sooo much.
Posted by DwellingOnMove
... My sister played my game with me. So no big pressure or drama. no, nothing.
She did behave 85% optimal.
she was in my city for about 8 days (as far as I know)

Don't count your chickens before they're hatched.
She did write me an email asking me for snow boots. She wants to go with Aqua brain on a buddhist's camp. This virgo girl must actually be on her application tour for a new job.
My sister is always collecting more and more options instead of consolidation, decision and follow through. What angers me is that sometimes she can really do all that stuff. The other times she is full of rage why they did not finish successfully. Or she asks me for completion. There's actually a book she is writing and she wanted me to do the revision.
Life is so boring and predictable at times.