Posted by DonJohnson
ur site is down.
Posted by DonJohnson
The only argument I can see made for this is that Taurus being the new Aries makes total sense.
Aries to me always seemed whiny without the real life over-representation of alpha males to make up for it.
Taurus men are the alpha males of the zodiac. Gentleman, who never backs down that can lead a group of men to death with their conviction.
Posted by siderealist
Hi everybody
I am a Sidereal/13 sign astrologer. Sometimes I feel like the ONLY one???but there ARE quite a few of us, and we have the backing of science, astronomy and math???and the real design of astrology, to verify what we say. Sidereal isn't just a version of astrology, as if you have a choice???Sidereal is astrology the ONLY way both modern astronomers and ancient star gazers would both agree on???the way the heavens ARE. The so-called astrology of today, tropical astrology is pure fabrication and fetish.
The Sun, Moon, and planets are nowhere near where they say they are. They are making up their horoscopes like they were pulling them right out of their butts. There is NO BASIS in the real universe or in the rational mind to entertain such a fiasco, but stasis being what it is, there you are.
If you are just starting astrology, or are, as MOST people are, dissatisfied with astrology???because it doesn't work???then you should check out what the stars REALLY have to say about you, according to a system that reflects their TRUE positions. How can it be any clearer???but you know people only hear what they understand.
Sidereal isn't so difficult to understand. The precession of the equinoxes, a slight 1 degree variation per 75 years in the Earth's rotation, has caused, since the Romans made astrology the way it's used today, a 27 degree mistake in all astrology horoscopes. It's comical if it weren't so prevalent. It's just bad arithmetic. No wonder astrology ends up on the funny pages.
If I seem a bit defensive, you have to realize that people can be told where the water is, but still die of thirst, although I don't know why. The resistance to the idea of looking at the skies???just LOOKING at the skies, is ridiculous!
So, if you want to look UP???see that sidereal astrology is correct, and the astrologer using the tropical system doesn't know what time of month it is!
Or, you could go to my website with all the info about sidereal 13-sign astrology, and who it works???and works.
your =welcome
Posted by PurrHisss
According to my sidereal chart, I still have all the same aspects, and am still Cancer dominant. Gemini Sun, Cap Moon and Leo rising doesn't feel right at all, but I've always found my aspect descriptions MUCH more accurate than my placement descriptions, anyway.
I don't have a problem with either system as long as I can keep my aspects.
Posted by DonJohnsonPosted by DMVPosted by DonJohnson
The only argument I can see made for this is that Taurus being the new Aries makes total sense.
Aries to me always seemed whiny without the real life over-representation of alpha males to make up for it.
Taurus men are the alpha males of the zodiac. Gentleman, who never backs down that can lead a group of men to death with their conviction.
Tauri males enjoy cross dressing.
there's no proof of that.
Eddie Murphy sure loves to dress up as women and he solicits trannys. he's an to expand
Posted by TheMoodyVulcan
I think that anyone who has known me for more than five minutes would laugh at the "fact" that I'm a Leo.
On paper maybe. In practice, not so much.
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