Sidereal, 13 sign astrology

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by siderealist on Tuesday, May 14, 2013 and has 19 replies.
Hi everybody
I am a Sidereal/13 sign astrologer. Sometimes I feel like the ONLY one???but there ARE quite a few of us, and we have the backing of science, astronomy and math???and the real design of astrology, to verify what we say. Sidereal isn't just a version of astrology, as if you have a choice???Sidereal is astrology the ONLY way both modern astronomers and ancient star gazers would both agree on???the way the heavens ARE. The so-called astrology of today, tropical astrology is pure fabrication and fetish.
The Sun, Moon, and planets are nowhere near where they say they are. They are making up their horoscopes like they were pulling them right out of their butts. There is NO BASIS in the real universe or in the rational mind to entertain such a fiasco, but stasis being what it is, there you are.
If you are just starting astrology, or are, as MOST people are, dissatisfied with astrology???because it doesn't work???then you should check out what the stars REALLY have to say about you, according to a system that reflects their TRUE positions. How can it be any clearer???but you know people only hear what they understand.
Sidereal isn't so difficult to understand. The precession of the equinoxes, a slight 1 degree variation per 75 years in the Earth's rotation, has caused, since the Romans made astrology the way it's used today, a 27 degree mistake in all astrology horoscopes. It's comical if it weren't so prevalent. It's just bad arithmetic. No wonder astrology ends up on the funny pages.
If I seem a bit defensive, you have to realize that people can be told where the water is, but still die of thirst, although I don't know why. The resistance to the idea of looking at the skies???just LOOKING at the skies, is ridiculous!
So, if you want to look UP???see that sidereal astrology is correct, and the astrologer using the tropical system doesn't know what time of month it is!
Or, you could go to my website with all the info about sidereal 13-sign astrology, and who it works???and works.
your =welcome
Oops, forget the website,, if you're curious about how real astrology works.
good question
Actually, astrology isn't and wasn't designed to be subjective. This argument is made by astrologers to cover up their error???"I meant to do that".
The archetypes are actually based on what is probably the most ambitious sociological study ever attempted. Can we link behavior with the stars? If you believe that yes, the stars influence us, the next step is how? That is where the science???the objective reality comes in.
Astrology is an interesting type of science, like sociology, but just because it has to do with human nature, doesn't make it esoteric, just complicated. And, just because it is dealing with perception???then you still need a sturdy framework???a system of data collection that works. To collect the data, you want to be able to understand it. Why would you say that arithmetic was arbitrary in a sociological model or construct?
Secondly???your acknowledgement that the numbers are wrong???as if you see merit in somehow the ACCIDENT of some relevant information. The twist of: it's may ball, and I can play whatever game I want. Well, yes, by all means use this picture map of the heavens???as if it were based on some divination or even sychronicity! But, alas, it is really just a mistake. Mistake, error, lame-out. They used to have people???still do, who meditate on their navels???then, really, astrology isn't for them, since it's the study of the stars.
The Russians had the Noodniks, who refused to accept the Gregorian calendar???in fact, rioted, thinking the Pope was trying to rob them of 11 days.
Hey, I'm not mad that you'd rather keep your system, no matter how flawed. Very loyal. I'm sure the flat-earth people will understand where you are coming from.
Thanks for asking,
http://www.siderealist,com is my website, sorry for the typo
Hey I hear what you're saying but you're wrong and I'm right but you're a good guy.
So really what is your purpose here? Are you actually here to contribute to our crazy or are you just here to say HEY MY style IS BETTER THAN YOURS.
Posted by DonJohnson
ur site is down.

+ yea what the hell, i was curious and had to check...stop advertising this shit and get your site fixed so we can check it out
Sorry, but the 12-base calendar is not better, just different, it's just dividing the arc into different segments of 30 degrees, instead of 28 degrees. Tropical astrology is fixed to earth's seasons, which change 1 degree every 72 years. So the lunar calendar is actually correct???the original 28-day calendar is better. What you THINK is a better system is actually the Roman system???based on Ptolemy's theory that the earth was the center of the universe. This system is so out of date you gain a whole sign. We have to go BACK to the original system of the 13-sign, sidereal astrology in order to make it work again. Science and astronomy have never changed???astrology must conform to reality of our universe!
Just pretty much summarising his long paragraphs Tongue
I really want to find out why! It's like someone who loves RnB and only RnB walking into a death metal community and start spouting stuff about how it's superior. What do you expect? smh. The majority of us here have probably at one stage considered all the different systems and have chosen the tropical to best suit us so what is the point of creating disturbance sheesh.
Just post interesting stuff like you did in the other thread rather than saying shit like your system is flawed mine's better.
Posted by DonJohnson
The only argument I can see made for this is that Taurus being the new Aries makes total sense.
Aries to me always seemed whiny without the real life over-representation of alpha males to make up for it.
Taurus men are the alpha males of the zodiac. Gentleman, who never backs down that can lead a group of men to death with their conviction.

Tauri males enjoy cross dressing.
Posted by siderealist
Hi everybody
I am a Sidereal/13 sign astrologer. Sometimes I feel like the ONLY one???but there ARE quite a few of us, and we have the backing of science, astronomy and math???and the real design of astrology, to verify what we say. Sidereal isn't just a version of astrology, as if you have a choice???Sidereal is astrology the ONLY way both modern astronomers and ancient star gazers would both agree on???the way the heavens ARE. The so-called astrology of today, tropical astrology is pure fabrication and fetish.
The Sun, Moon, and planets are nowhere near where they say they are. They are making up their horoscopes like they were pulling them right out of their butts. There is NO BASIS in the real universe or in the rational mind to entertain such a fiasco, but stasis being what it is, there you are.
If you are just starting astrology, or are, as MOST people are, dissatisfied with astrology???because it doesn't work???then you should check out what the stars REALLY have to say about you, according to a system that reflects their TRUE positions. How can it be any clearer???but you know people only hear what they understand.
Sidereal isn't so difficult to understand. The precession of the equinoxes, a slight 1 degree variation per 75 years in the Earth's rotation, has caused, since the Romans made astrology the way it's used today, a 27 degree mistake in all astrology horoscopes. It's comical if it weren't so prevalent. It's just bad arithmetic. No wonder astrology ends up on the funny pages.
If I seem a bit defensive, you have to realize that people can be told where the water is, but still die of thirst, although I don't know why. The resistance to the idea of looking at the skies???just LOOKING at the skies, is ridiculous!
So, if you want to look UP???see that sidereal astrology is correct, and the astrologer using the tropical system doesn't know what time of month it is!
Or, you could go to my website with all the info about sidereal 13-sign astrology, and who it works???and works.
your =welcome

Ever heard of "bees with honey"?
Posted by PurrHisss
According to my sidereal chart, I still have all the same aspects, and am still Cancer dominant. Gemini Sun, Cap Moon and Leo rising doesn't feel right at all, but I've always found my aspect descriptions MUCH more accurate than my placement descriptions, anyway.
I don't have a problem with either system as long as I can keep my aspects. Tongue

haha I find it very interesting because under the system it completely changes for me. Aquarius becomes my dominant followed by scorpio and I change from a very water chart to air/fire, sort of the switcharoo there.
Posted by DonJohnson
Posted by DMV
Posted by DonJohnson
The only argument I can see made for this is that Taurus being the new Aries makes total sense.
Aries to me always seemed whiny without the real life over-representation of alpha males to make up for it.
Taurus men are the alpha males of the zodiac. Gentleman, who never backs down that can lead a group of men to death with their conviction.

Tauri males enjoy cross dressing.

there's no proof of that.
Eddie Murphy sure loves to dress up as women and he solicits trannys. he's an Aries.
click to expand

Oh, I gots proof. They also enjoy the taste of sperm. Very out there.
Posted by TheMoodyVulcan
I think that anyone who has known me for more than five minutes would laugh at the "fact" that I'm a Leo.
On paper maybe. In practice, not so much.

Exactly-- and thank you.
I have none of the characteristics typically associated with a Cancer.
Not buying it.

Tropical astrology isn't a life style choice, or a belief system, or a musical taste. IT'S WRONG. Tropical isn't ANYTHING except wrong. I'm just trying to tell you guys this simple fact.
My website is, sorry for the typos.
I dunno, it just came out in bold. Lol.
I found it comical that you said it was fake. I can hide it. Lol
Leo sun
cancer moon
virgo merc R
leo venus R
cancer mars
scorp rising

^^^ummm yeah thats wayyy to much water for me...thank but no
Everyone is so freaked out with HOW I am saying what I am saying not WHAT. I'm not tripping, it took me 10 years to understand the issues involved with sidereal/tropical astrology. I'm not surprised that people can't take it all in. I guess we'll have to wait until people you trust will you the same thing I am saying.

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