signs of your parents

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by aviaphoenix on Sunday, December 10, 2006 and has 16 replies.
what combination of parent signs did you grow up with? how did this work for you?
Mum = Leo + Dad = pisces
IT RUMBLES.. but they get along in the end and I really do think they need each other somehow smile A lot of ups and down. Leo-mum roars frequently when things don't go her way..
Mom(Taurus) + dad(virgo)= me (Virgo), sister (Virgo), Brother(sag)
Overall: Weird
Mom aquarius Dad Leo..... alot of screaming matches... i will say that lol
Leo father + Virgo mother = 13 in one household..
If only they didn't f*ck the way they did. *shakes head*

Father (Aquarius) very hard man but succefull + Mother (Capricorn) loving caring and likes reading psychology = me (Scorpio) +my elder sister (Taurus) +my younger sister (Aqua).
So a lot of fight with my elder sister and good communating with mother.
Mom is Aries, Dad is Leo...married for 45 years, so they're doing something right!
My Dad is a Taurus and Mum is a Cancer. Seriosuly this is a match made in heaven, even after 30years of marriage and their ups and downs they are still very much in love. They still even go on dates! They compliment each other so well and im lucky to have this combo as parents cos they are so devoted to each other and to me and my siblings. In my opinion this must be one of the best combinations for raising a family
Mom-Aquarius Dad-Leo
Need I say more...
"Father (Aquarius) + Mother (Cancer)= Waste of time"
-oh no!!! not good...
Dad Scorpio + Mom Cancer = married for oever 30 years now, raised 4 adult children and are still happily married...
Me aquarius... so fights with my father ALOT
Sister Cancer... fought with mom but they talk every day
Sister Scorpio... fought with mom alot as a teen but she's self sufficient and beautifil
Brother Scorpio... fought with dad alot as a teenager but he's very self suffiecient (if only the crazy girls would leave him alone before I have to murder then... perhaps i can be friends with a guy because of my brother... in high school he had a girl carted off to prison because he said no to a date and she threatened to blow the school up so he couldn't go with anyone... before you laugh seriously, the police filled us in on the story).
"but they don't quite understand how her mind works lol"

LOL!!! one will never understand how the mind of an aqua works Winking
mom-pisces and dad-sag...GREAT as friends, not so great as lovers...
My dad is Cancer, my mom is Capricorn...good combination !!! My dad is very funny and sweet...on the other hand my mom is pretty serious and care about money which is very important for Cap !!!!
me & my sis' are both TAURUS !!!!'s not easy....we're both freakin' stubborn !!!!
Overall is good so far !!!!!
Dad: Libra
Mom: Sagitarius
My dad's a douche, but my mom was cool.
my step mom is a cancer and my father an aquarius as well.
their relationship is interesting to say the very least.
imo, they no longer know the difference between love and habit, love and self-imposed dependency, love and choice, or love and conditioned life style .
but it is their choice none the less and they seem to believe in their happiness which is good enough.