Signs that talk too much.

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Easha23000us on Friday, February 7, 2014 and has 41 replies.
People say that it's Geminis, But I see that Cancers, Tauruses,and Libras, take the cake.
I would look at mercury. Everyone I know with a Gemini mercury talks a lot. But they're entertaining and can easily flit from one subject to the next.
Yeah, Sags tell, long stories and go into too much fluffy detail.
*says a cap mercury*
gemini anything does not shut up.
air mercs.
I think this thread's true title is "Which Sign is Gullible and Gets Their Panties in a Wad Real Fast"Laughing
Libra hands down. Im a Gem sun/mercury and they out talk me.
All the Mutables plus Leo and Aries.
Posted by Xin
Libra hands down. Im a Gem sun/mercury and they out talk me.

Depends, my Libra niece has a Gem moon/Sag rising and talks all the damn time about boys.
My Libra sister has a Taurus moon and is pretty quiet.
Cancer Gemini Aqua
Taurus women never stop talking, and they usually aren't the sharpest crayons in the box which makes it even worse
Posted by PVAF
Posted by LovesickCancer
I think Gemini's can't handle silence so yeah they can talk.
Scorpio's can drag a 20 second story into 30 minutes.
Capricorn will ask you, "so what's up with you", before you can answer they'll be "anyway, I was thinking doing this, etc."
Sagitarians will run up your phone bill something ridiculous, but don't talk much face to face.
Taurus can't talk serious talks seriously.
Pisces needs you to look directly at them when they're talking and will stop if you turn away.
Cancer will sit there listening, nodding, being very polite but thinking "oh god, please just shut up", be so worn out that when it's their turn to talk, they're just like "oh, fuck it"!
My observations.

LMAO!! You nailed it.
click to expand

This is true, especially Pisces if u look away, ill stop talking
Posted by LovesickCancer
Pisces needs you to look directly at them when they're talking and will stop if you turn away.

I'm like that.
Big Grin
Just wait and see Big Grin
Geminis are great for talking to when u want to talk??_..but when they want to talk watch out??_ I'm not a big fan of talking for the sake of talking?? mum and dad are gemini's and they have a habit of calling my name all the time from the other side of the house??_.and half the time its for no reason but to just get me up and come to them so they can say "hi" or just to ask me "what are you doing"???_. it pushes my buttons in a bad way??_.these days I just reply by yelling "WHAT"!? and they don't reply and wait for a few minutes and they call my name again??_..its weird that both my parents do this and have been divorced since I was 6??_.My name is like a precious resource to me.
Librans are good for a yarn and a debate and I'm up for it but can be irrational and fixated in my experience??_.its then that they won't shut up to prove their non existent point.
Sags??_I find that they talk too much when they're gossiping about other people or over exaggerating stories at which point I tune out.
Leo's talk to much when its about themselves??_..I used to date one and I've had to sit through his self indulgent moments and have nearly died from internal organ failure trying to process his bullshit??_..again some of them talk for the sake of talking especially when they're not getting enough attention
gemini sun
gemini merc

(and I'm both gemini sun & gemini merc lol)
(but then I really did not talk much in this response, did I? lol)
Sometimes I wish everyone would just STFU
I say Gemini
it's a tie between gemini (can't shut up) and aquarius (nagging/know-it-all)
oh and let's add libra while we're at it (the REAL know-it-all)
Posted by The_eleventh_sign_11
Geminis are great for talking to when u want to talk??_..but when they want to talk watch out??_ I'm not a big fan of talking for the sake of talking?? mum and dad are gemini's and they have a habit of calling my name all the time from the other side of the house??_.and half the time its for no reason but to just get me up and come to them so they can say "hi" or just to ask me "what are you doing"???_. it pushes my buttons in a bad way??_.these days I just reply by yelling "WHAT"!? and they don't reply and wait for a few minutes and they call my name again??_..its weird that both my parents do this and have been divorced since I was 6??_.My name is like a precious resource to me.
Librans are good for a yarn and a debate and I'm up for it but can be irrational and fixated in my experience??_.its then that they won't shut up to prove their non existent point.
Sags??_I find that they talk too much when they're gossiping about other people or over exaggerating stories at which point I tune out.
Leo's talk to much when its about themselves??_..I used to date one and I've had to sit through his self indulgent moments and have nearly died from internal organ failure trying to process his bullshit??_..again some of them talk for the sake of talking especially when they're not getting enough attention

Aries, sagittarius & all the air signs in my experience. I know I sometimes talk a lot to the point where I want to gag myself. But, the signs I mentioned just overwhelm me in the talking department...I pretend to be listening most of the time & only pay attention when things are really interesting.
Pisces are an interesting bunch, most of the ones I know barely talk, they just LOVE to laugh a lot. They remind me of the hyenas from the lion king. LOL! Nyehehehe, nyehehehe, nyehehehe< Pisces in 3 words.
Why do Sagittarius people lie so much? When I was younger, I remember one morning my aunt came to visit our new home for the 1st time. She got lost & had to walk a distance. When she finally arrived, she said something about being chased by a snake. Some time in my teens I saw a documentary on snakes & the narrator mentioned that snakes are as fearful of people as we are of them. So my aunt usual. Unless she made rat noise as she walked, there's no way that that snake chased her. Too much imagination, mesay.
This sag girl I was friends with a few years ago was involved in a minor car accident & got hurt in the leg. But the way she described it! OMG. The image was straight out of a kung-fu movie. It involved flying & turning in the air. Either she is a kung-fu superstar or is helium baloon. LOL! Again, LIES Big Grin
I know a bunch of Sags who drive me INSANE because they won't get to the fucking point!!!!
They seem to really love doing this when I need answers ASAP, like if we need to leave right now.
Smh smh smh!
I just want to snap my fingers in their face rapidly when they're rambling away.

Not all Sags do this, but everyone I know like this is a Sag. I still love em tho. Tongue
Posted by Theatrum
air mercs.

This. Mine is in the 3rd house.
Nobody out talks a true gemini....and that's the way it should be, damn it! You cats are verbal maestros who can talk an Eskimo into buying ice. Cancers are moody, which means we turn quiet even morose on like a water faucet. Taureans don't have the patience to keep up with a gemini.
PS: My ex is a Gemini and he did most of the talking in the relationship. Not that I couldn't talk but that man couldn't shut up! I didn't mind it. That's a gemi for you and he pulled me out of many a mood with his inspired "jibber jabber." For reals. You cats are the Rolls Royce fast talkers and should owe that with PRIDE.
the annoying ass twins
Cancers (specifically Cancer Mercuries) talk a SHIT ton! But the thing is, they're not like that with just anyone.. It's like they save it all up for the people they feel "comfortable" with. But once that level is reached, they never shut the fuck up.
Gemini and Leo (specifically Mercs) talk a lot too, but they talk to just about anyone and don't require responses or dialogue. So they're usually less exhausting cause you don't really have to listen like you do with a Cancer.
Add Libras to my Gemini and Leo analysis.
I have an earth merc. Singularity Sun and all that. so i lack air in my chart.
but there's some nights when my husband wants peace and quiet..... where he wants to listen to the crickets chirp. just laying snuggly together kind of thing you know.
then i wanna chatter. Because i got inspired by something...
"hey you know what?"
"chitter chatter chitter chatter...chirp chirp"
"shush now. Sleep."
"repeat chatter chitter chatter chirp chirp"
"Wha - snore."
"repeat chatter chit chit chatter chitty bang bang"
ive yet to meet a sag who enjoys talking on the phone. UNLESS they have aqua personal planets.
talk about a run-on sentence
Posted by Easha23000us
People say that it's Geminis, But I see that Cancers, Tauruses,and Libras, take the cake.

hmmm I agree about the Libras, not so much Taurus. You've mistaken Cancer's whining so much for talking too much! LOL!
Virgo's don't talk a lot but they take a long time saying something that could be said quicker. My mind is already on the next topic and they're still getting that one sentence out. Stop trying to impress by using words in the wrong context and just get to the point already!
Posted by Wynter
Sometimes I wish everyone would just STFU

I love typing or writing but actual talking, nope! I'd rather listen.
Capricorn, Gemini, Leo, SAGITTARIUS, sometimes Cancer.
My mom's a Capricorn, she can talk to anybody and everybody, tell them her entire life story in the span of 10 minutes. It's exasperating.
Sister is a Gemini...huge chatterbox from when she was a toddler.
I'm a Cap, but have my mercury in Sagittarius. If I'm in a chatty mood, I'll talk for hours. But if I'm not, no matter how hard anyone tries to make conversation with me, I'll shoot them down. *shrugs*
Posted by AesmaDaeva
I love typing or writing but actual talking, nope!

I love to write/type as well. I feel like I can properly convey my feelings by writing them down!

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