Posted by dolluxeThis site's amazingPosted by bricklemark
Which means active, it's direction is "outer", but at the same time it's inner, because it's feminine. It's like forcing the "other" to be agressive. Making others make you rich (like through taxes, a debt, or inheritence).
So what is the opposite? Taurus, 2nd house?...but that's a feminine sign. Aries is considered the true male.
My Venus and Mars are in the 8th house. That means what exactly?click to expand
Posted by bumboklattYes
idk about aggressive but i think its more like deep sexual energy
stuff thats tough to describe in words
not spontaneous raw sex like Aries
Posted by Arielle83I don't know. I have no planets in the 8th house either, just Lilith.
Does no planets mean asexual?
Posted by bricklemarkVenus in the 8th House indicates that the outworking of karma arising from emotional and sexual associations in other lifetimes is central to the current incarnation. This placement of Venus gives great depth to the emotions and makes a person capable of unconditional and unreciprocated love. People with Venus in H8 tend not to respond to physical attraction alone and frequently have long periods of celibacy. The attraction is to people who embody the energies their souls remember and retain a yearning for. There is no guarantee that the other party experiences the same sense of yearning or can match the intensity of the Venusian's feelings. It is the inequality of the situations which people with Venus in H8 are drawn which make them so prone to abusive treatment. Yet despite the lack of emotional reciprocity people with Venus in H8 frequently benefit from legacies.Posted by dolluxeThis site's amazingPosted by bricklemark
Which means active, it's direction is "outer", but at the same time it's inner, because it's feminine. It's like forcing the "other" to be agressive. Making others make you rich (like through taxes, a debt, or inheritence).
So what is the opposite? Taurus, 2nd house?...but that's a feminine sign. Aries is considered the true male.
My Venus and Mars are in the 8th house. That means what exactly? to expand
Posted by DamnataIt's like 8th house is the opposite of life, no matter what you do, love isn't reciprocated and you suffer abuse. But this hell makes you smarter than others and you end up benefiting financially one way or the other. That sounds like's not. ?Posted by bricklemarkVenus in the 8th House indicates that the outworking of karma arising from emotional and sexual associations in other lifetimes is central to the current incarnation. This placement of Venus gives great depth to the emotions and makes a person capable of unconditional and unreciprocated love. People with Venus in H8 tend not to respond to physical attraction alone and frequently have long periods of celibacy. The attraction is to people who embody the energies their souls remember and retain a yearning for. There is no guarantee that the other party experiences the same sense of yearning or can match the intensity of the Venusian's feelings. It is the inequality of the situations which people with Venus in H8 are drawn which make them so prone to abusive treatment. Yet despite the lack of emotional reciprocity people with Venus in H8 frequently benefit from legacies.Posted by dolluxeThis site's amazingPosted by bricklemark
Which means active, it's direction is "outer", but at the same time it's inner, because it's feminine. It's like forcing the "other" to be agressive. Making others make you rich (like through taxes, a debt, or inheritence).
So what is the opposite? Taurus, 2nd house?...but that's a feminine sign. Aries is considered the true male.
My Venus and Mars are in the 8th house. That means what exactly?
Doesn't the bolded part just sound awesome?
click to expand
Posted by hollyhockDeath and taxes, probably the state, tax collectors, they're 8th house people...or maybe 2nd house idk it's confusing. I know inheritances is 8th house so maybe the receiving end of tax also.Posted by bricklemarkhow does the 8th house person make other make them rich?
Which means active, it's direction is "outer", but at the same time it's inner, because it's feminine. It's like forcing the "other" to be agressive. Making others make you rich (like through taxes, a debt, or inheritence).
So what is the opposite? Taurus, 2nd house?...but that's a feminine sign. Aries is considered the true to expand
Posted by bricklemarkI read this description once that was really selling the erotic angle. They stopped short of "the directions to the nearest brothel are.."Posted by DamnataIt's like 8th house is the opposite of life, no matter what you do, love isn't reciprocated and you suffer abuse. But this hell makes you smarter than others and you end up benefiting financially one way or the other. That sounds like's not. ?Posted by bricklemarkVenus in the 8th House indicates that the outworking of karma arising from emotional and sexual associations in other lifetimes is central to the current incarnation. This placement of Venus gives great depth to the emotions and makes a person capable of unconditional and unreciprocated love. People with Venus in H8 tend not to respond to physical attraction alone and frequently have long periods of celibacy. The attraction is to people who embody the energies their souls remember and retain a yearning for. There is no guarantee that the other party experiences the same sense of yearning or can match the intensity of the Venusian's feelings. It is the inequality of the situations which people with Venus in H8 are drawn which make them so prone to abusive treatment. Yet despite the lack of emotional reciprocity people with Venus in H8 frequently benefit from legacies.Posted by dolluxeThis site's amazingPosted by bricklemark
Which means active, it's direction is "outer", but at the same time it's inner, because it's feminine. It's like forcing the "other" to be agressive. Making others make you rich (like through taxes, a debt, or inheritence).
So what is the opposite? Taurus, 2nd house?...but that's a feminine sign. Aries is considered the true male.
My Venus and Mars are in the 8th house. That means what exactly?
Doesn't the bolded part just sound awesome?
click to expand
Posted by bricklemark
Which means active, it's direction is "outer", but at the same time it's inner, because it's feminine. It's like forcing the "other" to be agressive. Making others make you rich (like through taxes, a debt, or inheritence).
So what is the opposite? Taurus, 2nd house?...but that's a feminine sign. Aries is considered the true male.