I'm a 26 year old female who is interested in a childhood friend. I've been crushing on him hard for as long as I can remember! I'm a Virgo, my moon is in Aquarius as well as my rising sign. Since he is unsure of his exact birth time, all I know is that he is an Aquarius with his moon POSSIBLY being in Cancer.
Like I said, we are childhood friends. He was my first kiss. it was quite obvious (or at least I thought so) that I liked him growing up. However, he was always so hard to read. Our mothers were close friends, so we spent quite a bit of time together growing up. Nothing really happened between the two of us and eventually we just stopped talking altogether (life got in the way).
A few years back and I receive a message from him on Facebook. Since then, we've been staying in touch.. Nothing constant but every so many months he would call me just to talk and occasionally send a text my way. I didn't think much of it. Over the past year, our phone calls and text messages have increased, from every couple of months to pretty much weekly now.. He's usually the one initiating contact. We have talked on the phone for hours a few times. It seems like he really enjoys talking to me. He lives a little over 30 minutes away from me, has family that lives close by and surprised me with a visit over the summer. When we talk he is always talking about wanting to see me, even said he missed me.
I recently made a trip over to see him and we spent time together. He was very sweet and affectionate. He was hugging me, kissing my cheek and forehead, playing with my hair, noticing the scars on my face and asking about them.
After I left, I didn't hear anything from him the rest of the day, I wanted to give him his space and figured he would talk to me when he was ready. He texted me the next day, it was a short conversation and didn't talk the rest of the day. Then he sent me a "good morning" text yesterday, had another short text conversation. A few hours later I decided to call him, left him a voicemail and he called back about an hour or so later. He said he had a headache, that he needed to use the restroom and would call me back, he didn't call back. Ever since I came over that day, he has been a little distant.
Sorry if this post is a little long but I'm having a difficult time figuring out how he feels. He's been very hot and cold with me, showing me interest for a few days and then disappearing for days. I have been giving him his space, letting him come to me but I feel I might be scaring him away? Maybe? I do have feelings for this guy and just need to know if this is his way of playing games with me and he's stringing me along? Is he really interested?
Signed Up:
Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
@OP-Well have you asked him what he wants right now?
Or does he have anyone else by chance?
So you are an earth with air chick..so when you like someone do you just go all in or do you take your time?
I'm pretty hesitant when it comes to relationships to be honest. I always question the ulterior motives of the person that I'm interested in. I like to observe from a distance before diving in head first and it usually takes me a long time before my heart becomes involved.
And I haven't asked him what he's looking for. In my opinion, the less pressure put on him right now the better. Not sure if there is someone else, didn't think about that.
Signed Up:
Dec 20, 2011Comments: 362 · Posts: 10167 · Topics: 100
You should try and plan more outings with him.
I personally dislike all the chit chat via phone. Rather talk in person.